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We've all had to do some Fundraising for something -- Schools, Churches, Teams -- you name it! So here are some great links for you to make some money for your Group!

<> is a great Company I've been working with for quite a while, now. They can make Custom Wristbands for any person, group, team ... whatever your needs are. Wristbands are great for Fundraising, because they are inexpensive and easy to sell (or just give them out to the members of your group...). I always believe that when you are trying to Raise Funds, the less you ask for, the more you'll get, so give these a try. <Get Your Custom Wristbands.> And if you just want the one Band, try their sister Company, . They even have some Free Wristbands, so check that out.<You Pick the Colors, Phrase / Logo, Min. 20, No Fees, In Under 10 Days>. More Personalized Products

< >Visit all your fundraising needs!>

< More Profits With Less Efforts!><More Profits with Less Effort>

OR, you can try The Buffs (like the ones on Survivor!) that I have here on My Site! (The Custom Buffs look just like the Survivor Buffs, but they would have your very own Logo on them, so if you were to order them for a School, they would come in your School Colors with Your School Logo printed right on them. Cool, eh? I have a Wholesale Buff Connection, so they have to be ordered in 300 or more. This works best for Larger Groups, or anyone who can think of 300 people who might want to buy a Custom Buff!)

Ooooh, here's something new with the Custom Buffwear. Now you can order in 'batches' of 50! Think I'm going to order some in that amount, since it's not too much money to put into them. I just need to come up with a Logo I like! Write to me if you'd like some more information about the smaller order amounts.

Custom Buffwear is great for any sort of Fundraising or just so your whole group can match!! But you might as well make some money for your Group while you all wear a Team Buff, right?? You can always take any money you make and Donate it to another Worthy Cause, if you really don't need any money for yourselves...! There's always room for Charity!

These Entertainment Books are fabulous for any Fundraiser -- everyone loves them, and you can get them for your specific Area. They are a really easy Sell, and often The Entertainment Books can be pre-sold or pre-ordered (same thing for The Buffs with your own Logo). Check it out to see if this might work for your Group!

< Save on all the things you love to do!>Hey, guess what?? I just got an email from the Entertainment Book Company to let me know their Entertainment Books are Half Off! WooHoo! I love these books! The Entertainment® Book is widely recognized as the best coupon book on the market. You can save money on hotels, restaurants, local attractions, travel, groceries and more! There are over 160 local Entertainment editions, covering every major city throughout North America. Very cool!

They make great Gifts, and as always, they're a great Fundraiser. You would need to move fairly quickly to get this Half Off Deal for a Fundraiser, but it would be well worth it, I'm sure!

< >The 2005 Entertainment Book is here! Save up to 50% on local restaurants, groceries, movie tickets and more. FREE Shipping when you buy online!<Entertainment Book>

I think one of the easiest ways to quickly Raise Funds is to have a Half & Half Draw, but for some reason these seem to be hard to 'Pass', depending on the Organization. I'm not sure why they've become so controversial, except that I suppose there's an element of 'gambling' in there, but it's tiny, tiny, compared with how much money you could quickly raise. You just need some paper or a roll of Tickets. Most people are happy to spend $2.00 or $5.00 on a Half & Half Ticket, and the whole thing can be done at the same time that any other Fundraiser is going on (like a Silent Auction or Dinner...), or you could even try running a Half & Half Draw Weekly or Monthly, until you reach your Target Goal for Your Organization.

On the off-chance that you're not familiar with the Half & Half Draw, you sell as many Tickets as you can. The Buyer gets half the ticket, the Organization keeps the other Half. When you've reached the cut-off Time or Date, you gather up all the Tickets, draw out the Winner, and they get Half of all the Money Raised, and the Organization gets the other half.

This is a great way to go if you're not sure how many Tickets you can sell. If you have a Target Amount (like, say, 1000 Tickets at $20.00 a piece, or 5 for $100.00), then you can establish Specific Amounts for a Series of Winners. That's a lot more work, though, but still well worth it. People do like to 'get something' for their money, though. That's why I like The Buffs and The Entertainment Books.

Don't forget about the Power of a Raffle,too. Remember those Cake Raffles they used to have back when we were in School?? Man, didn't you dream about winning a whole cake? Perhaps that was just me, and maybe the root of my extreme need to buy all sorts of cakes, now... but I digress! Anyway, you can Raffle off pretty much anything that holds an appeal for more than one person -- hopefully all sorts of people who would happily buy a ticket for the Raffle Draw.

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