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At Home with Ailsa --
Archived Ailsa, 2007
Okay, one day I will figure out how to get a new picture
on here of myself... a much slimmer, blonder Me! lol!
Until then, I have finally made it onto Facebook, and as soon as I figure out
how to set up my new Router, I will be able to 'chat' with you on Facebook --
won't that be fun? There's one lonely picture of me taken last week, when my
lovely daughter, Cara, and I went to a fantastic Sunday Brunch in Marina del
Rey, which I love (Brunch and the Marina!) Soon we'll
all be friends! Yahoo! -
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Monday, November 19th, 2007. (Technically, it's after Midnight, so time for me to turn on da computer, and actually Tues., Nov. 20th... oooh, is you all mad at me for being away so long?? No, don't be mad... I'll make it up to you, fer sure!)... Okay, there, Little Cutie. Or "L'il Q-T", as you prefer to be called. I forgot about your new-found love of shortened words, thanks to the advent of text messaging! haha! Hilarious how so many of our words are one tiny letter, now, and yet the school system is still all stuck on 'spelling'. I can't wait for the new Oxford Dictionary to come out with "R" - shortened version of "are", commonly used in Text Messaging on cell phones in America... and, no, there's no need to feel sorry for me, that waiting for the lastest edition of the Oxford Dictionary is high on my list of important and exciting things.... I'm okay with this current level of living! I'm pretty sure that one day it will all get better, and I'll have even bigger and better things to look forward to, right? Right?? (And, no, this is no time to break any bad news to me! haha!)
Okay, so you know what I just finished watching, thanks to the miracle that is the DVR? That's right, The Bachelor. Oh, what a lovely show, all full of hope and love, then bitter rejection at the very end, all for our viewing pleasure. My very favorite part was when Deanna, the second reject of the evening, was in the Limo, where I'm pretty sure they ply the women with wine until they break down enough for the cameras, and she says, "I didn't give a #&^* about what he said...". I don't know what the word was that they bleeped, but it sounded like a really angry expletive, no?? hahahaha! (Okay, I'm just making myself laugh, now, as usual! Sometimes you have to be your own best comedian, to truly enjoy your life!)
I think the very first clue that there might be a slight problem, was when the show introduced Brad's twin brother, aptly named Chad, since I guess the 'Twin Rule" is that the names have to rhyme in some way, and not a crap half-rhyme, neither. A full-on rhyme, or how will people know, fer sures, that they'se related, hmmm? It's guesswork after that, and that's not fair to anybody, especially a group of 25 drunk girls out lookin' for a husband in three short weeks... that ain't right. Everybody knows it takes at least a month to find your True Love, and even then, on week Five, you might see that they are slightly flawed, and want to back out of the Wedding Plans. (Yes, this is a glimpse into my past, bizarrely enough! I got engaged after three weeks of knowing my First Husband. Hmmm. Now why didn't somebody tell me that was crazy, when I was too stooopid and naive to figure it out for meself?? There, now I don't have to take responsibility for it, myself, so I'm good to go!! On to the Next Relationship... all secure 'n everything! haha!)
An Actual Real Estate Tip, which I happened to pick up when I was out drinking a whole lot of wine (yum!). Let's see if I get this even remotely right! Okay, so let's say you go and look at a property, and there are, say, 10 old cars on the property. Laying around, all crappy, 'n everything. Or even one extra car, that some guy has a Big Plan to restore (really, I have only met about a zillion men who all love to collect old cars, with the fantastical notion that they will one day magically transform it into their Dream Car, but, unfortunately enough, it remains on it's cinder blocks for the entire time that it is in the yard, or in the Front Driveway, where everyone else in the neighborhood can watch the progress, with great interest in seeing it done. For the record, I do know two brothers who did completely rebuild their car, and it was stunning -- a big, red, fancy sports car, but I don't think it symbolized anything, so don't spend any more time worrying about that...).
On with the Actual Tip: Okay, so despite what your head tells you about not buying the property with the junk car on it, you go ahead and buy it, anyway. Now you've got a house you want to fix up, and a crappy old car to get rid of... what to do, what to do? Here'a where the tip I picked up at the Wine Tasting: Late at night, maybe your car goes into neutral, and it rolls onto the street, where it finds itself over by the curb, in a safe location not on your property. I have it on good authority that someone else might come along and remove it. Now, I can't verify this, because I can't remember any names, on account o' the wine, but they seemed to know what they were talking about, so I'm just passing along what may or may not be true. Frankly, you know I like to make an extra buck, so I would call a scrap yard to see if I could sell it to them, or sell the parts, and if they would pay the removal fee. Then I would find out what the removal fee was, and the time frame involved in someone coming out to the new house to get the damn car... (because by then, you probably hate it, and are sick of looking at it...). If you are lucky enough to get the real papers for the vehicle (mustang or truck, the two most common 'fixer-upper cars', according to me, since you know I can't be bothered looking up any actual facts! haha!), you could put it on Craig's List, or some similar thing, and sell it to yet another guy who has Big Plans to fix it all up, then you've made someone else happy, put a little more money in yo' pocket, and got rid of a monstrosity, all in one fell swoop. See how easy? So don't let a few extra vehicles around the property deter you from buying a house... I'm sure you can be creative in your quest to get rid of them. Or you could go ahead and in about ten years, or so, maybe get to fixin' them, yourself! haha!
I just remembered that I saw this Ad for AutoAnything, which is just what we talked about, so how funny is that? And Mr. Beer? Puhleeease, that's just a good combo, what with the Holidays coming up, 'n all! And then, I found this new site where you can have any question answered, on the off-chance that you still have an unanswered question, and you are tired of waiting for your friends to get waaaay smarter...
You know I care about you, but I have to let you go. We canny get married, so quit yer cryin'... oh, wait, that's a flash-back to The Bachelor! My Bad! You're not out of the running, yet, but we're gonna have to take it a little slower, and I'm probably gonna need to see, uh, your face, 'n stuff... you know, you might have heard that before, especially if you've been on those wildly successful dating sites... and if you have been all lucky in love through a dating site, email me, and tell us -- we loove a good story!! I gotsa bounce, Baby! C U Soon! Ailsa xoxo(yep, we're just that close!!)
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Saturday, September 7th, 2007. Oooh, that sounds like a lucky day, don't it? (I know, I should get some edumacation for that problem grammar, but I don't gots dat kind o' time, what with all the courses I really have to take! haha!) Man, I can't believe it's been so long since I've been in here. My bad! Forgive me? What if I have a drink with you, would you forgive me, then? Hmmm? You don't know what to buy for me? Really, if you is buyin' da drink, I'll take whatever it is, which reminds me of my very recent trip to Calgary, Alberta, home of the $1.50 shots (which I had a lot of!) and where I gots me a DIVORCE!!! Yep, I'm a Free Woman, and all very excited about it! WooHoo!! Who would ever have guessed that Divorce would be the one thing that would make me really happy? A little ironic, right? hahaha! Ah, well. It's all good. Everyone's fine, and we all get along, so now we'll just go on about our lives in separate countries!
