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At Home With Ailsa - September 2005
At Home with Ailsa -- My Update Page!
Love & Laughter (or whichever one comes first... hopefully both at the same time!), Ailsa!
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Friday, September 16th, 2005. Yo! Yo, yo --, that goes from sorta cool to some slightly boring concert... anyway, welcome in. Come on in and sit down -- I've already got the Drinks poured, but I might have accidentally drank most of yours, so just swirl the ice around your glass while you wait for me to go get more Gin. Ooooh, just thought about something -- wonder if Costco in the States sells Lemon Gin by the Case?? Wouldn't that be great? Then there'd be some left over for you...! ha,ha,ha!
Oh, and speaking of things I hope to be drinking at, guess what I get to do this weekend? That's right, I have to go to a French Farce with Explicit Sexual Content, with my parents. I know. I'm sorry to make you so jealous of my incredible luck... if only you could also do something equally creepy with your own parents, I know your life would be complete. Ah, well. The only thing that's keeping me going with the thought of the beautifully subtle humor that is the essence of the French Farce is that I can write about the experience, later. We'll laugh, we'll cry (or maybe it'll just be me crying -- we'll see! ha,ha,ha!), we'll cover our heads in mortified embarassment... what an evening it'll be!
Man, I wish I had a better handle on technology (God Knows what lovely joke the French Farce Folk -- the 'FFF', I think I'll call them... in an effort to keep myself sane -- would come up with for anything that involves 'getting a handle' on anything... oh, they're witty, the French! har, har! That's French for 'ha,ha'...). And a better attitude about the French Farce! Whatevah'... I'm using The Four Agreements to make my way through this week (and then the rest of my Life, since I find it so very functional), so I'll be repeating the Four Agreements in my head most of the night...
But I digress. What I was going to tell you about was my incredible lack of ability to manage technology. Namely, the VCR. I know. It's sad. But I can't figure out how to get the tiny tape in my Digital Video Camera to get the taped piece I did for Ellen (it's me cooking -- a Cherry Cheesecake, my favorite Apple Crumble and a Peach Pie) onto a VHS tape so I can send it in, then with any luck (hopefully better luck than today...), I'll get to cook on Ellen's Show. Alls I gotta do is figure out what AUX means, and how to get that on the TV screen. Sounds easy, but for me it seems insurmountable. There, that's my 'big word for the day', right there. Insurmountable. Wonder what the French would do with that one?? ha,ha! (sob, sob...)
Hmmm. I haven't said one word about Building, yet. Because there's so much great TV on these days -- I can't help it. All the New Shows, and my favorite 'Oldies' back to start their New Seasons. The O.C., Survivor, my fave Daytime Shows (Ellen & The View). Oprah doesn't start until next week, but she had the best coverage of the tragedy in the Southern States. Man, she'd make an amazing President, wouldn't she? She's brilliant. An Kind. Good traits in a President. The job doesn't pay as much as she already makes, so maybe just a Good Will Ambassador... think of how many people would be housed, fed and educated if Oprah had a lot of power.
I think what's happening right now is more of a 'rebuilding' than just regular building, given the state of so much of America. The million or more people who were displaced from Hurricane Katrina will have to rebuild their own futures, and their own homes. What I would like to see for those folks is an opportunity to train for good jobs, so they can break the cycle of poverty, which so very many of the people were in. There's no excuse in a First World Nation for Poverty, or lack of a good education.
Too many people ( a lot of them, High School Counsellors, but that's starting to get better..) have a focus only on 'The Professions', and if a kid going through school doesn't go to College, for whatever reason, they think that's the only path for them. Crazy. We need to make sure more men and women (especially in the Teen Years) are familiar with the Trades, and all the opportunities that can come with a viable Skill. Like a Job. And get the word out that Trades People often make more than the Professionals, and have a great life. You know how much I love Higher Education, given that I'm a Teacher, but I firmly believe that there are many paths you can take, and some solid skills will at least put you on a path where you can eat -- on a regular basis! (And you know I like to do that -- which reminds me... Cara and I are going to join a Gym... since I saw myself on that Tape for Ellen, and now I see that if I were ever to actually get on TV, I would want to 'shake less', especially if it's unintentional jiggling! ha,ha,ha!)
Okay, gotta go. See this wee Google Box? Hopefully, it'll come up with some good links for you -- maybe even about The Trades. Just so you know, I don't control what comes up in the box -- it adjusts itself to the area of the world where you are (which reminds me -- I'm working on making an 'International Building' Page, with a focus on India, so I'll let you know when that's ready... oooh, and that reminds me of Ali G - Sacha Baron Cohen's hilarious character... he was on Conan O'Brien's Late Night Show, last night. It's Ali G Indahouse -- sooo funny!<Da Ali G Show - The Complete First Season
> "Peace. Respect", says me Ali G...!< >
Love & Laughter (or whichever one comes first!), Ailsa!
