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At Home with Ailsa -- Archived Ailsa, 2009 :)

Okay, one day I will figure out how to get a new picture on here of myself... a much slimmer, blonder Me! lol! Until then, I have finally made it onto Facebook, and as soon as I figure out how to set up my new Router, I will be able to 'chat' with you on Facebook -- won't that be fun? There's one lonely picture of me taken last week, when my lovely daughter, Cara, and I went to a fantastic Sunday Brunch in Marina del Rey, which I love (Brunch and the Marina!) Soon we'll all be friends! Yahoo! - May '06 - April '06 - March '06 - February '06 - January '06 - December '05 - November '05 - October '05 - September '05 - August '05 - July '05 -June '05 - May '05 - April '05 * March '05 * February '05 * January '05 * December '04 * November '04 * October '04 * September '04 * August '04 * July '04 * June '04 * May '04* April '04* Archived At Home With Ailsa Pages * At Home I * At Home II * At Home III * At Home IV - At Home With Ailsa - Menu

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How to Raise Healthy and Happy Children, the easy way! (Featuring: How to Stop the Whining! Theirs, not just yours! lol!) Save a Friend from Whining! Tell a Friend :)

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Friday, October 15th, 2010... Hey, You.... You, you, you! My favorite You! So, how was your week? Problem-free?? haha! Really, does anyone really ever have a problem-free week?? I would love to meet that person (I'm assuming there's only ONE! lol!) Do you like my new 'White' page? I'm trying to simplify my life, and it looks like the only part I can try to make better by pushing a few buttons is my website! hahaha! Ah, well... you control what you can, try to survive the rest, which, of course, brings us to one of my favourite crazy reality shows, Survivor. Aaah, I love the fights, like I don't get enough of that at work (yes, this week I was locked in a room with an administrator -- and, no, I don't tell you that to make you all jealous o' my fancy life... which reminds me of my fave new song, 'You Fancy, Huh?" hahaha! If you haven't heard it, you gotta get hold of it, listen to the lyrics, you'll laugh out loud! You're a Grade 12 Graduate -- you fancy, huh?? hahahaha!)

So I loved it on Survivor when they switched up the 'old' with the 'new'... I would, quite frankly, enjoy a show with the stupids versus the smarties, and let the people themselves decide which team they belong on, since it has been my experience, and, no, not just based on my wonderful week at school, that the stooopidiest of all da peoples firmly believe they is da smartiest... check it for yourself... have a wee chat with someone you KNOW is an idiot, ask some telling questions so you can find out how brilliant they think they is (if they read this and think this is fer real, that's problem # 1... see how easy this experiment will be?? hahaha!). OMG, I think I just hit on a gold mine -- this would be soo much fun to watch! Would there even BE anyone on the stupi team (pronounced -- stoooo-peee)?? Man, I would soo watch that, and root for whoever wasn't a total douche... yes, I said it. It's on TV, now, so maybe AOL won't block it! hahaha1 (Now who da stupi?? Meee?? Well, not da first time, today!! lol!) (Why, yes, I did just have a Strawberry Dacquiri, and I have no idea why you alwasy ask me that... lo!)

Well, the charming NaOnka didn't say anything truly horrendous about a person with a disability, this week, because she was switched over to the 'oldie' team, so I would imagine there was a little celebration by Kelly B., the courageous amputee on the 'young'uns tribe)... NaOnka didn't mention, vehemently, throwing anyone's prosthetic leg in the fire, or nuthin', but man, the grammar for this 'teacher'... puh-leeeease. Teachers need to know how to speak good, right?? hahaha! Gooder? It drives me craaazy, every time they put NaOnka's name on the screen, followed by "P.E. TEACHER"... ugh. No. NOT a teacher. Maybe she KNEW a teacher, and that's the reference... so that irritates the hell outta me. And I love that she wanted to quit because it was raining. Really? Raining on Survivor, and you say you got wet? Oh, no! That's never happened before, so it's not like anyone couldda planned for that, or NUTHIN'... ugh. Quitters are annoying (which reminds me of one of my favorite friend's jokes... he's not in AA because he's no quitter... hahahaha! if you're all sensitive to that, I sooo sorry, but come on, that's funny!! Makes me laugh, every time! haha!)

And now that power-mad Marty is on the youngish tribe (not-so-young, any more!), and has lost almost all of his power. It's hilarious that the 'oldies' are treating the youngies as if they are children, but there's onot one 'kid' under 18, there... so what's that all about? Nothing more insulting to a young person than not being taken seriously by an oldie, so I'm lovin' the new dynamics. And hysterical that the old ones immediately betrayed their own team members -- what does that say about being older and wiser?? haha! Nothing like a little betrayal to liven up a show! So they voted off the Fire captain... too bad, I thought he was cute, but you never want to put yourself on the chopping block by standing out too much as the leader... the next sound you hear is whaaack! And not just from that poor chicken's neck, nweither!! haha! Why didn't the take the meat off the chicken, and cook the bones? What, no one knows how to stretch a meal? Seriously, wouldn't you learn all about Survival Skills before you headed out on survivor?? Boil the bones, make a nice soup, and wouldn't it be wise to study edible plants, so you would do a search to see what God might have left for you to pick?? haha! (Foof for religious folks and botanists! lol!)

Oh, and have you seen that new show, Running Wilde? OMG, soooo funny. If you loved Arrested Developent, you'll laugh yourself silly over Running Wilde. Will Arnett is hilarious, and I love the character Fa'ad, his ultra-rich buddy, and Andy Richter made an appearance -- laugh out loud funny... the car wash scene was sooo hilarious, you know they must have killed themselves laughing when they were making it :) It's on Tuesday night at 9:30pm... search around, you'll find it... soo worth watching :)

Are you getting all ready for Hallowe'en?? It's a very big deal in our house, and we're planning to go to Disneyland for their big Halloween Paarty... no alcohol, but I'll make up for that by gorging on Caramel Apples -- me favourite!! Yum! Whenever I have to pay for some assinine thing I don't want to pay for (more on the crazy neighbor story as soon as some time has passed... but let's just say that insanity cost me $350, which is 70 Caramel Apples -- that's a whole lot of fun for me that I missed out on, all because of someone else's lunacy... this lunacy business is really starting to get to me -- must move back to Canada, Land of the Normals!! haha!)... anyway, I love Caramel apples, and the caramel apples at Disneyland are d-i-v-i-n-e. Yep. Watch out, fifty pounds, I'm trying to find you, put you on!! hahahaha! (Okay, that little joke is just for me!! haha!) Hope you're having a greeeat week, and have a fantastic weekend! Go get you a Caramel Apple, and save one for me!! lol! Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox

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Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real! I wish I made a commission off of this Chinese Wholesale site, but I don't, dang it ... lots of language barriers, and a slightly long wait for the items to arrive, but they're super-cheap, real stones... and the clothes are great, too, but if you're over 5 feet, order larger than your regular size! lol! Enjoy!! I've bought soo much stuff from this wholesaler -- and I wear it all the time :)

Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Favorite Recipes - FREE Monthly Horoscopes! Yippee!! - Great Travel Deals & Jobs - Ailsa's Favorite Books -Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real!-Shopping - U.K.Shopping - Poker - Personalized Products - Personal Breathalizer -Teen Stuff - Gifts for Someone You Love - Furniture - Decorating - - eBay - Amazon - Quit Smoking the Easy Way - Sports - Furniture - Decorating - eBay - Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Scottish Diet * Astrology * Fitness with Ailsa * Travel * Home Search -- MLS * Site Menu

The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

More Home Remedies for a Cold : here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Thursday, October 7th, 2010. So you know who I hate? Well, as usual, I have a sorta long list, but I particularly hate that girl on Survivor, NaOnka... her full name is NaOnka Mixon , and do you know why I know that? Because I was soo disgusted with this girl claiming to be a P.E. Teacher in L.A., and then spouting hateful things about Kelly, the girl who is doing her very best with one leg -- OMG, this NaOnka is a nightmare, and since I am a REAL teacher in LA, I just couldn't go another day without looking up her credentials, and she does not have any listed with the California Commission on Teacher Credentials. So, there. She IS NOT a teacher. Thank God. Someone that reprehensible should not (and hopefully wouldn't) be a teacher. Ugh. And why is it so easy for some people to defend terrible behavior by simply declaring themselves 'ghetto', and it's suddenly acceptable. Nope. Never acceptable. I hope this girl is raked over the coals for her horrible words against this young girl, Kelly, who is a shining example for how capable she is as an amputee. Man, that stuff infuriates me.

Okay, that said, I am loving the 'Old Team'. Hilarious that 'old' is anyone over 40, and 'young' is anyone under 30, so what happened to the 30 Somethings?? haha! And is it just me, or are there more castaways with good strong personalities on the 'old' team, or do we just have more air time of them?? haha! I loooved when the young team danced/marched into the competitions with their little chant -- sooo funny! But I cannot believe they voted off Jimmie Johnson, the NFL Coach -- man, he was fun to watch. I wouldda kept him around as londg as I could just to see what I could learn from the guy (plus, maybe he would totally know some football players he could set me up with! lol! Always lookin' out for Number One!! haha!)

Already lots of in-fighting, my favourite part! It's such a great human drama, and is an excellent reminder why you would NEVER want to go on a vacation with people you don't know -- too many crazies out there to get stuck with folks you don't know for anything longer than a few hours! lol!

So I've had a particularly tough few weeks, thus the 'no writing' for a wee bit, but I think I'm getting things under control, now, thankfully. You know when you just feel overwhelmed with life... I found myself wishing I had a man in my life to take over for me, handle all this difficult stuff, but, dammit, no man at this point, so I had to sit down and figure out how I could solve one problem at a time, and just went through my list o' problems one at a time, and took care of them.... I'm on Problem # 3, right now, and have almost finished with that, too... a plumbing issue with a neighbour... more when it's all resolved, so I can tell you the whole story. (lol!)

Okay, I hope you are having a FANTASTIC week, with no problems whatsoever! Write and tell me what that feels like! haha! I canny wait 'til I have a whole week or, imagine this, a whole month (year?? lifetime??? haha!) of being problem-free.... wonder what that feels like?? lol!
Write to me -- I love your letters! Put Survivor or something specific in the subject heading, so I know you're my favourite Reader! lol!
Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox

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Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real! I wish I made a commission off of this Chinese Wholesale site, but I don't, dang it ... lots of language barriers, and a slightly long wait for the items to arrive, but they're super-cheap, real stones... and the clothes are great, too, but if you're over 5 feet, order larger than your regular size! lol! Enjoy!! I've bought soo much stuff from this wholesaler -- and I wear it all the time :)

Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Favorite Recipes - FREE Monthly Horoscopes! Yippee!! - Great Travel Deals & Jobs - Ailsa's Favorite Books -Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real!-Shopping - U.K.Shopping - Poker - Personalized Products - Personal Breathalizer -Teen Stuff - Gifts for Someone You Love - Furniture - Decorating - - eBay - Amazon - Quit Smoking the Easy Way - Sports - Furniture - Decorating - eBay - Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Scottish Diet * Astrology * Fitness with Ailsa * Travel * Home Search -- MLS * Site Menu

The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

More Home Remedies for a Cold : here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Thursday, July 8th, 2010. So, did you watch Big Brother 12, tonight?? And have you guessed who the Sabateur is, yet? Did you love that they put the word, 'Sabateur' up on the screen so people could say it and sound it out, AND know how to spell it?? haha! Good idea! I took note, too! Sooo, I think Annie... she's kind of the sleeper of the group, and Lane, even though he's like the Silent Lone-Wolf guy, he might really just be a quiet guy... which reminds me of that old line, "silent waters run deep', which I have attributed to more than one boyfriend over the years (lol!), but one day I read this hilarious quote (wish I could remember where), but it went like this... "Silent Waters don't run deep, they don't run at all!" haha! It never occurred to me that a silent guy might NOT be thinking anything at all, just sitting there, a giant lump on my sofa. haha! (Clearly, I'm greatly amused by this, now, and unfortunately, still attracted to the same 'silent types' -- what's wrong with me?? haha!) Oh, yeah, and I had some beer while I was watching Big Brother, so that might totally be clouding my thoughts, right now!