Aaaand, I'm gainfully employed! Yeah, I'm just as thrilled as you are! (Although I'm not so sure what that look of surprise is on yo' face -- you know what? If you're in L.A., too, maybe you just had another face lift, and that's the look, not sheer and utter surprise that I would have an actual job! hahaha!) I found out that my job was safe for another year the same day I signed the initial Divorce Agreement. And by 'agreement', I mean 'settlement', and by 'settlement', I mean 'screwedlement', which is a new word I think could easily become the big new word for couples trying to split up their stuff. Okay, you know I'm laughing, now, on account o' my new word! Do that annoying technique where you use a new word in a sentence three times, then the word is yours. Try and use it around your in-laws, if you still have any! WooHoo!! I don't!! Yippee! Do you remember that article I wrote when things were really bad for me with the whole in-law/out-law thing? Let me link you to that, for a laugh. Dealing with Difficult People, think I called it. You know what? I just went into my site to see what I called it, and I labelled it 'Getting along with Jerks'! How funny is that? And now I don't have to get along with anyone... technically. Except for the people all around me, but no one can make me get along with anyone who is regularly mean to me. There. See the difference? Happy versus unhappy!
Oh, hey. I have an actual, real Quick Tip for you that I just figured out, tonight. I drove my SUV up to Canada so I could load it up with all the crap I couldn't jam in the car, last year, when we first moved back down to Los Angeles. I say crap, because it seems that I felt (before I left my marriage) that I would require a million wine glasses and martini glasses in order to proceed with my new life. I didn't bother to look in the boxes before I packed them in the car this time, since they were clearly marked, and I did remember that I felt very strongly at the time of packing that I absolutely, desperately, needed these superfluous items. And a Silver Tea Set. No kidding. Now who was I planning to have tea with, hmmm? Now I'm gonna have to invite the Queen over, and frankly, I don't think she's gonna come. Especially if she finds out about me grammar problem. And she probably wouldn't care for my mini-skirts. Yeah, that's not gonna work out. There's another pipe dream shot all to hell. Thanks a lot, Silver Tea Set. Now I'm gonna have to think of a new pipe dream... maybe Craig Ferguson will come over, dressed up as The Queen of England. (Is it appropriate to have your tea guest stay over? Divorcee's ask terrible questions like that, and now that I are one -- Timberland is helping me with my grammar -- I think it's okay.) I think Craig Ferguson's Queen would be a much better guest, anyway, and might even like the mini-skirts! hahaha!
Oy Vey, what about the Tip?? Who has been rambling on, and almost forgot some valuable information for you? And by valuable, I don't mean I think you could sell this idea to your more moronic friends, although it's definitely worth a try. They are pretty gullible, and that's the fun part. They're probably loaded, too, since a lot of peoples with tons o' money make you wonder if University is really a necessity... nooo, you know how I feel about that. University is great for a lot of people, but we should never lose sight of the fact that we need to make sure enough people are trained in the Skilled Professions, 'cause who's gonna help us build all 'dem houses, eh? (Still a little Canadian in there for you!)
Quick Tip: Use a Hair 'scrunchie', the smaller one, or the sparkly 'material' ones, double it, and put around the base of a candle to keep it upright in a candle holder. Guess how I knows this? That's right, the other boxes I brought back were full of Candle Sticks and Hurricane Candle Holders. Beautiful, and completely unnecessary. Turns out, I don't have a big need for Hurricane Lamps, even if they are made out of cut crystal... I tried that old method of lighting the candle and letting some wax drip into the candle holder, then quickly placing the candle into the holder in hopes of making the candle 'stick' and stay upright, so-to-speak... anyway, that hardly ever really works, so try this. If you're male, and don't have a vast amount of scrunchies around the house, that's possibly a good thing, so don't stress. You can buy them at any drugstore. They're very, very expensive. I think 500 for $1.19, or something like that... now don't go looking for that kind of a deal -- I just joking! I can't remember how much they are. I'm pretty sure that if you had the funds for da candle, you'll be able to handle the vast costs of the scrunchie hair holders, too. And not those old giant scrunchies from the Eighties... nooo. Don't put them on your candles or on you hair. Nope. Come with me into da future -- it's brighter, I hear, so bring your sunglasses. We'll both look cooler, and that's what it's all about in L.A.! hahaha!
Okay, I gotsta bounce, Baby. Fun talking with you (some say 'talking at', but I feel we're closer than that, now, on account o' all the drinks you've shared with me over the years! haha!). You know you're my very favorite. Please don't go blabbing that all over the place like the last time, though. Crowd control is a bee-otch. Keep on keepin' on, an' all that! I say that because we spent a lot of time on the road with all those truckers, and I think they might like that phrase, still... and so do I! Have as much Fun as you can, and I'll see you soon! Love, Laughter & Perhaps a Bottle of Something Deeeelicious... Ailsa
Tuesday, July 31st, 2007. Hey there, you sweet thing, you. I mean 'You', with a big capital 'Y'... 'cause you (You, I mean) deserve it, what with your fantastic efforts to make me little site all big and prosperous... well, not so much prosperous just yet, but you definitely must be telling yo' friends and whoever else you know about my site, since my numbers have more than doubled in the last week! WooHoo!! It's just a matter of time before I make more than a dollar a day! (Yes, kidding... it's gotta at least be up to $1.76 by now, right?? hahahahaha!) Oooh, I'ma lovin' my Readers (You!), right now! And can you believe it, I'm completely sober. Yep. Take note, now, 'cause you know this won't last long! hahaha! (I'm all giddy, on account o' my Numbers!)
Man, oh Man. That makes my day that has been incredibly stressful end a whole lot nicer... to be frank (and not Shirley), this has been an exceptionally difficult time for me, lately, and I kept waiting for this to pass so I could write something really positive on my lovely little site, here, but you know how reality can really suck sometimes, right? Well, turns out it can bite, too, if you know what I mean... and I know you do! Thank God for my little Jesus bracelet (I've been trying to find them online, but so far, no luck.. I'll keep searching for them, in case you want one, too...). Really, you'd think it'd be all worn down by now, with the sheer amount of praying I've been doing, lately. I've been coming up against a brick wall of beaurocracy (sooo late... wonder if I'm anywhere near the correct spelling for that?).
I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that I can solve my issues tomorrow, since I have to sign a new lease at my apartment. Hmmmm. I sooo wanted to buy my own place down here in Los Angeles, and had gone out to look at condos, and was all very excited about purchasing my very own home. It would have been the very first home I would have owned with only my name on the Mortgage, and that would have been exciting, right? I mean, it's not like I don't think that will happen at all for me, now, it's just that my Time Frame is completely screwed up, and it ain't lookin' good for me. Ugh. Hate being a Renter, looove being an Owner... buuut, I have to be careful with a purchase, just like anyone else who's in a slightly precarious situation. I don't want to buy something, then find out I have to leave the Country, or State, or whatever.... I definitely never want to have a Fire Sale.
