Our Site is designed to provide you with all the information you will need to actually Build Your Own House.
We have a huge Photo Gallery for you to have a look through to see up-close all the Stages of Building A House.
Click Here for the Photo Gallery.
There's a Building Checklist that you can copy to keep track of every stage of Building Your Own House.
Click Here for the Building Checklist.
There's Mortgage Information that is easy to understand -- everything you ever wanted to know about Mortgages but no one would answer!
Click Here for Mortgage Information.
Before you can Build Your Own House, you're gonna need Blue Prints or House Plans. We've found some great Sites for you to Browse Through -- or you can Buy OUR House Plans! Wouldn't it be fun for us ALL to live in a 5400 square foot Walk-Out Bungalow?? It's a fun house to Build and a great Layout!
Real Estate is one of the best investments out there. We've discovered a fantastic way to insure a Steady Income for Your Retirement Years and we wanted to share it with all our readers! Make your life better by Owning Your Own Home!
Click Here to Find Out How to Buy Your Own Home or How to Invest in Real Estate!
Build Your Own House was originally designed to include a Complete Source Guide for Contractors and everyone else you might need in the course of Building Your Own House, Renovating Your Own House, or Buying a New Home. We're building this list all the time, to make this a really useful site for everyone!
Click Here for our Business & Classified Page.
We've made lots of great friends and contacts along the way -- check out our Links Page to see who we know!
Click Here for our Links Page.
I love to cook, so I added a Tips & Recipes Page -- check it out for the Best Cheesecake Recipe ever! Tips for Cleaning, Skin Care and even a Sex Tip! (Hey, maybe it'll help you get an even Bigger House! ha,ha,ha!)
Click Here for Great Tips & Recipes!
Just for fun, we added some Comedy -- our Webmaster Steve is a great Comedian!
Think the Buffs they wear on Survivor are cool? Now you can Get Them For Your Own Team, School, Town, Organization, Company ... whatever you like that has a LOGO can go on a Buff! And our cute little dog, Tia, is wearing one, too! If you're wondering 'Who is that lovely young model???', it's our Daughter, Cara!
Looking for Love?? Here's a Top Ten List of How to Marry a Wealthy Guy! Hey, if you're gonna Marry somebody, you might as well Marry Rich! Ha,ha!
Click Here For Your Tips to Marry Rich!
Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Four
Stage Five
Stage Six
-Sell Your House -- Marry Rich -- Ailsa's bio -- Great Books
The purpose of www.buildyourownhouse.ca is to provide our visitors with a solid
understanding of the building process. As such, we will be video taping the
actual building of our new house, so the information will be added regularly
as the house progresses. Also, we will be adding a time-line of the actual house
construction and other information as our site grows. Visit us often to see
how our house is coming along!
Our site (www.buildyourownhouse.ca ) is designed to provide information to help
you gain an understanding of the building process. We are not liable for any
undertakings you will take. You are solely responsible for any actions you choose
to take with your own building or renovation project. The material presented
on this site is to the best of our information and is not intended to replace
the work of any professionals in the building trades.
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