I think the Sabateur on Big Brother could be the really good looking P.E. Teacher from Riverside, California, Branden (Brendan, like the male form of Brenda?? haha!). Really, the lights suddenly go out and you immediately think, 'Oh, it's bed time' (for teddy bears). Hilarious! I gotta bwush my teef!! I gotta hurry! So funny. A clever ruse... :) But all stuff we love, since it's fun to watch it with someone else who will laugh their way with it with you. Oh, and because Brendan is a teacher, maybe he only wants to be on the show for 5 weeks, collect his $50 Grand for being the Sabateur, maybe get noticed by Hollywood, forget teaching and move straight into a Big Movie career?? Like everyone else within 500 miles of L.A.! haha!

I loved the whole 'L'il Brittney' thing, where the only thing I remembered about her was that she said she was newly engaged... and that she loooves Ragan, because she really, really loves the 'flaming homosexuals'. Hmmmm.... if you're still using the entire word, 'homosexuals', are you really in love with our favourite gays?? That's so crazy! But I love Ragan, too, if only for his name, since that's fantastic.... do you think his parents had a Big Plan for their son to be a Republican? haha! Maybe all kinds of open-minded people are using the entire word, homosexual', but I just can't imagine that. IIt's like a clinical description to me... needs to be waaay more fun! Perhaps she could get a visit from Kathy Griffin, learn a little more about 'da gays', and the words to use! lol! (I just finished Kathy Griffin's new book, Kathy Griffin's Memoirs -- it's soo great, you'll love it!)

You know the girl from Vegas? Rachel? Giant chest?? Did she have red hair? Who can remember?? haha! Anyway, she had giant bazoomgas... and did she really say she was a CHEMIST?? hahaha! So strange, I don't know any chemists that look quite like her. Maybe she just bought a Chemist's outfit at the Romance 4 Us store down the street from the Big Brother Studio!

Did you love Enzo, the mama's boy? Uh-oh. That never turns out well. Sure, you wanna love youse muthah', but there's gotta be a limit.. "Oh, Ma, I'd marry youse if youse wasn't my mother..."! hahahaha! Those crazy mama's boys! (Don't marry them, girls!! Get out now, if you see the signs! Plenty of real men out there, one who loves his mom but doesn't necessarily want to MARRY her! hahaha! And if his name is Oedipus, get to runnin'! haha!)

What about Andrew, the Jewish Doctor? Hmmm. Why the emphasis on his religion? Maybe the mole? How religious do you think he really is? Was the religion thing thrown in because people would think, 'oh, a religious man wouldn't try to fool anyone...? Tricky to tell. He seems observant... will be interesting to see over the course of the Season...he was moving around an awful lot when the lights went out, and the 'mole', or 'sabateur' would probaby know the place inside out, so would know their way around... and he immediately offered himself to sit out on the first challenge for HOH (Head of Household), which meant he couldn't be voted out... preplanned?? Perhaps! We'll find out next Thursday! Now my summer looks better! (A sad reflection of my life?? haha!)

So my own life is pretty crazy, right now. My house is on the Market, and I want to sell it quickly, so I've dropped the price by $50,000 (sob, sob!). Ah, well. The prices for houses are waaay lower where I want to move to, so even if I take a loss here, I can make it up on the other side... hopefully1 It's a tough economy, so you have to make adjustments for that. Life didn't work out for me in Los Angeles the way I thought it would. Teachers are not supported, here, the way they need to be, and frankly, I didn't find one good man to marry, so forget it. I hate the law that says you can stay if you're married -- so archaic. It costs a pile to even apply for a Green Card (and 5 years to get it processed, so I've timed out on that one), and I had a principal over the past couple of years who didn't speak to his staff, so there was no way I wanted to ask him for a glowing letter for me to present to the INS. I look forward to teaching in a system where there are truly great leaders, who value and are kind to their staff, and protect them from harm. Seems pretty basic, and I have had some great administrators over the years here, but in order to apply for the Green Card, I needed the full support of my current principal, and , literally, his door was not open to teachers. Go figure. So that's enough, already, and now I just want to go home. Start again. I hope we get an offer on my property, soon, so I can get a new ball rolling, as soon as possible!

I'll let you know as soon as I do about what the Future Plans will hold! I hope to God there's some love in my future! And I hope there's a ton of love in your life, right now!! I hope you're watching Big Brother 12, too, so we can talk about it! Write to me -- I love your letters! Put 'Big Brother' in the subject heading, so I know you're my favourite Reader! lol!

Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox

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Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real! I wish I made a commission off of this Chinese Wholesale site, but I don't, dang it ... lots of language barriers, and a slightly long wait for the items to arrive, but they're super-cheap, real stones... and the clothes are great, too, but if you're over 5 feet, order larger than your regular size! lol! Enjoy!! I've bought soo much stuff from this wholesaler -- and I wear it all the time :)

Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Favorite Recipes - FREE Monthly Horoscopes! Yippee!! - Great Travel Deals & Jobs - Ailsa's Favorite Books -Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real!-Shopping - U.K.Shopping - Poker - Personalized Products - Personal Breathalizer -Teen Stuff - Gifts for Someone You Love - Furniture - Decorating - - eBay - Amazon - Quit Smoking the Easy Way - Sports - Furniture - Decorating - eBay - Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Scottish Diet * Astrology * Fitness with Ailsa * Travel * Home Search -- MLS * Site Menu

The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

More Home Remedies for a Cold : here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009. Happy, Happy New Year, Baby!! I hope you get everything you want from Life this year, and maybe a wee bit more, since often it's the stuff that's completely unexpected that turns out to be the most amount of fun, and brings the biggest rewards!! Man, can you believe it'll be 2010, already?? Doesn't it feel like we were just preparing for the downfall of all we hold dear -- the computer, electricity for the computer, heat... remember the chaos that came with the celebration of the new millenium?? So silly, when I think back on that! I know I had a huuuge plan to take the trailer out to the mountains, where we would live in the woods, and make the best life we could for ourselves, then it turned to the year 2000, everything was fine, and we were back to normal life with two little kids (Aidan was only a year old for my 'escape plan' year! haha!), a husband, a house and a dog. Hmmm. Now I'm in a Condo with no dog.. maybe next year I'll get a dog... think I can let go of the idea of finding a husband! lol!

So speaking of not finding a husband, I'm really mad, these days (yes, completely unlike every other day when I'm mad about something or other! hahaha!) that I would have to actually find a damn husband just to get to stay in the country. I was sooo so hoping that Obama would bring in some wonderful new legislation introducing a much more Foreigner-Friendly Immigration Policy, where people who are already here and working, could easily apply and get a Green Card, thereby allowing me to stay, whether I meet someone wonderful or not, and that would take a whole lot of pressure off of me. Dang, I shouldda written more often to President Obama to explain my plight. The Plight of the Single Woman who can't seem to meet a decent guy... blah, blah, blah! lol! And, of course, to make my position a little stronger, I would definitely mention the other 11 million or so illegal immigrants (who appear to have more rights than I have, but that's just a little pet peeve I carry around, daily...) to see if we couldn't maybe implement a Brand New Immigration Policy. Remember Hillary Clinton ran on that platform? I thought, for sure, that Obama would take Hillary's great ideas for Change that we were promised so fervently, and make them his own... why not, right? Who cares where a Good Idea comes from, as long as you are the one who can make it happen?

I really don't know what this year holds for me... most likely, a Big Move, one way or another. Most likely back to Canada, since I really do struggle every day with the idea of having to move over choosing to move before I'm just booted right out the country... sucks royally. I technically have one more year left on my current Work Visa, but I really haven't met a decent man (who is truly available), and I don't want to 'waste the pretty', so-to-speak. I think I am lucky enough to still look great at my age, and I think I should get on with looking for another new relationship in a place where men are nice, and frankly, that's Canada. Canadian men are great! Maybe there are some good men in L.A., but they are not in my room, right now, so I can't find them! hahahaha! (okay, clearly, I'm just amusing myself, right now!)

Okay, that's enough about me, let's talk about YOU!! How are you doing, like, really doing? Happy? Satisfied with your job, your relationships, your family situation, are you lucky enough to have a DOG??? haha! (Can you see my new focus? I need a house and a DOG!) (And a relationship -- I'm good with the family and I like my job...) Have you been reading those Self-Help books to get you what you want? I used to read them (everything I could get my little chocolate-covered hands on), but I now I just don't care anymore. I figure, I'll just do the best I can, deal with the consequences, be what they may. So far, has not worked out well, at all. Ah, well. What are you gonna do?? Buy more alcohol?? Good Idea! I knew you were brilliant, I just couldn't prove it, yet, and now I have all the proof I need (150 Proof!!) haha! Well, maybe this'll be the year that we all get what we have always wanted -- lots of love, lots of fun, lots of drinks and lots of food... did I already mention lots of chocolates? Oh, yeah, and lots of great books to read! That's not excessive, is it? Oh, man, I forgot to add 'lots of money', since money is fun to have, right?? I wish you all sorts of extra love, money, fun and chocolate!! Happy, Happy New Year, Babeez!! I hope you have the BEST year of your whole life (but then each year after that'll be even better and better!)! Lots & Lots of Love, Ailsa xox!

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Friday, just past midnight, November 13th, so I guess that makes it Friday the 13th, Baby!! Oooo-oooh! Dinny be a'scared, jus' run out an get you a Lottery Ticket! The 13th is me lucky day!! And now it's your lucky day, too!! Get to scratchin'!! haha! Which is what I have been doing, lately, because I was convinced I had ringworm, whatever the hell that is, because I, like anybody else wit' a computer, looked it up!! hahahaha! And I had heard some rumours that ringworm was going through my school, and like anything else you ehar about, the idea gets in yer little head, and the next thing you know, you're searching it on Google!! hahaha! I'm laughing, because I realize now just how silly I can be, from time to time! So I spent my whole day off (Remembrance Day, which we take very seriously, and always, at the very least, stand in silent prayer for those Veterans we have lost, those who have served and come home, and those who continue to serve, and we wanted to go down to Santa Monica Beach, too, since they put the white Crosses out on the beach, and it's is intensley moving to read the stories of each person lost...) Anyway, we didn't make it on account o' my near-hysteria about that damn ringworm.

Of course, I didn't bother my shirt to look at any actual pictures of the ringworm, since I figured that would be pretty icky, so I went purely on the description and my own imagination, and WHAMMO, they were completely alike! Except for the circle part of the 'ring' thing... haha! Man, I'm gonna make a crappy hypochondriac, one day, and God Knows I wouldn't fare well as a doctor! I'd have to have the patients just descirbe their issues to me, but not in so much detail that I would feel quesy... I don't fare well with All Things Medical! lol! I did declare to the doctor that no one gets to touch me, anymore... yick!! Who knows what they have! Right?! What? Too excessive? Okay, well, maybe I lighten up on that part a wee bit...!! So I guess I'm saying that I'm completely fine, except for a small problem with enjoying a good Internet Search... think you get me drift ovah' heah'! :)

You know what I'm starting to get excited about? Living for next to nothing! Yippppeeee! Imagine not paying a fortune to live every month! God, what will that be like?? I'm telling you, maybe the Key to Happiness is to live in a giant city with insanely high housing prices, then when you move anywhere else, you'll feel like you're King o' da World, without the annoying downfall/backlash from declaring yourself Royalty!! hahaha! (Yes, I am here purely to amuse myself, and I don't know why you have to be so accusatory about whether I've just had my 'Cold Cure', but if you must know, yes, I have, and it was deeelicious. And I canny remember whether I had a cold or not -- who cares?? haha! It's my new favorite treat!