Oh, quickie note for anyone who just said out loud (or they are at the very least, mouthing the words as they read, like any intellectual would do... you see it all the time in the Halls of Academia, folks reading with their mouths open, their jaws all slack from all the literature they have to read, one long word after another, for minutes on end...), "Fire Sale, what be a Fire Sale?". Well, let me tell you, oh interested one. A "Fire Sale" (the quotes are just for annoying fun, probably just for me, since you may or may not know some idiot who routinely holds up their pudgy fingers in the "Quote Move") happens when some God-Awful thing happens in your life and you are forced to sell a property as quickly as possible, as if it's, say... on fire. Ooooh, says, Thorg, my favorite Neanderthal. He is quick to catch on. Like fi-yah'. So I don't want that to happen to me. You can lose a whole lot of money, and I'm trying to hold onto mine... and make it grow! (Oh, yeah... when you talk like Thorg, or Mr. Thorg, now that he's so damn famous, remember to put your lips into an over-extended 'O' sound ... waaaay funnier, for you and for me, since I'm already doing it, and now I can visualize you doing it, too! hahahaha! Ooooooh.)
I've been keeping an eye on the property sales down here, and some properties are staying on the market for a surprising amount of time, and you know that not good. (MmHmmm, that is what Thorg told me...). I am always curious to the extent that realtors might have some hand in this, in that they do prefer to show clients homes that come straight on the market -- looks better for them, since if you can say a property has only been on the market for 3 days, it must be a hot market, right? Well, what about the properties that have been on the market for 30 days, 45 days, 65 days? It happens all the time, and you might be hard pressed to find those places. Makes it look like that property won't move, but there might be all sorts of extenuating circumstances for that home to take longer than another to sell. Price is often the biggest factor, here. I just want you to be aware of that if you are checking out yer own area, and you're trying to gage the strength or weakness of the housing market.
Okay, that's enough (enuf? Dem big words is trickie.) learnin' fer today. Really, I should get to bed. I Hope to God that I can get more answers, tomorrow, so I can make some really good, informed decisions. (And then, with any luck, Good Decisions from here on in...! Poor decisions be-gone! hahaha!) Oh, I haven't even had a chance to tell you about this amazing course I'm taking about Black History in Los Angeles -- fascinating (and very upsetting, since it's really unbelievable how so many people were discriminated in housing alone, not to mention the myriad of other areas, and so systematically -- I'm gonna have to write a page about it, since what I found out is shocking, and a whole lot more people should know the reality of the past). I'll write about that Mortgage 'Red Lines' and those insane 'Race Covenants ' on the Mortgage Deeds as soon as I can.
Did I say I was going to bed? Right, right. Gotta go.
I gots 'ta go. Do I repeat my self when I'm sleepy? Do I repeat myself when
I'm not? Wait'll you come drinking with me! You'll hear story after story, many
of them identical to the last! hahaha! Good Night! Nightie Night. See 'ya (that's
what you say towards the end of yer marriage... guess how I knows that?
haha!) You know you're my favorite! (And, yes, that is
primarily based on how incredibly good-looking you are, but I never claimed
not to be shallow, did I? Shallow like a puddle, that's me. Hope that doesn't
make me filthy, too! hahahaha!) On that inappropriate, but fun, note,
I bid you adieu. Ugh, I am tired. Slipped into French there for a minute!
haha! Later, Baby! Ailsa
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Monday, July 2nd, 2007. Hello. hello, helllo, my sweet little angelic friends! Oh, wait a minute... that can't be right. I don't know anybody who's all sweet and angelic... you know that would just annoy me to no end! hahaha! Hey, there, you crazies! There. That's much more accurate. Better to have a little crazy in your life than all that angelic stuff -- I'm pretty sure they don't have nearly as much fun as we like to have, am I right?? Yeah, totally! haha! Okay, so that brings me right to the point, and so early into my schpiel... guess who made a cool Paris Hilton connection over this past weekend? Dat's right, 'twas meee! And my lovely daughter, Cara. WooHoo! And Cara actually talked to Paris Hilton's brother, Baron, yesterday -- can you believe that? Our first year in Los Angeles, and we're a'movin' an' a-shaken'!
I know. That's hot. (You know I'm laughing as I write this!) Oh, that's just fun to write, let alone say... aaand, we met two people over the weekend who have direct connections to Hugh Hefner (Come on, now, we all know he's 'Just Hef'!), and it's lookin' really good for Cara and I to go to the Playboy Mansion. WooHoo! We're all very excited about that one! Hope I get lucky and get to meet Craig Ferguson, the Scottish Comic -- looove him, and I'm pretty sure he likes 'dem girls up at The Mansion! haha! So it was a great weekend. And now that I've finally sobered up, all the better. Man, you'd think a girl would know her limits at this stage o' me life, but apparently not. Ah, well. As far as I can recall, I had a great time!
Yesterday, July 1st, was Canada Day, so I had to get myself together after one of my worst hangovers, evah', and made my way down to Santa Monica (California), for the Canada Day Festivities (and by 'festivities', I mean more drinking... and Fries & Gravy... and some wonderful Canadian brought delicious Butter Tarts, which are a staple in the Candian diet, and I didn't realize you can't get them here in the States... so I had me one of those, too...). I'll get a great recipe for Butter Tarts and add it to my Recipe section on the site. Think I'll make them with my Students when we get back to school.
Oh, that totally reminds me (yep, I'm gonna milk the 'totally' thing! haha!).. I got my Work Visa renewed! WooHoo! One more year! I'm gonna have to find out how to switch up my Work Visa so I can stay longer than that, if that's even possible. Must do a little more investigation, and not just in Bars...
I'm on vacation, this week, and actively trying to figure out how a Canadian, such as meself, can possibly get a Mortgage down here in the States... I'm hoping my Canadian Beacon Score (the equivalent to the American Fico Score) can be brought down here, since I have an excellent score up there in Canada. Hmmm. I'll let you know. I did go out to look at some property a couple of weeks, ago. Some really nice Condos available, so that's what I'll probably end up with. Hard to find a house in my new (read: not married any more! haha!) 'dollar range' that would be workable for me, and now that I live sooo close to my job (I don't even have to get on the Freeway to get to work!), I really want to stay in pretty much my own little area. I'm in West L.A., and I love it over here. So handy for everything I like to do, so I'm very reluctant to move beyond my new borders.
