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Archived At Home with Ailsa

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November 23rd - November 17th, 2003.

Sunday, November 23rd. Hey, Baby Cakes! How you doin'?? I'm hoping that you, too, had a great night last night, so you couldn't get up early this morning to turn on your computer...! Dwight's watching a Chevy Chase Marathon on TV, so that gives me time to work on the computer -- and watch the Marathon, too!! Chevy Chase used to go to the same Video Store that I went to when I lived in Santa Monica, California, so that was cool...

We went out for Dinner, last night, to this great new Restaurant in Calgary -- Sopranos -- yep, it's named after our favorite Show! That's how we found it in the first place! But the food is fabulous and the ambience is very nice... and they had a Frank Sinatra-like Singer there, performing -- and he was really good, too! Very nice start to the evening. Then we headed over to the Annual Queen's University Christmas Wine & Cheese, which is always nice. It's good to keep in touch with your Fellow Alumni -- it's always an interesting Group, and you'll already have something in common -- you all went to the same School! (Well, that was painfully obvious!! ha,ha!)

So here's what I'm really thinking about, today. The Age of Majority Laws ... I really don't understand why we don't have one age across North America -- 18 across the board. It makes zero sense to me (and, oh, about a zillion others...) that an 18 year old can Graduate from High School, Go to College or Hold Down a Full-time Job, Drive,Vote, Get Married, Have Children, Go Off to War, but NOT have a Drink. The whole notion that you can pick up a Gun, but not a Beer, is ludicrous.

I like the European Model of letting your children 'sample' drinking at home with the parents, so they learn how to have a Social Drink, so that when the finally do reach the Age of Majority, they don't go absolutely mad and drink themselves into a stupor. Maybe if alcohol was not held over their heads like a big ol' carrot, they would enter into Adulthood with less of a need to go crazy when they got there. If we could teach our kids Moderation at a time when we still have some say over what they do (before they leave the nest...), I think we'd have a much better chance to keep our kids on track, later. We could all follow the Greek Model of 'Everything in Moderation' -- well, not everything, but at the very least, Drinks...

Looks like we're going to get some more work done on the Bar, today. Dwight found a new Tile that he wants to use, so we'll lay that out to see what it'll look like, first. We always make the 'Top Bar' 18" Wide instead of the more Standard 12" Wide -- it allows for a lot more room to put a Drink or Plate on the Top Bar without the risk of spilling.

Tip of the Day: The 'spilling' thing brings me to the 'Tip of the Day' for Parties -- Dwight is beside himself with worries about people spilling -- he doesn't deal well with stuff like that. I solve this problem with always having a Spray Bottle with the Oxy-Clean Mixture all ready made up -- and then I put one on each Floor, so any little spills can immediately be cleaned up. That stuff is truly miraculous -- it'll take out any stain you can imagine, so you can relax and just enjoy your Party (or life in general!!). You can even add it to a Steam Cleaner when you're really Deep Cleaning your Carpets, and it'll make them incredibly clean!

Now let me go get you some nice fresh pictures!

And now for your 'Daily Pics Fix'!!

Here's where a good portion of the Party will take place -- who doesn't love a Kitchen Party??

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Thanks for popping in for a wee visit! See you tomorrow!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!!

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Saturday, November 22nd. Hi, Honey! Did you get to sleep in, today? Hope so! Well, I went for my very first Mammogram, yesterday, and I'm so glad that I did. If you have to go in but have been putting it off (or know someone who does...), go ahead and make it a priority. I had a lovely Nurse-Technician, Maha, who made the whole procedure much easier. She put me completely at ease, explained how the X-Ray Machine worked (good information!), and was just remarkably kind. Thanks, Maha!

The whole thing only took about five minutes, and each X-Ray lasts for about 2 seconds -- that's the teensiest amount of time for a Test that can Save Your Life! They had a Video playing in the Dressing Room, so I watched that while I was waiting for my turn, and they had a website at the end of the video, so check out if you have any questions that you'd like answered about Breast Cancer Awareness -- they have a great method for Self-Detection, which, despite the crazy news item last year where they said Self-Exams weren't important (!)... can you imagine that?? Please, when information comes out that flies in the face of common sense, follow your gut instinct and forget the stories.