Oh, and speaking of 'my new favourite treats', when I was at the doctor's, yesterday, they weighed me, and how annoying is this? You know those 7 pounds I just lost? Well, they were hiding at that damn doctor's office, waiting to pounce on me the second I stepped on their idiotic scale (which is what all scales should be called -- idiotic -- those bastard scales!! hahahaha!). So, dammit, I have to start having my Apple Crumble every day, again. Not the worst thing in the world, but I was still making my way through my Hallowe'en candy (and my 'mine', I mean 'Aidan's'! haha Soo great to have children! They have to go to bed sometime, then you can totally take all their candy! hahaha!) (Otay, that last joke was brought to you by The Cold Cure!! haha! Scroll down a wee bit to see my 'modifications' to my favorite new drink!)

Oh, yeah, let me get to Survivor, or what I like to call it, The Russell Show! Omg, do you loove Russell? That crazy mf... what a nut! He's soo sneaky and conniving, and soo smart with fnding all the Hidden Immunity Idols -- that guy deserves to win! I can't stand when some wimpy someboy wins by flying under the radar, even though that's a good strategy unto it's own, but I love a scrapper, a little fighter, and that's Russell! Remember when he was screwing with everyone's head, taking their socks, or emptying out their water canteens, so they would struggle physically, which gave him quick control over their mental state? Man, that's brilliant! I never would have thought to screw someone over, but maybe me change my ways, take a page out of the Russell's Big Book of Screwing People Over... hahaha! A Big Seller at Christmas, no doubt!!

Otay, it's a School Night, and I gots to bounce, Baby!! I hope you're havin' a great week/day/year/life!! haha! Cheers to Good Health and Happiness!! And Thank You to all the Brave Men and Women who have served their countries for us -- I can't imagine the level of bravery and courage you would have to have to do anything like that, so Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! Our Prayers and Thoughts go out to you! Luvs and Distant, Distant Cuddles, Ailsa xox

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More Home Remedies for a Cold or that Crappy Flu: This is the time of year it seems everyone is coming down with something... maybe because school is back in, and the winter is always bad for colds and the flu, who knows, but here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

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The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

Saturday, October 31st, 2009! Happy Hallowe'en, Baby!! How you doin'?? You looks great! Maybe a little heavy on da Green Make Up, but udder dan dat, you looks fantastic!! What's that? That's not Green Make Up, you just not feelin' too good? Well, have you come to the right place... :) I have made some fancy modifications to my favorite new 'Cold Remedy'. Now I 'take it' proactively... I used to have an administrator who loooved the word proactively, so I've used it for a laugh, ever since...! Anyhooo, here's da newest version o' me favorite Proactive Cold / Touch of a Sore Throat / I think I stood Beside Someone Who Looked Like They Might Be Coming Down With Something-Cure...! lol!

Cure for the Common Cold: I would try this with any cold or flu... anytime I was sick, or perhaps any evening... :) !!

1 oz. Bourbon -- I didn't have Bourbon in my vast 1970's Bar (there it is, again, with the 70's references!), so I used Whiskey, instead... Glenfiddich Scotch Whiskey...

(New -- now I am all out of Whiskey and Bourbon, so tonight I tried the Hennessy, and it was deeelicious... hope it still works! haha!) (Who cares?? Now it's just a great drink!)

8 dashes of Bitters (really, I lost count...! haha!) -- the Bitters has 47% alcohol! WooHoo! You're feelin' better, already! lol!

(Who knows how many dashes of Bitters I'm putting in, now -- I feel like the Bitters are the magical ingredient... I'm pourin' the stuff in! hahaha!)

Honey to taste -- about a teaspoon or two...

(2 teaspoons of honey... must remember to Buy More Honey!)

Club Soda -- again, me no have no Club Sody, so I used 7Up, instead...

(Yes, I used the 7Up until that was all gone, and now I see that any lemony fizzy pop/soda will do...! )

And then I accidentally added in some 45 Proof Spiced Rum... and see, me all better, today!! Taa Daa!! (Picture me in a Gymnast Pose, right after not falling offa da horse thing! haha!)

(Turns out, this particular Spiced Rum -- Sailor Jerry -- is 92 Proof... sooo, I think we can all see how this quickly became my new favorite Drink -- I mean, CURE!! hahaha!)

Initially, stupidly, I made my fancy new Cold Remedy in a glass, but then, quel suprise, the honey wouldn't stir in -- I am far too used to throwing ice in a glass and addin' in da Fun! So, best to make thins in a microwavable cup... see how much you learn, today?? haha! I heated it for about 50 seconds... you want it to be like the temperature of tea or coffee... and then I liked it better with a 'Tea Chaser'... a little too strong to be fun to drink, but it really did work! (Plus, I am a Tea Jenny, so really, I have Tea with everything...!)

(Okay, this works waaay better: Mix all da alcohol together ( I forget and put in the honey, first), but be as smart as you wanna be with the whole Big Decision on when you put the honey in... but heat this tiny amount in your mug for 25 seconds in the microwave, and then take it out and pour in the 7Up or other lemony fizzy drink... deeelicious, and I have a feeling da bubbles do something special, which reminds me of an old joke about blowing Bubbles in the park, but I shouldn't talk about Bubbles without his permission... hahahaha!)

Oh, and I had some guys over to see if I can use these new Half Inch Granite Slabs on my existing kitchen countertops, and I got a bizarre response I wasn't happy with... I know, for certain, it can easily be done, and I cannot stand when a guy (why is it always a guy??) says, "Oh, lady, that can't be done", when in fact, what he means to say is, "I don't know how to do that, so it can't be done..." Aaargh! Mens! Man, if they weren't so cute, they'd be annoyink!! hahahaha!

Otay, I gots to bounce, Baby!! I hope you're havin' a great week/day/year/life!! haha! Cheers to Good Health and Happiness!! And Happy Hallowe'en!! Luvs, Ailsa xox

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Saturday, October 24th, 2009. What up, what uuup, Babeez?? Can youse believes it, I writing two weeks in a row?? Whaaat?? Where did all this time come from?? I no got all those annoying classes, no more (can you tell I skipped all me English Classes -- English, who needs it, right? Or is it 'rite'?? Who knows? Who cares?! hahaha!) No, I kiddin'... I've had plenty o' English classes, I just choose to write any way I damn-well like, which leads me to part of da reason I writin', 'aday... I've heard, a lot, lately, about how terrible, how awful, it is for peoples to swear, with that whole 'the only people who swear are those who don't have a better vocabulary... why, if they only had enough words, they would have plenty o' other words to use..." And to those people, I says, "Oh, I see you were raised in the little town of Effin, New York"... because I annoying lak that! hahaha!

No, my take on the whole swearing thing is that it is pure fun. Lots and lots of fun. When you're a teenager, it gives you a special sense of freedom, to use language that is supposed to be off-limits, and when you are an adult, you sometimes need a few expletives to truly express yo' point of view, right?? haha! Who wants to hear a real person say, "I'm having a little trouble with this unpredictable car.." Much better to hear, "I hate my f'n car, this thing sucks royally, and I never know if it's ever gonna f'n start, and it's ruinin' my whole f'n life..." There. Which one is more expressive? Dat right, da sweary one!! You tolerate the conversation with the first perfect person, and look forward to the conversation with your sweary friend! lol!

So last week, my lovely wee 10 year old son, Aidan, says the word 'ass', and quickly looks over at me to check my response-o-meter, and I looked back at him and said, Oh, are you trying out something new? Little man. He's growing up! As long as the kids know when they can swear, and when they absolutely cannot swear, I think the more moderate sweary words are okay... but then, I am a fairly lenient Mom... I want to raise good, healthy, happy, funny, well-adjusted kids, and swearing doesn't top the list o' Bad Things for me. Stealing - Bad. Cheating - Bad (but there are circumstantial issues here, so maybe a little open in dis area...! haha!). Hurting someone else - Bad. Swearing -- aaah, some of it is okay... da Big Bad Words have to be kept to adolescence 'n older, and then used in the correct company (your boss only if they are waaay cool, and they already really like you! I learn that by experience! hahahah! Now I only make myself laugh! haha!)

Did I tell you about my New Business Idea? I soo excited about it! I have the most annoyink bathroom tiles -- those little 1" tiles from the 70's... God, why did they like everything so damn little, back then?? I love the giant 24" tiles, but then, I'm known for liking everything big... (little joke for you, there...! haha!).Anyway, over time (can you believe almost 40 years have slipped by since the 70's?? Say it ain't so!), those damn tiles have gotten out of hand with mold and grime (I think that's my very first time actually using the word 'grime' in a sentence... hmmm, must be getting ready for my new BUSINESS!! Yippee!!), and they look awful. I'll take some Before and After pictures, as sooon as I get to the 'After' part!

So I have discovered a way to clean the hell outta those tiles, so they will look brand new, again... how cool is that? One, I loove to clean -- I love taking something that's just filthy, and making it all sparkly -- not sure what that's all about, but there's a little insight into my personality! haha! And two, I like to live my own life, not be hassled with other people telling me what to do (or what NOT to do, so having my own business really appeals to me, again... my website is my own business, but until I get to 100,000 visitors a day, it's not turning a good enough profit to be called a real business... you can help me with that little goal of getting my traffic numbers up on my site by telling a friend about me site... pweeease! Really, you know me, I'm not above begging. Pweease, I been beggin' me whole life!! Why stop, now?? haha!)

We'll be like the Breck Ads in da 70's (man, how old am I, with all these references from da 70's, today?? haha!), where she told two friends, and they told two friends, and soon there were 'bout thirty new friends, if me math is right! hahaha! (Oh, and me math is frequently wrong... but I quick to correct it, as soon as me notices da problem, or someone gently tells me... my wonderful friend, Melinda ( who is my great friend, my realtor, and perhaps now will work with me in me New Business...)said, very gently, to me the other day, when I was telling her, very excitedly, that I was gonna make $300,000 in the first year from my new business idea, and she laughs and says, 'Baby, I think you gonna make $30,000'... damn decimal points! I missed one!! hahaha! (This makes me laugh, because, really, how stupi is that??) And, of course I immediately thought of not doing the business, for only $30 Grand a year, but Thirty Grand is Thirty Grand, and I can easily expand the business, so maybe I will make $300,000 in the first year... now I'm deternmined to be right with the math! haha! Maybe that's what makes a good enterpreneur -- stupidity and determination! And not wanting to be told what to do! haha!

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So my business will be making old tiles look like new, again. I can't wait to fix my own bathroom, and the machine I found (a very, very cool machine) cleans all sorts of things -- window sills -- you know how they get all gross and grimy (that's twice in one day to use that new word!! haha!), shower doors, windows, floors, sinks... I'm gonna try it on my oven, and I even heard it can do a phenomenal job cleaning the interior of your car -- oooh, me whole life gonna be all sparkly clean, now!! Yippee!! And, make me some good extra cash!!

I'm gonna charge a fairly nominal fee (maybe around $100, $125. per shower stall.. something like that. I'll have to see how long it takes to do the work, and they expenses involved. I have to make a reasonable profit, but I firmly believe that when there is a service that is needed (restoring those old tiles to new again), and the price is very affordable, people will do it. If you make your price too high, people will say, 'Let me think about it", which means, "I'm not gonna do it..." If the price is more than fair, and moving closer to the low... 'Man, what a great price to get that job done', then you've got a good business. Aaaand, I think I will offer to change out their Shower Head, too. They might as well have a fantastic new shower, if it's gonna be all beautiful and clean, again... why not a new showerhead, too, right? Maybe $50 labor to change out the showerhead, they just purchase whatever one they like? What do you think??

Maybe I could see how well the whole showerhead thing goes over (makes me want to make a bad showerhead joke, but maybe you makin' it yo'self, already...! haha!), then offer two or three different showerheads that I know, for sure, are great (the normal handheld showerhead with a 4" diameter - my personal favorite, a Rain Shower showerhead, with a 6" diameter, and possibly another Rain Shower showerhead, with an 8" diameter, which looks really fancy, and it fun to stand under... ). I just remembered that I had wanted to put in the 8" diameter Rain Head Showerhead in our old house (the one featured on this site...), to start a Day Spa. We had a beautiful Steam Room, tiled all the way around, ceiling 'n all, in it's very own room, with 24" tiles (did I mention they me favorite...?? haha!), that was a beautiful room, and it was a stunningly beautiful house. Really, I should build that house, again. Maybe next year. I'll see what country I'm in! haha!