Oh, and I spent the day (and good portion of the night... not in that way, you crazies...) with an unbelieveably gorgeous man, 'Nick O.', from Passions and Prison Break. Man, those actors can be sooo alluring! I told him that I had seen him in the gym the week before, and he had his flip-flops on... I glanced at the flip-flops, first, and thought, "Now who would wear flip-flops to the gym?", then as I looked up at at this fine figure of a man, I thought, "Oh, Gawd, who the hell cares what you wear at the gym, as long as you come back!" hahaha! He thought that was funny, too! I'm telling you, Los Angeles is every bit as fun as you might have ever heard it was! We're sooo thrilled that we get to stay!
Okay, gotta go. My little man, Aidan, is waiting for me to take him to the pool. Love that as an easy option in our new lives! See you soon, Baby! Have a drink for me on July 4th!! Ailsa
Hey, it's another Holiday -- Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all my American Readers... dare I say, "Frienz..."?! hahaha!
Sunday, May 27th, 2007. Hey, Baby. Whad up, whad up? (Lookie me, all Americanized 'n stuff!) So, what are you up to on the 'puter on Memorial Day? Big plans for BBQ's, swimming, scootering...? Not the Scootering, but you're in for the rest, you say? Suit yousel'. I can't get enough of that crazy little scooter -- we head to the beach with them as often as possible. I like when Cara goes with us, because she stops and starts, giving me a little break in between, but when Aidan (my little 7 year old son) and I go on our own, he just goes like the wind and I have to keep up with him. I'm starting to develop one giant leg on the 'scooter side' from that kid, alone! hahaha!
So I had this bizarre dream, last night, where I was on this River Rafting Trip, Level 5, and it was at first very appealing -- some might say exciting, starting out all calm and nice, then a little rough, but par for the course... moving on to insanely crazy where you can't believe water can treat you so badly, it's all crazy, you think you're not gonna make it through that stretch of the river. You get out to smooth water again and are just thankful to have survived that craziness, sit back, enjoy the scenery for a little while.. a baby deer here, some beautiful trees there, then, wham, you're back in it, again, all insane-like, and you wonder what the hell you're doing there...the ride is finally over and you drive away, thinking you will never, not ever, get into that, again, then 3 miles down the road you see another sign for Level 4 River Rafting, and before you know it, you're back in the damn raft, and it's all happening, again. Yes, folks, apparently I'm dreaming in analogies, now. Sounds like a Relationship to me! haha! Perhaps I'll push it back to Level 3, but wouldn't you know I'm always attracted to the Level 5's? Damn their good looks!
Hey, you know what I want to do some writing on, that I really haven't seen a lot of readily accessible information, that's actually up-to-date? Info on Graffitti. One 't' or two? Do you have to be able to spell graffitti before you're allowed to go buy your very first spray can of paint, me wonders? That might cut down on crime, right there, with everyone busy looking up their Dictionaries to check for correct spelling. I think it would be good for people to be able to read the graffitti, and to be aware of the symbolism. Some Graffitti is so beautiful, it should be considered Modern Art. There used to be a train that passed me by when I lived in the country in Alberta, and you would have to wait for ages for the train to go past, so I would look at all the cars, and there was one 'artist' who did incredible work... I hope that kid made it to Art School -- what talent! Anyway, I'm gonna see what I can learn, then maybe get that on the site.
So I only have 5 weeks until the end of June, and I have to know what to tell the people at my Apartment Complex what my plans are for the next year, and I don't have any more confirmation on whether I can stay in California or America. Soo frustrating. I keep looking at all my fancy new furniture -- I set up this place to live here for 3 years, with any luck, because my Work Visa is supposed to be extended from year to year (Visitor's Visa), for 3 years, then they see what can be done after that. Okay. That's workable. Right now, coming down to the wire, the stress level for me is through the roof, not knowing anything at all about the time past August. If I'm able to stay, I need to go buy a Condo or something, since I really hate renting, although I do love my apartment... too much money down the drain renting, though. I think about it all the time. Yesterday, I was lounging about in the Hot Tub, wondering what my life would be like if I didn't constantly have to worry about where I will be allowed to live, and for how long. Lucky Americans! Wish I could be one! haha!
Oh, and the furniture is a big issue for me because of the sheer amount of work involved in moving it, especially if it has to be moved across country. When I left Alberta, I left all our furniture with my ex-husband, so I didn't have to think about that.. now it's all brand new, and all my own choices (all suede, all the time, and all dark wood, too! haha!), and too much money into it to turn around, sell it, and start yet again... plus, this feels like home, now, and I really don't want to go, so the furniture is really, I suppose, just another symbol for what else I'm feeling. All touchy-feely this morning!
My High School had their Prom on Friday Night, so I was a chaperone, particularly for one of my own Special Ed. students, 'John'. You know how much I love my students, but I'll tell you, it's unbelievable to see your really special students all dressed up and celebrating their graduation. My class had gone down to the Garment District in Los Angeles, bought a whole suit, shoes, shirt, tie 'n all, for under $100., which I thought was incredible, so he had the whole outfit for the night -- he looked amazing! When we were lined up for the Prom Pictures, the woman behind the desk asked if 'John' was 'Staff' -- how cool is that?? 'John' had the time of his life, and we took him out on the Cruise into the Harbour at the Marina (Marina del Rey), too, and he had a blast. You know what I would like to see more of? A closer look in the media of Adults dealing with Autism. You always see kids with Autism, but those kids grow up, and they can have very successful lives. It would be great for parents to see success stories, so they could all have a good handle on what the future might hold for them, too. My 'John' is 22, now, so he will be moving on to another Community Program, and we are working to get him a job close to his home. If anyone ever wondered why Teaching is rewarding, they would just have to have a quick look at us, beaming with pride over our student, 'John', as he danced the night away with all the other kids.
One more thing about the Prom before I go... you know what struck me that night? The kids looked sooo good, all dressed up in their gorgeous Prom Dresses and Prom Suits... it struck me that if kids were to wear suits or dress as neatly as that when they went to school every day, I wonder how that would affect academic and social performance? I'm not talking about a School Uniform, or anything -- that doesn't allow for enough individuality, which is critical in the teen years... I'm just thinking that when you are all dressed up, the chances of acting nicely and responsibly go waaaaay, way up, right? It's like you're more like an adult that day, or something, you know? And when I looked at all the other Graduating Students, who really are not kids, anymore, they are all adults, it makes me feel good about the future. So Congratulations to all the other Graduates out there -- and the parents who raised them. I think I'll have a drink to Toast to them! haha! (A drink with my toast, since it's still pretty early?? haha -- no, I know the 'Noon' rule... don't drink past noon, right? Into the following day, is that right? Well, if they would quit making drinking rules, it would be a lot easier to remember them... hahaha!) Okay, on that note, let me say thank you for swinging by... you're looking fabulous, as always. It would be nice if you occasionally got dressed before you get on the computer, but really, who am I to complain? And it's not like I understand the technology enough to actually see you.... yet! hahahaha! Watch out, World, when I start learnin' stuff! Later, Baby! Ailsa
Happy Mother's Day!!
