At Home with Ailsa --
Archived Ailsa, 2010... :)
Okay, one day I will figure out how to get a new picture
on here of myself... a much slimmer, blonder Me! lol!
Until then, I have finally made it onto Facebook, and as soon as I figure out
how to set up my new Router, I will be able to 'chat' with you on Facebook --
won't that be fun? There's one lonely picture of me taken last week, when my
lovely daughter, Cara, and I went to a fantastic Sunday Brunch in Marina del
Rey, which I love (Brunch and the Marina!) Soon we'll
all be friends! Yahoo! -
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you think will enjoy My Site... don't wait 'til you're friends
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to Raise Healthy and Happy Children, the easy way! (Featuring:
to Stop the Whining! Theirs, not just
yours! lol!)
a Friend from Whining! Tell a Friend :)
Monday, January 18th, 2010. Happy
Martin Luther King Day! I hope you enjoyed a day full of freedom and acceptance
of the person you are...I was reluctant to write, today, in case I wrote what
I really see in America, specifically in Los Angeles and the rest of Southern
California... not all as good as one would like it to be, for sure. Let's just
say that America has come a long, long way toward full equality for all, but
I, as a visitor to this place, hope there is great change to come. I see racial
division where I can't understand it, segregation and self-segregation where
it shouldn't be, and I'm not sure why, except for the long-standing racial issues
in the States, and everyone still hurts from old wounds, and no wonder. I'm
not sure that time heals all wounds.. depends on how deep they are, right? I
do see tremendous hope on the playground at my son's school, where all the kids
play together, as they should. Maybe we're just one little generation away from
complete harmony... wouldn't that be great?? Maybe we could all get blue Avatar
bodies, then all be as one?? (And super tall with a tail! Which part appeals
to you the most -- being blue, or having a tail?? What? Who's the dirty one
who just wants to get a little tail?? hahaha!)
So, on a muuuch
lighter note, I just watched The Bachelor, or as I believe
it should be called, The Bachelor's B*tches... lol!
Those craaaazy girls! And I'm not kidding about the
crazy part -- they should have a sequel where we get to follow the girls through
therapy, with the girls going straight from the limo that quickly whisks the
losers away straight to the therapist's office... maybe the therapist could
be the limo driver? I don't know, I'm a little tipsy and haven't thought the
whole thing through, just yet... but I don't think the therapist HAS
to wear his speedo through the WHOLE session... that
can get soo awkward. For the Speedo. Does Bachelor
Jake have a section in his contract that requires
him to have his shirt off for minimally 30% of the show?? Yick! Aand,
I have zero access to a studio or a camera, so my
show idea is safe, for now! lol! (That's my 'Cold
Cure' that's laughing -- I'm much more difficult
to amuse than that... in fact, I hardly laughed at all through
the Bachelor B*tches comedy routines, and they were there with Jon Lovitz, who
is hiiiliarious... what's wrong with those girls??
Does desperation make you not funny?? Uh-oh! Good
thing I left desperation behind about an hour ago! I had a feeling it wasn't
doing me any good! haha!)
Here's a weird thing...
I have Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Men on DVR (I looove DVR!), which
Aidan and I really like to watch together (my little man, Aidan, my 10 year
old son, if you're new to my site, and if you are, Heelllooo!! Try
the 'Cold
Remedy' It's a Two-Drink Minimum Site -- sorry, those are the rules... my
job is just to enforce them! No, that's silly. I can't really enforce
the rules, I am really more of an 'encourager', or co-dependent...
you choose your own fancy word... and you don't have to
count your drinks -- that's totally annoying. But if you do happen
to have a spouse, and lucky you if you do, maybe they're already
doing all the counting for you -- see how helpful that is? And charming, too.
Suddenly, being Single has an upside! hahaha!) Anyway, I digress (odd for me...).
I find it bizarre that Charlie Sheen can 'allegedly' (spelling? I'm too lazy
to get out my dictionary, or check it online... really, I just make reference
to my favorite Oxford Dictionary... I'm old school like that!) hold a knife
up to his wife, the mother of his new children, on Christmas morning, and go
back on his show virtually unscathed, and Tiger Woods is held to this Gold Standard
(that's not right! I think I mean LOW Standards...
those words is soo tricky to remember!) for cheating.
Not that cheating isn't horrible -- it is, but it's not the same as physical
abuse. I was as shocked as anyone at Tiger Woods for his betrayal of his lovely
wife, and I'm not sure why they didn't just get a divorce, if he had such a
need for soo many other women (or one other woman...
you know the drill, so-to-speak). But you'd think that physical abuse, or the
threat of physical abuse, would have more serious ramifications than something
you would see on Cheaters. (Is there any way we might be able to see that on
Cheaters?? 'Cause then I would actually watch that show, fer sures. You know,
I'd like to see if Tiger Woods orders the drink, first, or does he get the girl
and then the drink? What's the order? I'm curious
where I shouldn't be, apparently! lol!)
My new 2010 calendar has
a picture of a beach on it (I love a nice beach!), but the January picture has
one set of giant footsteps walking across a beautiful beach, and every time
I look at it, it reminds me of the Footprints in the Sand poem.
Remember that? Where the person says to God, 'hey, how come you left me alone
when I needed you the most?, and God says, 'That's the time I carried you"
(God is wonderful like that...) Anyway, I feel better when I look at that picture,
and think of those words. For sure this is going to be my most difficult year,
yet, so I bought myself a little bracelet with Black Pearls (very pretty --
the pearls are really different shades of purple and green), with a little silver
bead in the middle that says 'Courage', so I figure between my favorite Jesus
bracelets, which I wear every day, my little 'Courage' bracelet, and my little
calendar picture, I can get through the tough times this year. It's funny, some
years you get to just ride out, and some years you know there has to be big
change in your life, but I'm hoping the Big Changes will lead to a better life...
always worth a shot, right? It's never too late to make a change when things
aren't going the way you need them to...I hope you have a year you can just
relax and enjoy -- man, that would be great!
Otay, I've gotta get to
bed... alone, dang it! Ah, well... at least I'm not on The Bachelor! Eeeewwww!
hahaha! Hey, wouldn't that be the perect show for Tiger Woods?? But in the end
he could get to keep them all?? And maybe they could bring their friends over,
too? hahaha! Luvs 4 U (I'm
learning text language!),
Ailsa xox!