Oh, and in case you interested, I have moved from the Withdrawal Stage with Mr. WTF to the I Don't Give A Damn Stage, which is a formal, technical phrase used primarily in Therapist's offices everywhere, but I throw it around wildly, here, for my own amusement, and perhaps for yours, too! Really, truly, me gots ta find a Good Man. Someone who likes to be in Busines for Himself, since I like that soo very much. And someone who can relate to my great need for... uh, well, you know what I have a great need for, but initially, before I done writed dat sentence, I was thinking, still, about running my own business... now I thinkin' 'bout sumfin' else, entirely! hahaha! (Yes, today I am all about just entertaining myself! haha!)

I almost forgot to tell you my New Recipe! Well, it's more of a Recipe-Cure... last night I felt like I had a little cold coming on (I am panicked about the Swine Flu -- or the H1N1 Virus, so we don't offend all da pigs out there...!) I called my lovely daughter, Cara, who is a Bartender by Trade, and she gave me the recipe.. I modified it slightly, as I am want to do, drank it, and feel completely fine, today (although I may just have it again, tonight, since I realy, really felt better after having it -- maybe this is the Recipe-Cure for a Cold AND for Happiness, since I found them both at the bottom of this drink! haha!

Cure for the Common Cold: I would try this with any cold or flu... anytime I was sick, or perhaps any evening... :) !!

1 oz. Bourbon -- I didn't have Bourbon in my vast 1970's Bar (there it is, again, with the 70's references!), so I used Whiskey, instead... Glenfiddich Scotch Whiskey...

8 dashes of Bitters (really, I lost count...! haha!) -- the Bitters has 47% alcohol! WooHoo! You're feelin' better, already! lol!

Honey to taste -- about a teaspoon or two...

Club Soda -- again, me no have no Club Sody, so I used 7Up, instead...

And then I accidentally added in some 45 Proof Spiced Rum... and see, me all better, today!! Taa Daa!! (Picture me in a Gymnast Pose, right after not falling offa da horse thing! haha!)

Initially, stupidly, I made my fancy new Cold Remedy in a glass, but then, quel suprise, the honey wouldn't stir in -- I am far to used to throwing ice in a glass and addin' in da Fun! So, best to make thins in a microwavable cup... see how much you learn, today?? haha! I heated it for about 50 seconds... you want it to be like the temperature of tea or coffee... and then I liked it better with a 'Tea Chaser'... a little too strong to be fun to drink, but it really did work! (Plus, I am a Tea Jenny, so really, I have Tea with everything...!)

Otay, I gots to bounce, Baby!! I hope you're havin' a great week/day/year/life!! haha! Cheers to Good Health and Happiness!! Luvs, Ailsa xox

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More Home Remedies for a Cold or that Crappy Flu: This is the time of year it seems everyone is coming down with something... maybe because school is back in, and the winter is always bad for colds and the flu, who knows, but here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

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The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

more cat pictures>
Yes, and we are totally gonna profit from that whole 'subprime mortgage' thing! Somebody has to make a profit, so it might as well be us, right?? Okay, I don't want to get into trouble for saying that about 'getting rich off the backs of the poor', since that really does sound awful, but the reality is that often the people who can really benefit from the foreclosure market are other people who are desperately looking for a better deal on a house, too. That's just reality. Nothing wrong with that, right? Good. Then let's get to buying some property, shall we?? My favorite LOLcats jokes...

Sunday, October 18th, 2009. Good Morning, Sunshine! You brighten up my day... (oh, hmmm... that seems familiar... try singing that, see what you think! haha!) Noo, it is still technically the morning, and on a Sunday, so a tiny miracle, right there, that I am up and functioning, without the aid of any natural drugs, such as my favorite Tea, or something... and you are very, very Sunshiney (maybe it's the yellow glow to youse skin? me not know -- soo hard to see through da computer in da morning -- a breeze in the middle o' da night, though... lol!) So, anyhoo, how you been? Great, I hope! Out and about, buying and selling real estate, me hopes for you! And making a killing, too! Why not? Someone has to make a killing, and it ought to be you, right?? Yeah, I think so, too... you Go, Baby, get out there and makes da money!! (I be right there, me jus' needs some tea, first! haha!)

Well, I was laying in me bed, dis mornin', thinkin' and thinkin', then dreamin' and dreamin'... stoopid Nyquil won't let you wake up in any normal kind of way, but I do like da Nyquil, so, I deal with the aftermath, whatever it turns out to be, and that got me to thinkin' about all the other situations where I clearly do something where there will be lots of difficult, uncontrollable, aftermath to deal with, but I happily delve into it, anyway... that's just me, but I have a sneaking suspicion there are others out there, just like me, who do make some bad decicions, and throw caution to the wind... aftermath, schmaftermath, right?? Yes, I am talking about crazy relationships... remember back in my old married days, when I could tell you all about the downward spiral I called my marriage?? haha! Those were the good ol' days, weren't they?? That was fun to talk about that stuff, because it was the reality of being married during the building of our house, and frankly, more interesting, on a human level, than how big the beam was we just installed -- dat a problem area, too, if you knows what I mean! hahaha!

So, today, I think I will finally share with you, My Favorite Reader (shhh, dinny tell the others, but you is my favorite... it's because you are soo attractive, and that's how I choose my closest friends, like anyone else...! lol!), the reality of my Love Life... are you ready to ruuumble??? hahaha! No, I bein' silly! It's not all that bad, but it's bad enough to have sent me running into Therapy in the summer (didn't work... too negative for me.. I prefer a drink and to keep doing my 'destructive behaviour' until I don't want to do it, anymore... really, that only makes sense to me. As soon as it really is too much for me to handle, or truly destructive in my life, I'll keep doing what makes me, occasionally, very, very happy. Like saying, I'm gonna do Crack, but only on Christmas, or Easter, or both if I've run out of chocolate... -- now, in case you is just visitin', and you don't know when I kiddin', I kiddin' right now... I would always, always, choose a Strawberry Daquiri or a CranCherry 'n Deeelicious Vodka over Crack, any day, because it's right in my fridge, and everyone knows I hate going back out into The Streets, just to get something that I have to pay God-Knows-What for, that might do God-Knows-What to me.. no, I don't have that kind of time... I need something quick, easy and cheap, and that brings me right back to where I started - my relationships! hahahaha! (I laughin', myself, now!!)

You know how Carrie had Mr. Big on Sex and The City? Yes, and remember how much she enjoyed being with him, but he drove her crazy? Yes, well, I have my very own Mr. Big -- accurate enough description, but that name has already been taken, so I be callin' my Mr. BIG, Mr. WTF. Yes. I feel that is a good description. W.T.F. (Will T. Flame, it might stand for, if you have been a'livin' under a rock, 'n desperately trying to break down that acronym...) Last week, I got a lovely email from someone telling me they were so sorry to hear I had no love in my life, and that irritated the hell out of me, as you might imagine, because I do not share my Mr. WTF stories with very many peoples... only my closest peeps, and now that include youse!! (That increases my 'peeps' circle to TEN!! hahahaha!) Really, I'm gonna have to go get that damn Tea, so I stop being soo silly! Maybe the Tea turns me back into a Mom... who knows??

So this is the relationship I struggle with, justifying it on the one hand, because it is ridiculous fun when it happens, and desperately trying to move away from it all the rest of the time... and I believe I am open to new relationships, they just have to be as good as what Mr. WTF has to offer... but on a more regular basis! (And people say regularity isn't that important! I say a million Metamucill users would disagree... yuff, yuff!). (Oh, and if that kind of 'regularity is any sort of real issue for you, just start eating my Apple Crumble Diet thing -- tasty and you'll lose a bunch of weight and never even think about regularity, again... hey, lookey that -- I've just fulfilled the 'use the word three times, and magically the Web Spiders will find it', rule!! Hello new Irregular Folk, if that's how you got in here, following a link to solve that damn irregularity...!!)

I am now in 'Withdrawal Mode', with Mr. WTF... but here's the funny thing about finding a New Man... I seem to attract a younger crowd, these days. And I mean a much younger crowd. Here's the problem with being a teacher, and trying to date a younger man... I quickly visualize them at the age they would've been, had I been teaching them. So I have a very quick visual of them sitting at my feet, stroking my grey suede shoes, when I was teaching kindergarten (yes, all the boys would sit and listen to the Story of the Day, stroking my fancy grey suede shoes, back in the day, when it was not a crime to let your students be kids!) Now, don't get me wrong, that might be fun for the adult version of these 'boys' to stroke some of my new fancy suede shoes... but it is nearly impossible for me to erase that image. I wonder what that's all about?? Maybe I have to let go of the Teacher-Me... at least while I'm dating? haha!

The other thing I worry about with these incredibly handsome young men, is that they are so, so handsome, surely they need to recreate themselves, in the form of many young children... they should be out looking for a new mom for their potential babies, right? I can't help thinking about that, too... and I know it would be wonderful to have another little baby, myself, but it would be far too dangerous, and frankly, I believe in children after marriage (I know, I'm crazy like that! hahaha!)... It's hard enough to have a baby when you're married, so I cannot begin to imagine how hard it would be to have a little baby all on your own... and marriage is not on the table like it used to be.... wha' happened? Is it just in L.A., land of the Big Baby?? haha! (I was gonna make a little inappropriate joke about how much the men of L.A. love the surgically enhanced version of what all real babies love, but look at me try to clean up my act?? haha!)

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Okay, so you can see I have a small dilemma between my Old World Values, and my New World enjoyment of all things pleasurable!! Should be a breeze to work through this! Therapy, schmerapy, I'll work through this on my own and wit' me friends! And I will make an attempt at trying not to attach age as such a big issue for me, and I will try to leave the house more often to meet some new men, some of them in my very own age-range!! (Maybe!!) Oh, that reminds me -- there was a very good looking young guy down at my pool, yesterday, and you know I am forever wearin' a bikini, 'n all... anyway, long story short, he calls me Ma'am! Uh, oh! Dat not good, not at all! hahaha! When my students call me ma'am, I always say to them, "Look, I'm nowhere near my 589th Birthday, so just call me Ailsa, please...", and we all laugh and laugh, and when a new student comes in and they call me ma'am, my students all say, "She's not 589, you know! She wants to be called Etha..." no one in my class can pronounce my name, which I think is really funny, too... everything with a grain of salt, right?? haha!

Quickie Update on my 'I'm Movin' Back to Canada' Plan... I always want to move back to Canada when I think I have had enough of the No Good Man for me thing down here in L.A., so at least I am consistent with my anger, and my quick-to-move-out-the-country reaction to it (as far as I understand it, all girls are like this! lol!), and things at my school have been very difficult, this year, too, in part due to an administration change that was very unpleasant, to say the least (I didn't think I could take one more 'courageous conversation'... really, any time someone says to you, "We need to have a courageous conversation", your immediate human response is to say, "No, let's not", and get to runnin'! hahaha! There are Bad Conversation Openers, and that's one of the worst -- nothing good can come of a conversation that warns you, first, that you will need some serious-asss courage to make it through the damn conversation, right? Yeah, it's rocket science! Lucky you were able to follow along! yuff, yuff!)

Lately, things at work have been quite a bit better, thanks to everyone trying to smooth things out, so that's a Good Sign, as signs go, and I have had some fun, lately, so I'm okay, there... but the most significant part of my decision to put off going back to Belleville, Ontario, Canada, for a minute, is that there are no jobs there! OMG! I had no idea. I thought the most difficult part of moving back to Canada would be finding a nice place to live, and then selling this place, paying the taxes, since I've lived in my new condo, here, for less than two years (the no-taxes after two years rule would be shot all to hell, and that would cost me a fair bit, just because I wanted to leave right away...) I did find some beautiful, beautiful properties in the Belleville area -- a brand new high-end home for $403,000!!! OMG!!! It would be like livin' for FREE!! And I looove living for free!! I'm so used to the housing prices in Los Angeles, going back home would be incredible... and there are lots of lovely homes between $100,000 - $200,000, too... I could swoop in, pick them up, renovate the hell out o' them, sell them fast... man, that's a exciting thought. (Ironically enough, building, buying and selling, is almost as much fun for me as having a great man!! It's the only other real 'replacement' I have for that level of excitement! hahahaha!).