Sunday, May 13th, 2007. Happy Mother's Day, to all the fantabulous Moms out there!! You know I don't really call it 'Mother's Day'... I've bastardized yet another lovely day with 'Happy Sch'Mithers Day'! I like it better, and frankly, it's more fun to say! I also like 'Happy Mudda's Day', and that particular phrase doesn't need to be limited to the fairer sex (women, in case youse not sure...! hahaha!). Okay, so if youse a woman and a Mother, I hope you have a fantastic day, and actually get to do something that you want to do at some point during this special day...
I think we are gonna make an attempt at the Cheesecake Factory, and just see if we can get in. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be jam-packed, but you can't make reservations, anyway, so I figure we have just as good a chance as any of dem other Mutha's for getting in, right? I know, I do have a lovely attitude! And here, we just went to The Cheesecake Factory on Friday night, to celebrate my daughter, Cara's, 19th Birthday... hard to believe I have a 19 year old... and here I hardly look a day over 44! haha! The kids got me a gorgeous Art Book of Georgia O'Keefe's work -- beautiful! I love her work. I'll see if I can find a link for the book, or her Art, and pop it on here. Think I might have a link on my Art page...
Aaand, here's a cool thing I got from Cara's boyfriend, Jon, this week. A Jesus Bracelet. Have you heard of these, or, better yet, seen them? I've gotta find a link for you, too... I'm wearing it right now -- come on, Jesus, make my life waaaay better! (I'm waiting, wearing the bracelet, hoping, praying ... haha!) I'll let you know how it all turns out... I just went to find them, and they are tricky wee things to locate, so I'll keep looking and post a link asap. There's a great link for some Religious Jewelry on my regular Jewelry page, so you might want to check them out... worth a try!
Okay, so everyone is waiting for me to get ready to go to the pool. I got a new Kurt Vonnegut book (new to me, since I haven't read it, yet...) on Friday when we were at The Grove Farmer's Market in Los Angeles... great book store in there... so I was at the pool, yesterday, couldn't put the book down, and think I mightta got me some sun stroke... so today I'm just going for a swim! Save the sun stroke for another day...
I hope you have a lovely
day, and with any luck, there might be some drinks involved... only if that's
what you're into, of course, otherwise, we're back to doing stuff other people
want you to do... do your own thing, today, Baby, and have a ton of fun!! You
know how much I care about you!! See you soon! Ailsa
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Sunday, April 29th, 2007. Hey. (Head nod.) How's it hangin'? I know, that's kinda sad, but I've always secretly wanted to say that, but, really, when is that gonna be socially acceptable for me to say, especially if I'm at, say, work. Or Church. An important Business Meeting. Tryin' to score a Date (well, that might be the exception, but let's not go there, just yet!). See why I had to grasp at the opportunity, right here on the 'Net, where all sorts of inappropriate things go on -- or so I've heard... haha!
Let me just get a quick apology out of the way, first, since I am very much aware of my level of neglect, or as I might better put it, my 'momentary lapse in doing any work' (do that sound bettah'??). I think about my site, I do. Usually when I'm in the car, or at the beach. Sometimes when I'm on the 'puter, but by then it's waaay after midnight (I'm seven minutes away from midnight as I write this! What's that? You like my careful planning? Well, thank you for the lovely compliment... I am good at Time Management, provided you include all of the wee hours of the morning, lest I would never get anything done! haha!). Okay. I'se sorry. I be back sooner, next time. Fer sures, eh. (Can't shake 'dem Canadian words!)
So a lot of things have been happening in my life, lately. One of the biggest things is that I've come to the firm decision to definitely get a divorce. I was waffling there for a while, feeling all guilty, 'n all, but now I'm sure, and feel good about that. I just needed to be sure there was nothing else I could do to save that marriage before I made the final decision. So now I Single... and frankly, it's kinda fun. Tricky to navigate the dating world, though, since I don't understand why people wouldn't set out to be friends, first... has that changed? And wouldn't you look at everyone you meet as a potential business contact, as much as anything else? I'm a Business Girl, first... me canny help it. I loves me da money! I'm thinking about writing a book about being Single as a full-on Adult (does that just mean 'old'?? hahaha!). And for the record, no, I don't view myself as old. Not at all. I'm not fighting my age, but I'm definitely working with it to make sure I look and feel young as long as possible. (I'll be one of those Grannies in the Gym, all buff, but kinda wrinkly, when I'm, oh, about 80...! yuff, yuff!)
This last few weeks I've been taking these weekend courses, and they will continue for a while, yet, all in order to continue teaching in California. I've been reading a lot of articles (okay, two articles, but I'm sure there are waaay more, and I'm not sure why you would want to call me on that...come on, now. Am I lying -- or recreating the truth -- to you that much that you wouldn't just believe everything I might utter?) on Teacher Shortages in California. Yeah, I think I know why. They are making Teachers jump through so many hoops and jump so many hurdles (that's a lot of jumping, and you know how teachers hate to jump...), that really highly qualified teachers are leaving the field by choice or are forced out by some pretty crazy Government Restrictions. Not sure why that has happened, but it should be a real concern for parents, since they might not be aware of what the reality is for teachers, these days.
When I graduated from University in Ontario, Canada, from one of the best Universities in Canada (Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario), the deal was that you received your Education Degree (along with whatever other Degree you had before that), and there you go... now you'se a teachah'. Now, they have all these Credentialing Programs that won't accept courses from more than 6 years ago, so if you're an experienced (old!) teacher (especially from outside of the State), you have to take all these courses over again, to prove, I guess, that you so desperately want to teach that you'll pay the money, take the time away from your family, and take the courses over and over again. Man, that's a slippery slope for losing good people. I really don't see this happening in other professions, particularly not in the Construction Industry, which you know I looove. People wouldn't put up with it. They might even protest. Quietly.
I'm not saying that I don't believe in Professional Development, because I do. Nothing worse than a stagnant teacher... not good for the students, and not good for the teacher, either. But making teachers pay for courses that are very expensive, when they are already not nearly as well paid as many of the other professions, and making them feel like they will be out of the job if they don't comply immediately, well, that just spells disaster. I hope this is something that can be remedied before we lose too many good teachers. I gotta say, Thank God I came down here to California with 'Building Money' (money made from Real Estate and building houses), or the financial hardship from a teacher's salary would have been too much for me.