Man, it is absolutely freezing outside -- beautiful, but freezing! It went to -30 Degrees Celsius (ludicrously cold, if you're not familiar with Celsius!). This weather ususally starts in January or February, but here we are in November with 30 Below!! Ugh! We're all waiting for a Chinook to roll through -- they are the wonderful warm winds that blow in over the Mountains. I'll take a picture of the Cloud Structure for a Chinook, since it looks pretty cool!

Dwight has been working away on the Bar all week. I went out to the garage to help him cut the Top Piece of wood before we tile the Countertop. The Bar looks fantastic! Can't wait for my computer to 'get better' so I can get the brand new pictures for you!

Tip of the Day: This is a 'lumber-cuttin' Tip!! When you are the one who 'catches' the lumber when it goes through the Table Saw (the great big Saw), just level the wood (don't really move it up or down, unless the person feeding the wood through the saw tells you to...) but you can pull the smaller piece that is on the right hand side (the throw away piece...) outwards. This helps the lumber to move easily past the Saw Blade. I just learned that last summer, and now I think about it whenever I'm holding the lumber! Oh, yeah. And don't bother 'catching' the wood until it's about 6" from the fast-moving Belt -- that could result in a terrible injury, and no project is worth matter what the person feeding the wood through the saw says ... just ignore them, and do like me! ha,ha,ha! So here's my new Safety Tip: Better Safe than Married! ha,ha! No, no. Just kidding! But Dwight can find a new helper if he thinks I won't worry about safety just to make him slightly happier!! (You gotta be extra kind to the 'Free Labor'!!) (Actually, I just had to kick Dwight out of my Office -- I like to be alone when I'm writing -- especially about him! ha,ha,ha!)

Aidan is running after Dwight, asking, "What's an Amp-Probe?" Yep, just your typical Saturday Morning banter between a father and his son! ha,ha! (An Amp-Probe' is a device for checking Electricity. I had to listen for the answer, too!! ha,ha!) Dwight is working away on the Bar, today, and Aidan just said to him, "Oh, Daddy. You're so helpful." He's very dead-pan about the whole thing -- hilarious! I can hear and see them through my Office, which is on the far side across from them.

Okay, let me go grab you some new pics!

And now for your 'Daily Pics Fix'!!

Well, there's where all the work happens! ha,ha! Thank God it's such a beautiful Office, since I spend sooooo much time in it!! In the Third Picture, just past Dr. Phil (!), you can see the Bare Bones of the Bar. That's when it was still at the Framing Stage. Now it's almost finished, so it'll be fun to show you the 'Finished Project'! Maybe you'd like to come over for a wee Drink -- make good use of the Bar!! ha,ha!

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Thanks for swingin' in! See you tomorrow!!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!!


Well, well, well ... Guess what's back?? That's right -- The Stock Market! We pulled our money out of the Market to Build This House, since this is our Big Investment, right now, but when we sell the house, we'll be ready to get back into the Stock Market. Over the years, Dwight has done very well with Banking Stock, so if you believe in your own Bank, go ahead and Buy some of their Stock. You Bank there -- and you know tons of other people who Bank there... really, it's just numbers math... Generallly, it boils down to 'How much do we need this Product or Service', and how long will it stay around ... many of them will be around for our Lifetime (I'm thinking Oil & Gas...), so those are usually a fairly Safe Bet, so-to-speak!

I would have a look at the 'Tried & True' Big Stocks, Pharmaceuticals, Anything Produce-related, the Internet (yep, I think it's on the upswing...), anything Energy-related -- especially 'New Energy' (Wind and Hydrogen Based...), and then the old 'Buy What You Like' Theory... If there's a Product that you always Buy, or a Place where you always Shop, see if they have a Stock and Buy it. You don't have to have a massive amount of money to get into the Market, either, but you should use 'expendable funds' -- money that you can essentially 'play with'...not your Grocery or Rent Money!! ha,ha! Of course, if you're still Renting, it's probably wise to Buy a Home of Your Own before you Invest in the Stock Market. Everything is 'siutational' though -- sometimes Renting is the only functional option, so in that case, go aheaad and Invest! Good Luck!!