But I would need to have a regular Teaching Position to get a normal Mortgage, which I would want... and I looove teaching, so I don't want to live without that... I guess I will just keep plugging away at either finding a good job in Belleville, so I can carry through with my plan of moving back to Canada, or Find a New Man, or find another way to get a damn Green Card (always an of my many concerns, before, was that I would not be able to get a Green Card within the time frame allotted, because of the changes at my school -- Work-based Green Card, AND that I hadn't found anyone to marry - Marriage-based Green Card... anyway, one way or another, it looked like no Green Card, which means moving back whether I like it, or not, so I thought it might just be best to make the move sooner rather than later, so I could re-establish myself before I turn 50... which is still years away, but I like to think ahead... all a part of the fancy Chess Game I call Life...). Anyway, it's on hold, right now. I will have to Wait and See what happens, and just live out my life while I am waiting... much as before! But the thought of being able to go back and start buying and selling really, really appeals to me, and is keeping me going through the more difficult days. I feel like at least now I have a Good Plan B, and that gives me some solace.

I hope you find some solace in youse own life, today, and maybe a Strawberry Dacquiri, too!! Solace in the Strawberry Dacquiri?? haha! Oh, and I'm gonna be a Fortune Teller for Hallowe'en... yippee! I looove telling peoples they gots a great future ahead o' them!! Okay, Babeez, I gotsta bounce! See you soon! Love, Respect, Kisses and Drinks, Ailsa xox

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Thursday, September 24th, 2009. Hmmm, doesn't it feel like 2009 has been long enough, already, and it's time to move on to 2010?? haha! Silly! Who time-travels?? Everyone, from what I can tell, these days... I'm in the middle of reading The Time Traveller's Wife (interesting, but I think I'm at a weird part, so canny read it before I goes to bed! haha!), and I've recently seen The Final Destination, and now there's yet another show on TV (my favorite invention, ever... next to books and chocolate... and one other thing... oh, and alcohol... okay, I clearly gots lots o' favorite things! haha!) about time travel, or time out of time, so-to-speak. Wonder what's creating this new fascination? Not that it's all that new, of course, but doesn't it seem to be coming up a lot, lately?? Hmmm, makes you wonder if you should have another drink... or maybe that's just me! lol!

Nooo, I kid! Because I drunk! Noooo. I just silly! I was gonna have my favorite (see how many favorites I have?) drink, these days... remember how I loved the Bay Breezes they were serving Cara and I in Vegas? The deeelicious drink with Pineapple juice, cranberry juice and vodka? Well, this one is even better, if that's possible! haha! I don't have a name for it, and Cara made it for me, first, then I made her show me how to make it for myself (I tryin' to be more independent, and it all starts with learning how to make youse own drinks -- that's a little lesson for the kids out there, like a Public Service Announcement, you know ... lol!)... Cara is a bartender, by Trade, so she very good at making me fancy new concoctions. For the sake of brevity (I knows you a busy, busy, human), let's call it 'Sunshine in a Cup'. Yuuum. Sounds good already, right? Now how can I add that you will soon be rolled up into a cup, right after you drink it?? haha! No, it probably take two for that to happen, and you won't remember it, anyway...

So here it is, Sunshine in a Cup... you need a glass of some sort -- don't be primitive, this is no time to use your hands...or other body parts... and you're gonna have to drag yourself outta that damn gutter one day, too... geeez. Sometimes I am shocked at how you think! ;)

Okay, so you gots da glass, and you've added the ice, so you don't spill all over the place, later, as I may have done, inadvertently, of course (second drink), right after you've added far too much alcohol, and now you're trying to 'cut it' with more juice and pop! haha! (I makin' myself laugh, now... is that a Good or Bad sign? Whatever! Any laugh is a Good Laugh, I says) Now add in Triple Sec, which is a delicious orange flavor, and an equal part of Peach Schnapps... and depending on how big yo' glass is (or bowl, I don't know how you roll...), another part of Vodka.. top with Sunny D and 7Up. Yuuum. So Yum! Why, it's like being a really, really old kid! haha! (Smaller glass, on the occassions you feel like being all moderate, 'n all, skip da vodka... and that is the only time you'll hear me say that, again! lol!)

You know what? I just kiddin' about you drinkin' out a' bowl (so you can get even more!), but this would make a great Party Punch. And if you made that, and I happened to be at yo' party, then I would see you at da Punch Bowl, Baby!! haha!

Okay, so lately I've been thinking about moving back to Canada... a lot. And I've been checking out property, of course, as I am want to do, and I cannot believe the incredible deals you can get outside of Los Angeles! hahaha! God, how could I have forgotten that it's less expensive to live practically anywhere else?? I was looking, primarily, at the Belleville, Ontario area, because that's close to where I grew up, and I think people are often drawn back from whence they came (I tryin' to class it up a little, after all me drinkin' jokes! haha!). I saw an acreage for under $500,000! Dang!! I think I need that to be MY acreage!! haha! I always loved the idea of buying a larger parcel of land, living on one part, and subdividing the rest of it... and with any luck, building the rest of the houses in, what would then be, Ailsa Estates... nooo. Really, I all full o' myself, tonight! What's that all about?? Not enough attention as a child? Maaaybe! What would you call an Estate Area, if you started one on your own?? Ailsa's Acreages (AA for short... could be appropriate..). A. Estates. "Hey, where you live?" You answer with a slight slur,"I live at A Estates." Everyone think you a jerk, now... not answering their question reasonably... :) lol!

So over the next wee while, I'm watching to see how things go, what it's like at work, how pleasant is it for me to live here versus how nice it would be to go home, so-to-speak... I think I'm homesick for Canada, right now. Maybe it'll pass, maybe it won't. At the very least, I can check out houses for sale, online, which is a great option, if you are ever considering a move, somewhere... pop into whatever area appeals to you, see what kind of prices you're dealing with, what kind of house you can get for the money... what kind of lifestyle you will have.

I was concerned that it might be lonely out on an acreage, since I'm not married, anymore, and God Knows there aint a' nobody comin' round for that, so I would be there for ages, just me and da Boy (my very sweet son, Aidan, who just turned 10, by the way!), but the reality of our lives is that we are alone here in L.A. virtually all the time, too, so the only difference would be we would see fewer actual people, but on the extreme upside, we would definitely have a very, very cute puppy!! (We're all about The Dog!) I'll need to make sure I don't make yet another massive Life Choice based on my need to cuddle something little and cute -- baby or puppy!! (Hopefully, just puppy! haha!) Hmm... so I will keep you abreast of the situation (really, I just thought you might like to read the word 'abreast'... and maybe my site traffic will go waay up at the excessive use of the word 'abreast'... hahaha!)

Oh, that reminds me -- you know how when a Celebrity makes an appearance on a TV Show, they have to mention the celebrity's name 10 times (minimally, but 10 times in one episode is a tricky matter!), well, if you are writing on a website, and you use a specific word three times, it is much more likely to be noticed by the spiders that are crawling through your site (while you sleep... scared, yet? haha!), so please excuse my tardiness (I have a note) and my excessive use o' da word 'abreast'. We good?? We good. You know I always want the Best for You!! Luvs, Ailsa xox

You know what?? I totally forgot to tell you why I mentioned the Celebrity on a TV Show - thing... have you seen the new show, Glee? Oh, man, that is the funniest show! You gotsta watch it, when you get a chance... great writing, perfect acting, and Josh Brogan was on it, last week. It's such a great show that my prediction is that we will see many, many great actors and musicians on it, soon.. I would love to see Justin Timberlake on the show, since the Lead Character looks a whole lot like him... perhaps a half-brother he didn't know about... I just puttin' that out there! lol! Catch it if you can, it's hilarious!

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Wednesday, August 26th, 2009. What up, what up?? So, tonight is the Big Night for the Mars/Moon Show... is that really true?? Me wants ta know! And me far too lazy to Google it! haha! Nooo, maybe I will Google it, right after I Google Megan Wants a Millionaire, which has become endlessly fascinating to me.... why was the show cancelled, completely? That makes no sense... everyone knows peoples iz obsessed with all things they can't have, and now we're left hangin', so-to-speak, because a b*stard contestant might have commited a heinous crime.... I think all the women want to watch the show, in all it's creepiness, because they want to watch for clues to the creepiness, so they don't fall for it, too.... are you with me on that one, too? Yes, I want to see all the clues into creep-dom. Come on, TV peoples, let us see the show... edit it if you feel that's best, but let us judge for ourselves.

And I want to know (see, now I have an Inquiring Mind) what happens to Megan from Megan Wants a Millionaire, now? Is her career over because of this creep?? That's not fair! She's a good kid! And I don't like how she is being portrayed in the Media -- a blonde after money -- so what? She wants a successful man. What?? Has that ever happened in the history of Life on Earth, before?? Hmmm. And it's a TV Show, for God's Sake. She has her own money -- she's looking for love, like everyone else.

Which brings me to More to Love. Oh, no. So sad. That is, without a doubt, the saddest show on TV, and wouldn't you know, me loooves it!! I can't get enough of it! haha! Those poor girls, out with that guy who seems like every other guy, except with giant breasts (did you see them? Is that okay on National TV, during Primetime? No, I kidding! I was fascinated, too!). Man boobs. Really. I didn't know that was really true. And now I know. Hmmm. I feel soo sorry for the girls feeling so awful about their bodies -- I guess I thought the Show was going to be all about acceptance of your current body, and be more positive, but the girls all seem greatly affected by their outward appearance. Even on a Show where I think that really was the notion they started out with... such a shame, they're lovely girls. Maybe a Follow-up show will have them changing what they want to change, setting them up with a whole bunch of men, not just One Guy.

And you know what else? I'm not gonna go back to Therapy. Nope. It has caused more trouble than it's worth. I became Angry. No, that's not the persona I want. I like being cheery, and dealing with life as it hits me, so-to-speak! hahaha! There's always a lot to deal with in your life, if you are indeed having a life, and I feel like I don't want to change how I manage my life in what is a more negative direction than what I was already doing... I guess I like things a little complicated, not perfect. Pefect, schmerfect. That not work for me. I'll read The Four Agreements, again, see if I feel more grounded. I'll swim even more, and go back to the gym, which, frankly, I have been neglecting in favor o' an afternoon nap, during me holidays!! haha! Yes, that's right, I'll bury my feelings in Physical Exercise! No! Kidding! I love exercising -- it's good for your soul, and then your body looks great, too (like a little side bonus!). And I will buy a cheerier book to read, since I'm reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, right now, and as much as I'm enjoying it, it's not really a Cheery Summer Read! haha! I did start reading Lauren Weisberger (Author of The Devil Wears Prada, Chasing Harry Winston & Everyone Worth Knowing, and I hope, hope, hope she's at home writing something new for me to read by da pool!!), this summer, and her books are a lovely read, so must go find more books by Lauren!!

Okay, that's it, I'm goin' swimmin'! Laps around the pool, and tons o'' jogging in the pool outta fix me up, get me back on track wit' me life! Right?? haha! Well, at least it's fun to do, and I enjoy it, so that's good enough for me, right now. That'll be my new mantra -- "Good enough for me!' lol! I hope you're out there, havin' a great day, and everything is 'good enough for you' in your life!! You know I always want the best for you! Love & Such, Ailsa!! xox!

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The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

Sunday, August 9th, 2009. Hello there, You Lovely Thing, You! Dang, I've missed you a lot! You look great! I was gonna say, 'Good enough to eat'. but, really, I suppose that's a little inappropriate, and most likely based on da fact dat me hasn't had any breakfast, yet! hahaha! Sooo silly! (But in a Good Way, not in a 'somebody grab her arms and get them in the jacket' kind of way, right?? haha! lol!)