Okay, all that said, I love, love, love my job, and do not want to leave my students (Special Ed. is one of the most fulfilling jobs on the planet...according to me!), or my school, so I'm more than willing to do whatever it takes to stay in my Teaching Position. And in California, which I also love. I'm just gonna plug away at it, and hopefully get all the work done that I'm being asked to do, then hope for the best. My Mother has a Scottish saying, and I've mentioned it before on the site, but it bears repeating here, since I'm pretty sure it applies to me, right now, and possibly to you, too, my lovely (and incredibly good looking) Reader... "What's for ye'll no' go by ye." I know, the 'ye' thing looks weird to me, too, but I'm trying to write it so you'll say it with a Scottish Accent. (Think of Mike Myers, with Shrek, or Fat Bastard, whichever one you remember the most! haha!) In translation, it's "If it's good for you, or meant for you, it won't go past you, so don't stress about it. Do your very best, and let things unfold before you." It's a good way to keep yourself grounded, when you're not sure what your next step might be.
Well, I hope I haven't been too controversial, today... hmmm. Hey, did I tell you that me and da kids all bought those Razor Scooters, and take them out on the beach path all the time? Yep. Me, too! Those things are sooo much fun! You know what's funny? I saw a Dad walking his two young children to school on my way to work, last week, and the two kids were on their scooters, happy as clams, wheelin' away. The Dad was walking along, all normal and adult-like, and all I could think of was how funny it wouldda been if he had been on his scooter, too, with the three of them scooting along. God Knows what Cara, Aidan and I look like when we're on our scooters... Cara and Aidan looking all regular, and crazy me scooting along beside them, laughing and laughing. Ah, well. That's what makes our lives so much fun - we don't live by no rules, man! Age, schmage. Keep immaturity alive, I says! Is that the Fountain of Youth? Just keep doing whatever you love, and it's all good? I'll let you know when I'm 80, racing along the beach on my scooter!
Thanks for popping by for a wee visit. You know I love to see you. Thanks for the Keg o' Beer. Really, you couldda just brought a Case, and I would love you just the same. (Well, that's probably true..) Sorry I didn't share it with you, right now, but I'm saving it for myself for a little bit later. Or what if I get a Date, and he seems a little bit thirsty? I might need it for that, right? That's why I didn't share. I know, that was a little bit selfish. The next time you bring a Box o' Wine (Red is my favorite, in case you're taking notes), fer sures me will share it with you. After all, you brought it, and I'm just tryin' to make it fair... oh, I know how we can make it even for you... I'll ride my scooter around, and you can laugh and laugh, too, that way we'll be drinkin' and laughin'... it'll be soo much fun! Canny wait for the next time! See ya, Baby!! Ailsa
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The best way to get the word out about a new Website is by 'Word of Mouth', or in our case, by e-mail! I'd love it if you dropped a line to your Friends & Family about . Yo. Tanks, eh! Ailsa
April 1st, 2007. Hey, Shexy. How yoush doin', 'aday, hmmm? No, I not been drinkin'. Sheesh. So judgemental. And angry, or just pouty? I'll go with pouty, since that sounds like a lot more fun... hahaha! Okay, enough of that crazy talk. I have no idea why you started that. Or why you keep going back to it. I'm thinkin' a little bit o' therapy might do you some good. Me, too. Hey, let's go together, show 'em what crazy really looks like. Come on, it'll be fun, then we can laugh and laugh about it for years to come, and we don't even gotta change the story of our fun day at da therapists, 'cause ain't we tryin' to avoid change ovah' he-ah? I know I is. Was? Oh, verbs. They is tricky, all right.
So I've totally, like, totally, had it wit' California, what with it's beautiful beaches and it's beautiful peoples and it's endless list of fun things to do. Yep. I'm done. I'm out, Baby. Just bought me some Land in Nor'dern Canada... The N.W.T., as the cool (read: cold) folks up North might call it. I think it's pronounced 'Newt', but I have no idea why they wouldda left out the 'E', but we ain't all great spelllers, an', I knows that. Do you know how much land you can buy in NEWT for a quarter?? And, no, I don't mean a Quarter Million, I mean an actual quarter! Yeah, I don't really know, neither, but let's just say when they tell you it's gonna cost you a pretty penny for a piece o' land up there in da tundra, they ain't kiddin', so start saving all your pennies and meet me up there. Der. Geey-awd, gotta start learnin' der language.
I've already drawn out my Spec House. I'm goin' Traditional on this next build. Shaped like an Igloo, which is what everyone lives in up there, if I remember anything form the Seventies... and all those bricks of snow I carefully cut out in my backyard when I was a kid. The only tricky bit is when you get to the 'roof', then there's a slight and incessant problem with the roof 'caving in', and by caving in, I mean I never did figure out how to curve the damn wall up to the roof and actually close it over. My Great Hope is that the ice and snow is easier to work with up der. (See how I'm catching on, already? I'm sure to be a hit wit' da Locals...) Wonder how much a Block of Ice goes for, if you get it where they make it? Wholesale Prices, I'se a-hopin'. Could you go cinder block, pour some water on it and glaze it over to look like ice? Hmmm. I gots all kinds of important construction questions like that.
Well, I better get to packin'. Aaand, I better load up on carbs and fat if I'm gonna put on those extra layers of blubber I've heard so many great things about. Sounds cozy. You could cuddle right up to yourself, and you'd still be warm. Or so I'm guessing. Luckily, I've got a little head-start on the whole whale-crossed-with-a-human thing, so those last three bags of chips turned out to be a Good Idea, after all. Yeah, I knew that would work out for me. Stooopid nay-sayers, with their 'Quit eating so much junk' speeches. Puh-leease. Who's laughing, now, huh?? It be me!
Okay, you know I gots ta bounce, Baby. Baby-Cakes. Ooooh, that reminds me -- must buy more cake! Happy April Fools Day, My Favorite Little Buttercup! Mmmmm, buuuutter.... an' I like cups, too. Cups an' cups o' butter, so it's all good! (Will you bring more cake? And you know what goes with cake? That's right, you guessed it, 'cause you's so smart... Beer. A delicious combo often found in the classiest eateries. Remind me to take you there, one day. We'll have beer. We'll eat cake. It's a guaranteed Good Time! hahaha!) Go have some fun on April Fools Day, you cute little Trickster!! Oh, and stop by my Igloo anytime... but No Smoking. I haven't figured out how to prevent a meltdown, so-to-speak, of my lovely new life! hahaha! Ailsa
Whaaat?? You want more, you greedy wee thing? Go ahead, then. Go look at some 'Previous Offenses' I've committed on April Fools Day, before...
The best way to get the word out about a new Website is by 'Word of Mouth', or in our case, by e-mail! I'd love it if you dropped a line to your Friends & Family about . Yo. Tanks, eh! Ailsa
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Sunday, March 25th (is that right??), 2007... Oooh, who's been neglectful of her very own site, me wonders... is ay me? (You have to say that with an overly inquisitive tiny little voice!) Well, in my defense, I've sorta been busy. Doin' nuthin' but some celebrating, recovering from said celebrating, dealing with the aftermath also from former celebrating, and that brings me to this very weekend. There. Did you buy that? haha! So here's what I've learned about a fairly large number of folks who may or may not live in the Greater Los Angeles Area (see how I skillfully covered myself from getting into even more trouble, right there with the may or may not line? Oh, I'm feelin' tricky, tonight!): they have a tendency to maneuvre around the truth like it's up for debate. Now, I've lived in a lot of places, and this is a characteristic that seems to be more prevalent here than pretty much anywhere else I've ever been.