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< > You can get pretty much any TV, Movie or Music thing at This is one of my favorite online Shops!
Sunday Morning, Sept. 4th, 2005. Hello there, You! You're looking fabulous, today! Is that an earring in your nose? No? Okay, I won't look... but still, you look fantastic, and I bet you really 'clean up good', as I've heard say in some really fancy circles! ha,ha,ha! Well, we have something enormous to deal with these days -- the devastation that was caused by Hurricane Katrina. So sad. But I see glimmers of Hope all around, so that's a Good Sign. I'm hoping that the people of New Orleans can use this as an opportunity to stand back and see how they can really improve the lives of all of their citizens, to create nice new homes (and new lives) for everyone.
As part of the relief effort, Warner Bros. Entertainment is donating $500,000 and will match your contributions up to another $500,000.
Help Ellen to raise $1.5 million or more for the victims of this tragedy.
It's extra-easy to donate online, now -- what an enormous change from the past, when you'd have to remember to go to the Bank, hope they're actually open, find 'the jar' and put in your donation. Ah, the Internet. How I love ye so...! ha,ha,ha! The last I've heard, the American Red Cross had raised $200 Million for the Disaster Relief for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina, so that's fantastic. It's wonderful to see how people really rally together to support a Good Cause, isn't it?
I'd still like to see a Program in place where you could add an extra Dollar (yep, just One Dollar) to an existing Monthly Bill (like a Long Distance Phone Bill, or another Bill that isn't already to high...). Can you imagine the money that would generate?? Massive amounts of money, and it could go to a variety of Charities... If you know anyone who could help implement this, for Goodness Sake, tell them yourself, or drop me a line and we'll work on it together. It's good to help -- good for you, good for everybody, right?
Oh, and Ellen's new Season starts on Monday, Sept. 5th, and it looks like it'll have a lot of stuff on Katrina, and how we can get involved in helping out. Can't wait to 'see her again'! Man, I must start living in the Real World, as opposed to my little TV Haven I've got going on, here...! If only there were a lull in great things on TV (thanks to my beloved Satellite Dish, there's always something good on TV!), I'd be more likely to turn it off! ha,ha,ha!
One more Ellen-related thing, and that's it.... I spent all day yesterday, preparing and baking things so that Cara could Tape me, then I can send in my tape to Ellen's Show so one day I could maybe go down and make her a Cheesecake or a Delicious Pie! That's my Dream, right now! People love Home-made Treats, so maybe I'm the one to get America (and anywhere else the show airs!) back into the kitchen to do do a wee bit of Cooking! So I made a lovely Cherry Cheesecake (I just had a piece for Breakfast!), a cool and delicious Peach Pie, and another batch of my favorite Apple Crumble, since I'll need that after all the Treats I've made! (The Apple Crumble is part of the Scottish Diet that I developed, if you're new to my Site!)
Thanks for popping in for a wee visit -- it's always lovely to see you!
Love & Laughter (or whichever one comes first!), Ailsa!
Tell a Friend about My Site - My Big Brother 6 Update <PSP (Personal Sony Playstation)><Win Great Prizes at PermissionResearch!> Check Your 2006 Astrological Forecast! * Freebies! * Fitness with Ailsa * The Scottish Diet * Cool Stuff * Travel * Home Search -- MLS * Site Menu
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Live, Love & Laugh, Ailsa!
Hey, you can help spread the word about my Site -- here's a new 'Tell A Friend' that my friend James made for me. He's been working away to teach me some new things for my website that I desperately need to learn to make the improvements I really want. Oh, and don't feel restricted by the whole 'Tell a Friend' thing. You don't even have to really like someone to tell them about! What do I care? I'm just interested in loads and loads of people coming in for a visit -- maybe even buying something through the Site! And who knows??? Maybe they'll quit borrowing money from you by learning how to Manage their own money after reading my Articles! ha,ha! So here it is, and it's easy schmeasy to use!<
> Thank You!! Soon we'll be enormous! (And I don't mean just because of all the Caramel Apples, neither! ha,ha,ha!) Uh, oh... I see there's no apostrophe in the Friends Name Box -- must tell James! Rest assured ( I don't want you to lose sleep over this!), I do know it needs and 's... we'll fix it for you! See ya'! Ailsa
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