So my lovely daughter, Cara, and I went to see that new movie, Julia and Julie the other day... luckily, we had time to stop in for Ki-Bombs at the local Sushi Restaurant (beer and a thing of sake on the side... very drunk, very fast, which turned out to be necessary to get through da movie, Julia and Julie!! haha!).The whole thing about this movie is that she, Julie, who is as plain as day, for some unknown reason (really, they couldn't let Amy Adams be a little bit cute in da movie??) is gonna work her way through the Julia Child French Cookbook in one year. Good Plan. Just doing da math on that doesn't make any sense... why not one recipe a day, or more useful to my life, maybe one a month, depending on how much time me gots?? haha!

Now here's MY idea for a very, very similar thing -- I'm gonna do one great Scottish Recipe a day for, oh, SEVEN days... yes, that should cover every great Scottish Recipe! I'll start with Beans on Toast, and end with a Big Finish with me own version o' Sheppard's Pie! hahahaha! Actually, I DO have a great recipe for Sheppard's Pie, and I should put it on me site, fer sures... and maybe one day I will... damn that stoopid laziness is really holding me back! lol!

Noooo! All da Scottish Peoples be all mad at me, now! We have tons and tons o' great recipes, and they don't call for 4 pounds o' butter in every recipe (two pounds, tops! haha!). There's a reason we haven't adopted French cooking into every day American diets... one, who has that kind of time to cook, every day, and who could possibly eat all that fat, and come out alive after 50?? No. Occasionally, a French Recipe, oui, every day a French recipe, ah, non! And all of my Scottish Recipes have been modified to include what I like to call flavor... haha! Ugh, I gettin' meself into all sorts o' trouble, today! Or, more accurate to where I live now, in Los Angeles, "I be gettin' meself into all sorts of trouble, today"...!

You DO want to try the Scottish Steak Pie, though -- it's unbelievably delicious. For Real. No Kidding, this time! At the very least, start making your steak and sausages like this, just serve them with Mashed Potatoes, if that sounds easier... your family and friends will go mad over it, it's just that deeelicious! Maybe I will make that in honor of my wonderful wee boy coming home, next week! My Little Man, Aidan, who is only 9, has been up visiting his Dad in Canada for EIGHT weeks... that's a long time for a Small Man to be away from his Mum, but we're almost all the way through it, Thank Goodness. I have napped as much as any human could, read at the pool for hours on end (so now I have the best tan of my whole life!), taken classes to keep myself busy, worked Summer School, and did not ONCE figure out how to go out and meet a new man. Ugh. Really. That's crazy. All that time with no need for a babysitter, and I couldn't figure out what to do.

Where I grew up in Ontario, Canada (the Belleville/Quinte Bay Area, in case you happen to know it), and where I went to University (Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario), there were loads of places to go dancing, and they were really fun and close by. Here, in Los Angeles, where you would think there are tons of places to go dancing, I can't think of anywhere to go, or who to go with... most of the girls I know are either married or in committed relationships, and I don't want to go with a fellow I don't want to appear to 'be with', if ye' get me drift... those Sex and the City Girls made it look like girls are available all the time to go out to clubs and dinner, but that's not at all the reality for most women. Nope.

It's funny. I'm used to just meeting someone great at work, or you're out dancing,dancing, laughing, laughing, and you meet someone great, strike up a conversation, you're bestest friends by the end of the evening, and then it's on, but it doesn't appear to be that way down here. For one, I know I am very bad for not wanting to drive very far, so I hopes da new person I meet lives within, say, 10 minutes o' where I live! hahahaha! (I laugh on account'a how crazy that is!!), so technically I could go to Hollywood to go dancing, but what a hassle if I DID meet someone up there... that's 45 minutes away, without traffic! Can you see I want the Love without the Hassle?? haha!

I guess that segways very nicely into this next bit... did I tell you I started Therapy?? Yes, at the special request of many o' me bestest friends! Haha! They are very caring and loving, and they were absolutely right -- I DO love Therapy! It's incredibly enlightening. When I left the Therapist's office on the very first day, I felt sooo empowered. Really. It was amazing. He had me 'draw a string', if you will, along all the main men in my life, and look to see what attracted me to them in the first place. (No, this is not about building, today, in case yo' waitin' and waitin' for da building part!! Maybe in a wee bit! lol!) So it seems like I was primarily attracted to anyone who made me laugh, or someone I perceived as being really kind, especially to people with Special Needs, since that is a primary force in my life. And then the physical connection happened AFTER that (except with my old boyfriend, Greg, where it was strictly a physical connection, first, but we have now been best friends for 25 years, so it's all good! Turns out, he was nice and hilarious, as well! haha!)

So we will see where Therapy can take me, next. It's like a journey into your own life, but with a fresh new perspective, so you can look at it differently, see how you can change what you want or need to change... wish me luck with that! lol!

Okay, here's the building part... when things are very difficult, here, in Los Angeles, I can't help but wonder what my life would be like if I were to sell up, here, and live somewhere else. It would mean the ability to build another house, which I would dearly love to do, but then would I be alone in that house? That would be even worse than here, where I am alone in my Condo, but at least I can go down to the pool and see a bunch of friendly faces, have some lovely conversations... must remember that out on the acreage, it was painfully lonely, even though I was married at the time... hmmm. Must mention this to da Therapist!!

On the extreme upside, my Little Baby will be home this week, and I can hardly wait! He says he wants to have a big bowl of Rice Pudding when he comes in the door -- how cute is that?? (Oh, I should put da Rice Pudding Recipe on the site, too, since it is lovely and deeelicious, and super easy to make!) And then he would like my famous Cherry Cheesecake.... oh, what a cutie!! We're gonna be eatin' good, next week!! Screw you, Julia Child, I've got me own recipes, and they're waaay healthier!! (Was that bitterness in dat last line?? Who wrote that?? Otay, me tell da Therapist dat, too! Gonna be a busy Session... haha!)

I will see you soon, Babeez!! You know I love you, from afar (unless you live within a 10 minute radius o' me!!), and want you to have a fantabulous life!! Much Love, Ailsa xox

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< > You can look for Michael Jackson CDs, Memorabilia, all sorts of things Michael Jackson on Amazon... they're crazy-busy, right now, with everyone scrambiling to get a little piece of him... maybe some of the revenues from everyone buying a little something will trickle down to the children -- hopefully, there is lots of money for them, and they don't incur any of the debt he might have left behind... so sad! He will be remembered, always, though, so he lives on through his music.

Rest in Peace, Micheal Jackson... Gone Too Soon.

Saturday, June 27th, 2009. Man, soo much has happened, this week, can you believe it?? Three big losses, ending with Michael Jackson. Wow. Who ever saw that one coming?? At least Farrah Fawcett had a chance to say good bye to her whole family, and poor old Ed McMahon, at least he had a full and complete life. There were a million (millions, no doubt!) Michael Jackson Memorial Parties, though, and everyone is remembering him for the incredible Music Legend that he is... his poor family must be just devasteded. I am hoping the children will be kept intact, and will settle into a perhaps more normal life, now... poor wee kids! How sad to lose a parent at such a young age...

And here, I was gonna just tell you about our fun and fancy-free (really: small child free!) trip to Las Vegas (Vegas, Baby!!) this week... and then everything happened that no one expected. Interesting response world-wide, though, don't you think? I was always very fond of Michael Jackson's early work, 'ABC', Ben, you know, all the early stuff, but then I really liked Man in the Mirror, and a lot of his later work, too... too many hits to even write down, but all the radio stations in Los Angeles are playing Michael Jackson's music all day, which is a nice way to memorialize him. I hope he is finally happy, and truly at rest. There was a song I heard on TV, last night, on one of the many Michael Jackson specials, and the song was 'Gone too soon', and it was beautiful, so I wonder, now, if that will skyrocket through the charts?

The part I thought was really weird was the whole thing with Michael Jackson's personal physician quickly leaving the scene, and leaving behind his super-fancy BMW... did he attempt to leave the country?? Would he have been able to do that, if he had left fast enough to get out while the goin' was good?? Man, that can't possibly be a good sign...

So, anyhooo, my daughter Cara and I were in Vegas this past week -- oooh, so much fun!! Our favorite, favorite Casino Slot Machine was this one called Hot Shot, which was hilarious! Hill-arious, is more accurate... and we were slightly tipsy the entire time, so even more fun when this little song would come up in the middle of the game -- you would be spinning and spinning on this machine, then all of a sudden, this thing pops up and shouts, "Hot Shot!!", then this music starts that was very, very catchy, so we were yahooing, singin' and dancin' every time it came up! Have no idea if we won anything on those particular machines (really, any and all winnings went right back into da games!!), but they were a lot of fun! And I really liked this I Dream of Jeannie slot machine -- soo funny! I kept thinking it would be perfect for any lonely and slightly delusional men out there, because all through the game, 'Jeannie' (yes, her real voice! lol!) kept saying "Yes, Master", and when you did something right, she would say, "Yes, Yes, YES!!", and I could imagine all da boys who had a mad crush on Jeannie (and all da girls, too!! haha!) when they were growing up, loooving this game!!

We stayed at the Luxor, the hotel shaped like a pyramid, and the hilarious thing about this place, that, of course, never crossed me mind before we got there, was that the 'elevator' has to go at an angle, on account o' da pyramid shape o' da building! Really, seems obvious, now, but was a giant shock to us when we were in the 'Inclinator'... they don't even call it an elevator, so you know fer sures that you are NOT in any sort of elevator, that might go straight up and not jiggle like crazy all the way up! Cool concept for an elevator on an angle,, though, so I liked that part.

By far, our favorite Casino was The Paris. (Noo, not Paris Hilton -- I don't know how much it is to stay there a night! Really, you're lucky I speak to you, what with your mind in the gutter like that, all day, every day ...lmao!!) The Paris Hotel was soo, so pretty, with really high ceilings, painted like the sky, and the Eiffel Tower is 'in the base', so it gives the appearance that you are literally sitting and gambling right under the Eiffel Tower -- ooh, la la! hahaha! (Yes, you caught me, I am laughing out loud, this very minute!! lol!) Now gonna say Ooh, la la all day!! And the people were really, really nice in there -- they kept bringing us all sorts of drinks -- my new favorite drink that I got to try many, many times while we were in Vegas (!) was called a Bay Breeze, which I highly, drunkenly, recommend!! haha! As far as I know, it was Cranberry Juice, Pineapple Juice, and Vodka, I guess... I just know that I happen to have a lot of Vodka in my fancy 1970's Bar here at my house, and went out, specifically, yesterday, to buy me a giant carton o' Pineapple Juice, so can see if I can match the concoction they made for me in Vegas!! And I am willing to try, over and over again, to mix as many drinks as I have to, until I get it right... that's the kind of committment I have to getting the recipe right! lol!!

So I am 'Single' for the whole summer... technically, I guess, I'm single year round (dammit!), but now I am really, really single, because my little man, Aidan, is visiting his Dad for the summer in Canada, lucky boy!! That means a great summer for Aidan, and a whole lot of time all by myself for me, so must find things (and people!) to fill my hours 'til he gets back... hello bars, my old friends! Cara and I want to check out all the different Happy Hours we can find -- see which ones are great, which ones we will go to only once, if youse catch me drift! lol! And I will hit the gym and pool even more than before, so I should look like I'm about 32 by the end o' da summer (unless, of course, we really do find a great Happy Hour, and we end up there every day instead o' da gym! hahahaha!). Who knows, maybe this'll be the summer a great man comes into my life, who wants to have an actual relationship... wha'?? Wha' she mean by 'Actual Relationship'?? These words are foreign to the L.A. crowd! lol! Okay, maybe just someone to hang out with and have lots of extra-special fun!! (See my standards lower before your very eyes! hahaha!)