What would be the underlying reason for an entire percentage of the population to feel like the truth is mutable; something to be played with, hmmm? My guess is the Weather, since it's like perma-summer down here, and people like to be a little bad in da summer. (I know that from the movie, Grease, and some particularly bad behaviour of my own during more than a few smmers! haha!) I'm kidding about Grease, of course, since I was barely able to sit through one showing of that little ditty... hilarious that it's still going strong in so many shows and theatres. Who knew it would have that kind of staying power way back when it first came out. Who came out? Oh, no, that's not what I was talking about...
Hey, have you been watching The Amazing Race? My lovely daughter, Cara (who is almost 19 -- hard to believe I will have a 19 year old and a 7 year old -- don't hate me because of my careful planning! haha!), tapes it on that DVR thing that I loove (like TiVo, only it came with the Direct TV), then we can watch it at our leisure. That show is hilarious, what with the incredibly annoying "Too Hot to Handle" girls, Myrna and Charla. What language is Myrna speaking, that she feels no need to use verbs? Those crazies. Entertaining, though. Love that the gay couples are so open, and there are no more issues about that ... how many years did that take to come this far? My favourites are Luchena and Joyce (is that right?), the Pretty Blondes (Dustin & the other one -- are they really interchangeable?), and the two guys from Cuba, Danny and Oswald. So funny. Oooh, and so is Rob Cordry's new show, The Winner. We were sad to see him leave The Daily Show, but now that we see what he's been up to, it's all good!
OMG, you gotta go rent Jenny McCarthy's Dirty Love. She takes the phrase, "Oh My God" to a whole new level in this movie, and it's really hilarious. And while you're looking for really funny movies, check out Let's Go To Prison. Cara and I laughed ourselves silly through the whole thing. And for goodness sake, watch the Uncut Version... I'm sure it's waay funnier than the one made for the theater. (See how I just spelled theater like one day I might be an American?? haha! Right now, it ain't lookin' good for that, so I'll switch my spelling back and forth between American and Canadian until I know whether I can/want to stay... I'll definitely keep youse posted.. now was that international for 'youse'? Coffee shop girls around the world will be nodding their heads with a resounding, "Yep, she right.").
So I am on month eight of renting, and the first few months were okay, but now I hate it. We moved into this incredible, luxury apartment complex, drawn in by the gorgeous pool and three hot tubs, and for the past five months, the pool and two hot tubs have not been operational. Hate it, now. Sucks being a renter, because not only is it a massive amount of money down the drain with nothing to show for it at the end of the year, but you can't just go fix whatever problem comes up. You have to wait for some loser company to agree that it is a problem, then some other idiot has to finally sign the papers to fix the damn thing. I figure that for $25,000 a year, you outta have a functional swimming pool, so now I'm all bitter and mad, and have nowhere to swim. Hmmmph. (That's me, all moody! hahaha)
On the upside of this place, though, they do have a good gym, so I pop over every day. Well, not every day, that seems excessive. But I have been there, and know how to find the place, again... haha! No, I like going to the gym a lot. Good stress relief, and this seems to be a high-stress time in my life. One thing I don't quite get when I'm at the gym, though, are the people you see all the time who can't bring themselves to break a smile. What's that about? Extra strength? I'm way too into my workout to smile? Puhleease. You can have a great workout and still be friendly. I am down another couple of sizes, so that's great. Looove that. Wish I could get more women into the gym and get them on the weight machines, so they could get into whatever shape they like. Ladies, if you're heading to da gym, spend a small amount of time on the walking/running/cycling machines (only if you really want to... I don't do these, at all), do some nice stretches, and make your way through the weight machines. You'll see an enormous difference in a few weeks, and if you keep at it, an incredible difference in a few months.
It's late, now, and here I have to get up at 5:00 am. See, if I lived in Canada, maybe I wouldn't have to get up 'til 6:ish... and, no, not because they'se slower up der.... in da North. Because maybe I wouldn't have to leave the house so early... or at all... hmmm. And I could build something, again. Maybe... oooh, how many 'maybe's does it take to help me make up me mind?? haha! Okay, I gots ta go. Thanks for popping in for a wee vist! Tell yo' friends (really, I don't care whether you like tham all that much...! haha). See ya next time! Love, Piece (of chocolate, or something) & Happiness, Ailsa
Oh, and if one of your Resolutions is still to lose weight or get into great shape for the New Year (okay, the summer..), pop into my Scottish Diet page (yeeees, it's easy!) and check out my Fitness page and Get Rid of Annoying Cellulite page, as well. You'll love the New You.
Sunday, February 25th, 2007. Man oh man, it's been a long time since I've been in here! What was I thinking to wait soooo very long?? Mostly, I've been thinking about how I can stay in America, whether I should stay in California, and how to come to terms with the whole thing... but that's enough about me, what's been happening wit' YOU?? You look great in those sparkly pantyhose, by the way. They're not for everybody, but they definitely look good on you. Not sure why you're wearing them under your jeans, but, hey, who's gonna fight with you to take them off, anyway, right? Yeah, I'm totally right.
So it's Oscar Night, and we had to stop and start it, thanks to the incredible miracle of DVR, which I looove, and must make sure I can get if we do end up going back to Canada... now it's my favourite new Luxury Item. So, speaking as an immigrant 'n all, wasn't there an awful lot of foreign-language stuff on there, tonight? Am I the only one who longed for someone easy to understand, or is that just wrong to say out loud? What the hell... I think I've been saying the wrong thing for quite a few years now. Let's see... I'll be 44 this March, started to speak around 2, I'm guessing -- who can remember that far back -- so that's, what? 40 odd years of blurting things out? I'm giving myself the benefit of the doubt in those early years, since some children just don't know what they're saying... chances are really high I was one of those l'il chilluns! haha!
I was glad to see that Little Miss Sunshine won some awards, though, since that movie was hilarious. One of my favourites, this year. You know what else we saw this year that is a bit old, but new to me? Craig Ferguson's, The Big Tease. Fuuuuunnnnny, funny, funny. We laughed so hard, we had tears rolling down our cheeks... I had to order it through Blockbuster Online, but you can order it through Netflix or any of the other companies who send the Movies in the mail. It's like a precursor to Sasha Baron Cohen's Borat, which I also loved... only a Scottish Version of the Documentary style film. And did you happen to catch Sasha Baron Cohen's (Ali G) girlfriend at the Oscars (hopefully the same one he would have at home.. hahaha!)? She was gooorjus -- pretty sure that's how you spell that.