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Friday, November 21st. Hey, Baby! What up, Dawg?? ha,ha!Well, did you see Survivor, last night? My Boy Rupert had to go -- he was too big, too strong, and frankly, toward the end, just a tad too crazy...! Have you noticed that as soon as people on Survivor indicate that they are'The Puppet Master', all hell breaks loose and they're voted out? Ah, that crazy rush of Power! ha,ha!

I though Darrah and her barely detectable personality would have gone, last night, if Rupert had one the Immunity... hey, do you know someone like Darrah (or what we know of her from her limited time on camera -- Thank Goodness, or the Show would put you to sleep...). It's a shame to think that a person could get through life without any response to it. Maybe I think that because I don't 'get' people who don't have a reaction to anything -- they're just too dull for me to bother with. I love people who are 'story tellers', because they not only have a response, they put their own personal twist to it!!

I have to qucikly 'post' little bits and peices of my Daily Updates before my computer freezes up on me again -- soooo annoyink!! Hopefully, I'll be able to solve the problem, then get back to normal... thanks for bearing with me!

So I started putting the Christmas Tree up, yesterday -- man, that is a long process, especially when you're doing a million other things at the same time. I put the Base and the Top Section on (that's right -- it's a fakie!!), came down to my Office to do some more work on my computer, and when I went back upstairs, Aidan had taken over and put an interesting variety of branches on the Tree. And One Lone Ornament! Hilarious! He's soooo cute! Aidan loves Christmas.And we found the 'little Tree' - it's one of the Pre-lit 3' Trees, so Aidan put that up in his Bedroom, since Cara has a full-blown Christmas Tree up in HER Bedroom!! Now their rooms match, and that's so very important!!

I'm going in for my very first Mammogram, this afternoon. I turned 40 last March, and I just found out recently that the new thing is to start doing Annual Mammograms at 40. Who knew? I thought it would start at 45, but I'm very pleased that the Medical Community has changed the Age Requirement. I'm actually a little anxious about it, but I'll tell you how it went, tomorrow. Now, if you haven't been in for a Mammogram (and you is A chick...!! And just for the Record, it's often very entertaining for me to just 'talk wrong' every now and then... it's important to know the difference, though, or else we're just a big ol' pile of morons... ha,ha,ha!), go see your Doctor and get yourself in for a Check-up, if you happen to be in the Age Range (40 Plus...). Some States start at 35 -- and if, God Forbid, you ever felt a lump of any kind, get in immediately. Not all lumps are the same, so better to find out early -- at least it'll put your mind at ease.

Tip of the Day: Okay, this is a 'Breast Check Tip', and I think both Men and Women can benefit from this, possibly in more ways than one, but that would have to be consensual, and I barely know you...anyhooo, it involves my favorite Hand Cream, Lubriderm. If you've already had chilren, you might already do this, and it's quite a bit like the 'Soap in the Shower' method of doing a Breast Check. The Tip is to take a fair bit of Lubriderm Cream (or your own favorite cream!) and use that to moisturize and check at the same time, your Breasts. No kidding. It could save your life, so at the risk of everyone being a little uncomfortable (or not!! ha,ha!), it's worth sharing that! Don't forget that men can get Breast Cancer, too, so they should not be left out of all the fun!

Oh, and remember to eat lots and lots of Broccoli, Cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts -- luckily, three of my favorite Veggies!!

Okay, let me go get you some pics!

And now for your 'Daily Pics Fix'!!

These are the Trees across the Street -- gorgeous, ain't they??

You know what? I love all these pictures in a Group like this -- looks like something I would put on a Wall!!

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The picture in the middle is from the South end of our Property looking back toward the House. When you enlarge the picture, you'll be able to see the Sunroom at the end of the House before the Sunroom Deck was built. It was a really Frosty Morning, and I was out taking Tia for a wee walk (in the days before 'The 100' Rope'!), and the Light was amazing, so I ran backinto the house to grab my Camera and took this great shot. Man, I loooove my Video Camera! It's a JVC, in case you're wondering -- it takes Video and Still Shots -- perfect for me!