Otay, you sweet thing, you, get off o' da 'puter and have a great day!! (Or stay on and buy stuff, like me!! haha!) Oh, and I'm on Facebook, fer sures, (Search: Ailsa Forshaw) so if you want to check out new pictures of me, that's where they are until I can finally figure out how to get those pics on my site -- man, when will me brain struggles ever end?? lol! Must ask my old webmaster, yet again, how to get the new pictures up! You knows I luvs you! Enjoy Yourself, and Shake Your Body Down to the Ground! haha! Ailsa xoxoxox!

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< > You can look for Michael Jackson CDs, Memorabilia, all sorts of things Michael Jackson on Amazon... they're crazy-busy, right now, with everyone scrambiling to get a little piece of him... maybe some of the revenues from everyone buying a little something will trickle down to the children -- hopefully, there is lots of money for them, and they don't incur any of the debt he might have left behind... so sad! He will be remembered, always, though, so he lives on through his music.

Thursday, May 7th, 2009. Man, time flies when you all lazy, don't it?? haha! I sorry about being away for a while, yet again. I promise, though, fer sures, the second I develop some sort of exciting life, I'll start writing a whole lot more often, deal?? Deal! Okay, so that pretty much gets me off the hook for writing for quite some time, right? Years, possibly! lol!

Okay, so here's what I'm stuggling with, these days. (Yes, you are very, very observant, my Smartest Little Reader, ever... I DO always seem to be in a constant state of struggle...) I do not know whether I should bother to put in a very involved application to get my Green Card, so I can live and work in America, forever... I really do want to live and work here forever, but the process is daunting, and it was waaay easier to write that last line (the one about wanting to live and work here, forever...) than it is to truly believe that. It's tricky being an immigrant. Annoying, one might say. I am still jumping through giant hoops just to stay here, and that is irksome, not to mention time-consuming. So, is it worth it? I measure my happiness in a very impractical way... generally, by my Love Life, which is non-existent. That not good. (Even Neanderthal Ned think so!) So do I continue to measure my happiness by this silly standard, which is fleeting, and may change at any given time, and may easily fly away, again, or measure my happines by my job, home and family? Hmmm. I think I know the answer a practical person would give, but, sadly enough, that not me! lol! I am driven by emotions. And Nice Houses. Big Houses. If I'm not going to be In Love, maybe I should at least be in a Big House?? haha! Haven't I tried that, already, and it turned out to be even lonelier in a Giant House than in a normal-sized Condo, still looking for Love? (Why is Love so damn elusive?? Hmmmm...Grrrr! haha! I'm not really angry, I just feel like sounding like a bear for a minute! hahaha!) Gaaawd, am I saying that a Giant House might not be the answer to my Quest for Happiness?? lol! (In answer to your Silent Question, oddly enough, no, I have not been drinking, but perhaps I should...!! haha!)

Apparently, it can take about 5 years to process a Green Card. Ugh. That's a long time. And according to the paperwork I found about a week ago, from my Immigration Lawyer, it'll cost about $6,000. for the applications. Five years and Six Grand. That's a lot. I technically have 2 years left on my current Work Visa, and then if I am lucky enough (and don't write toooo many stooopid things on my website! lol!), I can get renewed for another 3 years, so that gives me another five years here, to happily work and play. (Somewhat happily, and therein lies da problem, which is a direct quote from Shakespeare, I think). Oh, and alcohol is very, very cheap down here in the Lucky Land o' California, so there's that to consider, too... I think I have mentioned before that I have a Bar in my Condo, and initially I was going to rip it out, put in more cupboards (me loves da cupboards!), but now I looove my fancy throw-back to the 1970s Bar! It's jam packed full of stuff somebody else might like to drink... I, myself, am a very simple Vodka and CranCherry girl, unless I am even lazier than that, and simply go for the Already-Made-For-Me Strawberry Margaritas for $2.99 a case of Four (I KNOW, that's a GREAT Deal!!Who wouldn't buy reams and reams of them, and keep them in yet another cupboard, just in case someone realizes they have been selling them at such a crazy low rate that the price suddenly skyrockets... so you can see I am pre-planning for me future, now, too...! hahaha!) (Did I just digress for a minute? That's odd. I've never done that before, so sorry 'bout dat!!)

Have you already guessed my Big Hope?? haha! That's right! OBAMA!! Pweeease, oh, pweease, me and about 11 million other immigrants are all hoping that Brilliant President Obama will come up with an easier way (and hopefully less expensive and faster) to get a Green Card. Really, if the numbers are really correct, and there can possibly be 11 million people here (I am fully legal, of course, but I'm talking about the 11 million immigrants who are not currently legal, but who live and work here, none-the-less...). Wouldn't it be in everyone's Best Interest to find a relatively easy and fast way to allow all those people (and ME in 5 short years!) to live and work in America legally? Wow, that number of illegal immigrants is staggering to me. (And not just from the tequila, neither... little Cinco de Mayo humor for you, there...) It only stands to reason that something significant should change to correct that situation. That's a lot of Potential Tax Money, ain't it?? Even the fees, alone, for any kind of Basic Paperwork to get a Green Card, or some variation of that, would generate massive amounts of money. And employ a whole lot of people. It would take 4, maybe 5, Government Employees, to process all those poor immigrants! The line up would be long, though. Would be wise to bring a tent with you, or something...

Oh, crap! I just remembered it's May, already, and I haven't put up the new May Horoscopes! Dang it! I haven't been able to get into my address, lately, for some reason... hmmm. If you've written to me, and haven't heard back from me, yet, that explains it, right there... not the myriad of other reasons you might have come up with in yo' twisted little thoughts... I can only assume you are a fair bit like me, and have many and varied 'myriad ideas' about pretty much everything, and let those ideas free as often as possible! haha!) I will have to solve that problem... also my Big Problem with trying to get new pictures on my site for you, since I am going to hazzard a guess that you are tired of seeing pictures o' me from a few years back! haha! I'm on Classmates (yes, a crazy Bathing Suit Shot, but only because I am happy to be wearing a bikini at 46! lol!), and I did try Facebook, although I don't have time to go into Facebook... perhaps in the summer...but then the bars are open late in the summer, right?? hahaha! Oh, I'm just being silly, now. Dang! Do you think there might be a connection between my warped sense of humor and the lack o' love in me life?? hahaha! Ah, well! Whatever! I have 5 years to figure it out, right?? And if I still haven't found anyone to love in 5 years, then I will just find another country, and, what the hell, build the big damn house!! haha! (Okay, me fixed it! Da May Horoscopes are up!)

Okay, baby-cakes! I gotsta bounce! (Man, that's my second quote from Shakespeare. I hope you don't think I'm all uppity, 'n stuff. I might as well be honest and tell you that didn't get a chance to read all of Shakespeare, so some of it might be a bit muddled with some graffitti I read earlier today, and I think it was really closer to "I gotsta bounce, Good Sir", but I not tryin' to be all fancy like that... You know I always love to see you in here! You look amazing, by the way!! Goigeous, in case no one has told you yet, today! I am really, really glad I had that one way camera installed into my computer... man, that thing really pays for itself! I hope you have tons and tons of love and happiness in yo' own life!! And if you need more, maybe we go lookin' for love, together!! Love & Luck, Ailsa! xox (If you are now thinking about going in to look at me pictures in Classmates or Facebook, look up Ailsa Forshaw, and I went to Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and Bayside Secondary School in, surprise, Bayside, Ontario, Canada...)

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< > A Gift Card is Perfect for Mother's Day!! Let Your Mom Buy Anything She Wants! :)

Sunday, March 29th, 2009. Hey, Baby Love, how you doin'? I soo sorry it's been a while... but this time I really do have a good excuse! Yes, last week I had 'an altercation' with a large piece of lumber (actual lumber, for those whose minds have just fallen into the gutter! haha!), resulting in Head Trauma for me. Man, you try to be discreet about stealing some flowers, and the next thing you know, WHACK! BANG! Right on da head! Okay, so I wasn't really stealing any flowers, so much as I was taking them from one part of the garden where hardly anyone every noticed them, and was 'taking them on a short trip' to a better place, where they could truly be admired... sound better?? haha! So I was almost finished transplanting said beautiful purple flowers, when I stood straight up, and right into an 8 X 2 beam. Yooowch! Very, very painful, and I think a few expletives might have been uttered.. Anyway, I'm okay, now, for the most part (they said it would take a couple of weeks for me to recover fully).

So I was laying in me bed, trying to keep my brain still, and, in my own mind, losing weight like crazy, in that I really had no appetite, calling what might be a possible weight loss, My Head Trauma Diet. That's right. That's how much of a blow to the head I got! lol! Really, this would not be a highly recommended method of weight loss, given how intensely stupid it would be! haha! Ah, well. I have yet to regain my appetite, so I will make the best of the situation, and be happy that I only have a minimal interest in the occasional bowl of cereal, and hope that I am close to the 7 pounds I wanted to take off before my Annual Physical, anyway. I don't like to get a row (Scottish for 'getting in trouble'!) from my Doctor or Nurse Practitioner, so I will go in all slim and trim. Really, I oughtta make that appointment right away, before me appetite returns! haha!

What I want to know, though, is what idiot built a trellis, against a brick wall, with a completely unnecessary beam at about the 5 foot mark, a good foot and a half away from the wall?? (Do you see how I am clearly defending myself, here?) That's what I bashed my head on so badly... and it makes zero sense for a trellis to have been built like that. Hmmm. I guess I'll go have a look at it when I get back to school, to see what I can do to prevent any further injuries to anyone else.. my Mum suggested maybe hanging some plants from it, so the beam could be clearly seen. Sounds like a good idea...

Oh, and speaking of things my Mum has suggested, everyone knows that I love to buy a property (or, better yet, build a new home!), live in it for a while, then sell it, take the profit to plunk down on the next place, and do it all again as opportunities arise, right? And it's a great idea, the best possible way I know to make some serious money fairly quickly. But this is not very 'old school', if you will. It doesn't fit into the old pattern of moving somewhere and living there forever. That doesn't work for me... that works perfectly if you are married forever, have only one job forever.. you get the idea. My life isn't like that, and now I don't have a husband to work with to make more money, and move ahead that way, so it is even more important for me (and my children) to make sure I make as much as I can, while I can, right? (Pweeease be on my side! haha!) Anyway, I am forever being told to stay put, not make any more moves, but that's what I like to do, so I gots ta follow me own path, baby!

On the offchance that this is your first visit in here, my favorite way to make money is to buy a property at a really, really good price, renovate the entire place so it looks gorgeous, then put it back on the market when I know for sure that it has increased in value at least $100 Grand (so the tax hit isn't too much of an issue... 20% of the profit if you sell in under two years, in America), buy another place in rough shape, but with great 'bones' (somewhere that I know I can make amazing), do it all again. I live pretty close to the beach in Los Angeles, so prices are pretty stable in my area, and I like to stay in the same wee bit, so my son never changes his school, and there is minimun change for the kids. See? That doesn't sound so bad, does it? I loove renovating, so it's not like real work for me -- it's more fun than anything, provided the money is there to pay for what is needed (and what I want, more importantly! haha!) , since that's really where the stress comes in when you're doing a renovation... that and waiting for contractors to show up! lol! Today must be a 'Defending Your Life', day! Ah, well. As long as we're all happy, and I'm putting big chunks of money down on my mortgage each time we do a move, then it's all good, right?

So here's what have to figure out, today. There are two little birds that have decided to take up residence on my balcony, and as nice as they are, that really freaks me out. They want to live, it seems, in my giant hanging basket of Bouganvillea, which I love, so the basket o' flowers has to stay, but the birds need to find another place to sit... so, yesterday, I put a little Ralph's grocery store plastic bag in the base of the hanging basket, in the hopes that they would land on it, say, "What the...??", and fly off, never to return, again. But guess where they are, right now? Happily sitting on da bag! Hmfff. I'm gonna have to figure this one out... I love to read out on the balcony, which is full of flowers, of course, so possibly very tempting for the birds, but I've seen that movie, and that canny happen when I am gleefully reading my favorite Wally Lamb book, now, can it?? lol!