And speaking of spelling and all matters of English, I passed the giant CSET Exam I mentioned with great bitterness, before. Oh, I'm lovely, what with the cynacism, bitterness and some loathing thrown in... where all da mens be at, me wonders?? Makes no sense at all that I am all alone in my little, ludicrously expensive, home... but I digress. They told me it was Test Suicide to attempt all four sections of the test on the same day, but I'm only here for a year if I don't pass the damn thing, so I tooks me chances, and there you go. Also, I happened to have been told two days before the test, that it wouldn't count at all, so no point in me taking it. Hhmmph, I thought. (I'm just that dramatic. All full of big words like 'hhmmph', 'n all. I'm not trying to make you jealous with my fancy vocabulary, or nuthin'...) So I went into the test, mad at how things were working out, but with very little pressure, except that I didn't want to waste the time I had spent studying for said test, and the $300. the thing cost me. Plus, I'm pretty sure that at some point in the future, someone else will tell me I need to have it, so it's done, now. Good.
Oh, and did you get through the dreaded Valentine's Week? I was gonna write about it during the week, but guess who was all angry and crazy all week? That's right! You guessed it on your very first try! Why, it was Me! You know me so well, and I love for that. Not anybody else, but just you. 'Cause you'se my favourtie. Your much nicer than all the rest, and better looking, too, and you know how important that is to me. Ranks right up there with cleanliness. Or a heavy deodorant. Whatever comes first. I've lowered the bar significantly, in order to make things seem a bit better! hahahaha! (Okay, that one was just for my own amusement...) So I can't stand that crap week because the first part of da Valentine's Week is taken up with wondering how the particular people you are involved with (now is the plural acceptable, there?? People instead of Person? Or Sheep, which is also plural, and presents a whole series of other troubling questions, but is still a favourite old Engineering Joke?) are gonna come through on Valentine's Day. And then the actual crappy Valentine's Day, in which many things can happen that are just bizarre, that wouldn't happen any other day, then the following days when there is much scambling to undo or make up for all the mess caused on V-Day. Ugh. Good week to skip completely. Must remember for next year, although, as a hopeless (hapless?) romantic, maybe things will be nicer, next year, and I'll like the day... ah, the delusions. They're really keeping me going...
Now what was that tip I had for you, today, hmm? Who can remember what I was thinking a mere hour ago? Not me, that's fer sures. Oh, yeah. Here's a little Recycling Tip, which Al Gore will thank you for... an easy way to recycle your Grocery Store Bags, if you have a normal garbage can, ball up the bags and put them on the bottom of a nice sized garbage bin, then just take one from the balled up section to line the top of the Bin. I jam millions of shopping bags into the bottom of our garbage under the sink, so I never have to search for a fresh garbage bag, again. Oh, I know you're happy to discover this little trick. Watch out, Planet. Here we come! Oh, and recycle all those Beer Bottles, too. I know you've got a lot! haha!
Okay, I gots to roll. That's how I roll. I like rolls. Something like that. This local vernacular takes time to learn... I'll talk to you waaay sooner than the last time, I promise! I'll let you know how my 44th year is going, when I get there! Thanks for popping by for a wee visit!
See you soon, Baby! Much Love & Many Drinks, Ailsa!
< > Hey, sounds like some good stories, and you how I loves me a good story! haha! I found my place through while I was in my bedroom in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and here we are in Beautiful Los Angeles, California, now... and it was the only place we looked at, too, because it was sooo pretty. is an excellent place to start your search... then don't forget to start putting yer money away for a Downpayment on a house! I've got mine stashed away until we know whether we're gonna stay here for more than a year... I'll let you know!
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007. Happy New Year, Baby!! How is you, with your fiiiine self?? All lovely, 'n all... (I had to do some 'self-censorship, here, if you've been in already and were sure there was something else written, here... can't take any chances, so felt it was best to remove some slightly bitter writing! But no worries, I'm sure I'll have plenty more things to be bitter about in no time... hahaha!)
So did you have a fabulous New Years Night?? This is a weird year for me, now that I'm Single, 'n all. Tricky to figure out the holidays, so spent it alone with my little guy, Aidan. Quiet, reflective (until after the second glass of wine, then not so terribly reflective... think you know where I'm goin' with that...!). Must make better decisions in the new year. Must try to make better decisions in the new year, fer sures. There. See how easy New Years Resolutions are to make? A snap. Or, as they say down here in L.A., "Oh, snap!". I think it means, "Oh, yes, that is significant", if you're in need of a translation...
I think this needs to be a year when I try to focus in on what brought me to Los Angeles, and why I felt I needed to be here soooo very badly. I don't want to just give it 6 months, take my ball and go home... gotta remember how cold it is in Canada, and how lovely the beach is down here. Think I will Google the Scottish-American Society, if there is one, in L.A., and maybe meet a few more Scots. Now that would be nice. Or just move to Scotland, where there are lots and lots of Scottish People... hmmmm. But where does Building figure into all of this, me wonders? And what about all of me new furniture 'n stuff? (What if this question is on the Exam??) So much to consider...
It is fun to have a gym right in my Apartment Complex, but as always, hate renting. Seems so crazy, but a necessary evil for the time-being. I'm supposed to get some confirmation on my Work Visa status in February or March, so that'll help in my decision-making process. Then it's be down to a two choices: Here or There. Or 'Which There'? On the upside, I have Choices, and that's a Good Thing. Good to have a few game plans, just in case one (or all for them) won't work, then you can just go down yer list 'til you find one that does work, or come up with a whole New Plan ... and includes at least a Renovation, if not an entire Build, right? Man, that's never gonna get out of my system... Thankfully!
Aidan wants me to make bugs with his new 'Creepy Bug Maker'. Looove all these hilarious 'boy toys', what with the creepy-this and transformer-that. He's lovin' the American prices on all these toys, too... so now he has a whole new collection like never before... and if you're a long-time Reader (and I thank you for that!), you might be wondering how my daughter, Cara, is doing. She's having a great time in L.A., but we need to figure out how to change her Visitor's Visa over to a Work Visa, so Cara can work here, too. Then we'll all feel a whole lot more settled. (I could rename my website: 'Immigrant's Quest' -- oooh, dat's catchy!haha!)
Okay, I gotta go make some plastic bugs! And find a Chinese Place that delivers, for Bug-Makin' night... I hope you have an amazing year in 2007, and that things happen that you hadn't even foreseen that make your life incredibly wonderful. Great Things are always right around the corner, so we'll all keep trekking forward, peeking around every corner (hope that's not gonna look too weird! haha!) to see what's up ahead! Have Fun and See you soon! Love, Laughter & Perhaps a Bottle of Wine?? You know you're my Favourite!! Ailsa
Oh, and if one of your Resolutions is to lose weight or get into great shape for the New Year, pop into my Scottish Diet page (yeeees, it's easy!) and check out my Fitness page and Get Rid of Annoying Cellulite page, as well. We'll all be lovely in the New Year!
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