Oh, and I've written many, many, very silly April Fools Jokes over the years, right here on me site... I'm trying to find my link for those jokes... this might be it... Happy April Fools, though!

Okay, I gots ta roll, Baby! Me and da birds have got a few rounds ta go! haha! Hope you're havin' a great time, today and every day! Much Love, Ailsa xox

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Monday, President's Day, Feb. 16th, 2009. Soo, how did your Valentine's Day go? Was it all you expected, or did you start out with lowered expectations, just to let it come in better than you hoped?? haha! A little trick to maintain your sanity, sometimes... go in expecting very little, then anything above that seems great! I am not a Big Fan o' da Valentine's Day... I don't like anything that pushes someone to declare more than they (or you) want to declare, for the sake of an Industry making a ton of money at the expense of many, many relationships. I remember years (unfortunately) of me standing in front of the Valentine's Day Card rack at Walmart (the biggest store we had in our small town), desperately looking for a card that just said, "Well, looks like we're still married... Happy Valentine's Day!", but it was never there! haha! I know, that's terrible! But it's such a weird day. You don't always want to tell someone a bunch of really mushy stuff, and if you're fighting, or something (what, there's fighting in a marriage?? Say it ain't so! haha!) , you really don't always feel like setting everything aside because the Greeting Card Industry wants to make sure you buy a lot of nice stuff...hmmm.

Aaand, we all know this can be a 'Make or Break' Holiday... if you DO want something from a Valentine, and they are not giving it to you, or you get something waaay less than you thought you'd get, there's trouble in the land. Often, Big Trouble. Many's a relationship breaks apart because of what happens on the lovely Valentine's Day. It's a shame, really, because it is just one day, and it only carries all that importance because of outside influences, but whatever the reason, if people, mostly men, don't step up on that day, they are very soon to be stepping down, if you gets me drift! And a man can't claim that he 'didn't know' Valentine's Day is important... that's the sign of a true idiot, so best to let that one go, anyway. Maybe it's the Love Industry's way of helping women weed the bad ones out! haha! Maybe better to call it, "Weed Day", but that sounds like something else, perhaps the kind of day that Michael Phelps might really enjoy! lol! I feel for Michael Phelps, because the guy wins 9 Gold Medals, turns out he's a Young Guy, and sudden;y everything is bad. That seems a little harsh to me. And I heard on one Media Outlet that 'he was stupid enough to let someone take his picture...'. Man, maybe cut the kid a little slack, since he already did so much for his country, and he is a very fine specimen of a Human Being... poor kid!

I am having the worst time trying to decide whether to buy that other Condo in my Complex. I have spoken to the realtor a number of times, and man, those conversations are a struggle.. you know how I feel about most realtors. I actually have a great friend of mine, who is a realtor, so if you are in the Los Angeles Area, I'll give you her info... but this other one is definitely one I want to keep my conversations to a minimum with, since I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what I'm saying, let alone thinking, no matter how direct I am. The problem is that I am reluctant to give up this Condo that I just bought this past summer, because after I did the Renovations, it's gorgeous in here, and I really love the tree-top view from my bedroom windows and balcony... that would be hard to give up. The good thing about the other Condo is that it's right down by the pool... wonder what's really holding me back? I'll call that "Real Estate Therapy"! haha! That might be an interesting study, finding out what really makes people buy and sell property, outside of the Financial Reasons...

Have you already been out to catch some of the President's Day Sales? I have been thinking about it all day, but it's cold and rainy outside,so I have also been thinking about maybe having another nap! haha! So far, the 'other nap' idea is winning out! We've turned into a bunch of wussies down here in California... whenever it's the least bit yucky outside (and the definition of 'yucky' being, 'below 72 Degrees and Sunny'! lol!), we don't want to go out. How sad is that? What happened to my Scottish and Canadian Roots? Are they gone, already?? I've only been here two and a half years! Wonder if that's how long it takes to completely acclimate to a new place? I think it's because in Scotland or Canada, you better get your behind out the door when it's terrible weather, because one, it may get even worse, and two, it's gonna stay that way for months on end, so might as well move along with your life, whereas here, it's a pretty good shot that tomorrow it'll be beautiful again, so why not wait a day? hahaha! Yes, that's right, we've definitely turned into wussies!

I'm trying something new on my site, today. You know how I like to play around with different things on my site, see what works. It's funny, I will sometimes try something new, and wait for the other shoe to drp, so-to-speak, depending on how crazy the New Thing is! Ah, well. I do the same thing in the rest of my life--- I'm constantly trying new things out, see how it works, does it fit, is it crazy, then make decisions based on those things ... So far, so good!

Okay, well, the rain has stopped, so maybe we will venture out, see if we can score some good President's Day Sales! I am still crazy about all the amazing sales that they have in America... maybe you'll find something great,too, and that will make you feel sooo much better about Valentine's Day, and whatever went down or didn't go down, you can let the day pass by like any other day, and everything will be okay. Perhaps I am giving some advice to myself, here! hahaha! I gots ta bounce, Baby! Happy Valentine's Day from ME to YOU!! I hope you have the bestest and mostest love in your life, this year, and that it lasts forever!! Love & Happiness, Ailsa xox

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Monday, President's Day, Feb. 16th, 2009. Soo, how did your Valentine's Day go? Was it all you expected, or did you start out with lowered expectations, just to let it come in better than you hoped?? haha! A little trick to maintain your sanity, sometimes... go in expecting very little, then anything above that seems great! I am not a Big Fan o' da Valentine's Day... I don't like anything that pushes someone to declare more than they (or you) want to declare, for the sake of an Industry making a ton of money at the expense of many, many relationships. I remember years (unfortunately) of me standing in front of the Valentine's Day Card rack at Walmart (the biggest store we had in our small town), desperately looking for a card that just said, "Well, looks like we're still married... Happy Valentine's Day!", but it was never there! haha! I know, that's terrible! But it's such a weird day. You don't always want to tell someone a bunch of really mushy stuff, and if you're fighting, or something (what, there's fighting in a marriage?? Say it ain't so! haha!) , you really don't always feel like setting everything aside because the Greeting Card Industry wants to make sure you buy a lot of nice stuff...hmmm.

Aaand, we all know this can be a 'Make or Break' Holiday... if you DO want something from a Valentine, and they are not giving it to you, or you get something waaay less than you thought you'd get, there's trouble in the land. Often, Big Trouble. Many's a relationship breaks apart because of what happens on the lovely Valentine's Day. It's a shame, really, because it is just one day, and it only carries all that importance because of outside influences, but whatever the reason, if people, mostly men, don't step up on that day, they are very soon to be stepping down, if you gets me drift! And a man can't claim that he 'didn't know' Valentine's Day is important... that's the sign of a true idiot, so best to let that one go, anyway. Maybe it's the Love Industry's way of helping women weed the bad ones out! haha! Maybe better to call it, "Weed Day", but that sounds like something else, perhaps the kind of day that Michael Phelps might really enjoy! lol! I feel for Michael Phelps, because the guy wins 9 Gold Medals, turns out he's a Young Guy, and sudden;y everything is bad. That seems a little harsh to me. And I heard on one Media Outlet that 'he was stupid enough to let someone take his picture...'. Man, maybe cut the kid a little slack, since he already did so much for his country, and he is a very fine specimen of a Human Being... poor kid!

I am having the worst time trying to decide whether to buy that other Condo in my Complex. I have spoken to the realtor a number of times, and man, those conversations are a struggle.. you know how I feel about most realtors. I actually have a great friend of mine, who is a realtor, so if you are in the Los Angeles Area, I'll give you her info... but this other one is definitely one I want to keep my conversations to a minimum with, since I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what I'm saying, let alone thinking, no matter how direct I am. The problem is that I am reluctant to give up this Condo that I just bought this past summer, because after I did the Renovations, it's gorgeous in here, and I really love the tree-top view from my bedroom windows and balcony... that would be hard to give up. The good thing about the other Condo is that it's right down by the pool... wonder what's really holding me back? I'll call that "Real Estate Therapy"! haha! That might be an interesting study, finding out what really makes people buy and sell property, outside of the Financial Reasons...

Have you already been out to catch some of the President's Day Sales? I have been thinking about it all day, but it's cold and rainy outside,so I have also been thinking about maybe having another nap! haha! So far, the 'other nap' idea is winning out! We've turned into a bunch of wussies down here in California... whenever it's the least bit yucky outside (and the definition of 'yucky' being, 'below 72 Degrees and Sunny'! lol!), we don't want to go out. How sad is that? What happened to my Scottish and Canadian Roots? Are they gone, already?? I've only been here two and a half years! Wonder if that's how long it takes to completely acclimate to a new place? I think it's because in Scotland or Canada, you better get your behind out the door when it's terrible weather, because one, it may get even worse, and two, it's gonna stay that way for months on end, so might as well move along with your life, whereas here, it's a pretty good shot that tomorrow it'll be beautiful again, so why not wait a day? hahaha! Yes, that's right, we've definitely turned into wussies!

I'm trying something new on my site, today. You know how I like to play around with different things on my site, see what works. It's funny, I will sometimes try something new, and wait for the other shoe to drp, so-to-speak, depending on how crazy the New Thing is! Ah, well. I do the same thing in the rest of my life--- I'm constantly trying new things out, see how it works, does it fit, is it crazy, then make decisions based on those things ... So far, so good!

Okay, well, the rain has stopped, so maybe we will venture out, see if we can score some good President's Day Sales! I am still crazy about all the amazing sales that they have in America... maybe you'll find something great,too, and that will make you feel sooo much better about Valentine's Day, and whatever went down or didn't go down, you can let the day pass by like any other day, and everything will be okay. Perhaps I am giving some advice to myself, here! hahaha! I gots ta bounce, Baby! Happy Valentine's Day from ME to YOU!! I hope you have the bestest and mostest love in your life, this year, and that it lasts forever!! Love & Happiness, Ailsa xox

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Give your home a Complete Makeover with these tried and true Do It Yourself ideas that will give your home a brand new look. Renovations add more appeal to your home for your own enjoyment, and Renovations add value to any home, and you all know how much we love value?! (And by value, of course I mean money! haha!) Home Improvement -- it's a great way to love your home even more and add to it's re-sale value! Sometimes some nice new Decorating is all you really need to spruce your place up... You can start with some OxiClean! -- I use it to clean everything. Put two scoops of Oxi-Clean into your Carpet Shampooer with really hot water, and the carpets will come up beautifully. (Yes, I'm addicted to OxiClean!)

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Sexy Outfits and a Giant Shoe Sale! Aaand, great Bathing Suits!! I never want to spend too much on bathing suits, because I'm in the pool and the Hot Tub all the time, and they wear out so quickly, so when I find great bating suits at fantastic prices, I gots ta share the information, right?? We friends like that! lol! I really like their bikinis, but that's just me! See what will work for you ... has an enormous selection of very sexy outfits! always has an amazing Shoe Sale, so it's definitely worth going through their Sale Pages! You can find some incredible deals in there on sexy outfits and shoes! WooHoo!
I've bought a lot of fabulous stuff from over the last few years, and they are exceptionally easy to work with online.(Check out their Sexy Outfits, too!) And their shoes and boots fit like a dream! I think I've bought three pairs of their Thigh High Boots, and they all fit perfectly! Now's the time to give that a try, if you haven't got some sitting in your closet, right now! haha! Electrique Boutique

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Flowers - Chocolates - Jewelry - Sexy Stuff - Shoes - Books (yes, this can be Romantic, depending on the Books!) - Weddings

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Win Big, Baby!!

<><><>< > I just really love the Amazon Gift Cards... perfect for somewhat lazies, such as meself! haha! I often will think about someone's Birthday, or Anniversary, or whatever it is that is not ME, well in advance, and then quickly and easily forget all about it, until I am panicked about a day in advance, and that's when I love Amazon Gift Cards the most! lol! They are little Life Savers for me! Makes me look good when I really a little bit Bad! hahaha :)

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