Thanks for coming by for a wee visit! See you tomorrow!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!!


Thursday, November 20th. Good Morning, Sunshine!! Hope you make a fortune, today! And then every day after that!!! ha,ha,ha! Hey, did you notice I made 'fortune' in green? It's supposed to be a lucky 'money' color...and wouldn't you know I'm wearing Green, today?? Have you ever looked into the Study of Color? It's fascinating, really. When you change the color of your Outfit, you can change how you feel and how others perceive you. Cool, huh? Well, the same thing applies to your Home. There are some colors that are very soothing, and others that just annoy you .. so you wwant to steer toward the calming colors for your House.

The main color in our house is Snowdrift Suede, which is the easiest color I have ever used, and we love it. It goes with everything -- I particularly like it as a backdrop to varying shades of Green (Sage to Forest Green...) and the Wine Colors (and not just to match the spills, either! ha,ha,ha!). And it goes beautifully with the Maple Cabinetry, too!

Ugh. this stooopid computer is acting up, again! It looks like it's an 'Error 424', whatever that is! I'll be working away and the next thing you know, the cursor won't move, then it disappears... oi! So Annoyink!!

Back to the Topic -- Paint Color (or "What should you wear, today?" for your own 'personal colors'... remember when that was really popular?!) The main thing to keep in mind when you're choosing a new color for your current home or a brand new one is to consider the Resale Value. If you plan to live in the house forever, go mad -- anything goes, providing you have plenty of Gravol... just kidding -- I'm sure you have lovely taste! ha,ha! But if you're like me and can't see yourself in any particular house for more than 5 years (that's a stretch for me!!), stick with relatively conservative colors.

A great way to see whether you like some of the 'new' colors in a large area, go check out some nice new Show Homes. That's fun to do, anyway, but take careful note of the Wall colors, and think of whether it's a color you could easily live with for a good chunk of time.

My wonderful friend, Kim, who is an amazing Decorator, once painted her whole Dining Room a deep Cranberry Color, and it was stunningly gorgeous. You can go with a really strong color in one room, or on one wall, sometimes... Each room has it's own Character -- you'll get a good feel for each room, then you can decide on the color. Hey, I think Para Paints has a program where you can take a picture of your Room and/or House and key it into the computer -- then you can 'try on' lots of colors at the click of a button. Cool, eh?? I'll see if I can find that for you. Ask at your Local Department Store or Home Improvement Shop.

Man, did you watch that annoying Bob the Bachelor, last night?! Ugh. Cara and I were disgusted! And not just because he kept kissing Estella with the giant Cold Sore -- yuck!! Why didn't someone give that poor girl an Aspirin?? Must make that my Tip of the Day!! Really, a 'Friendship Ring'?? Are we back in High School, already?? "Here. Put this on your Right Hand ... maybe I'll call ya'..." Why not just a long Engagement, to be broken at a later date?

You know what my take on it is? I think that Bob is a Mover and a Shaker, now, what with his new pals, Oprah and Ellen (I wish I were so lucky!! ha,ha!), who knows how many more women he can 'Meet & Greet', so-to-speak! And what if Hugh Hefner happens to call him to invite him over to the House for little 'Get-Together'?? ha,ha,ha! Ah, well... our sweet little Bob has turned into a playah'!!

Tip of the Day: I wish someone had given this Tip to poor little Estella and her lip before the Final Show of The Bachelor! The Tip is to Dissolve an Aspirin in enough water to 'melt' it. Then put that Dissolved Aspirin directly on the Cold Sore. You can double the efficacy by mixing the Dissolved Aspirin with a wee bit of any over-the-counter Anti-Viral Gel. I make Dwight do this at the slightest sign of a 'lip problem', and it totally works!! Share this Tip with anyone you think might need to know it -- just say it casually... it's the sort of 'water-cooler' conversation everybody loves! ha,ha,ha! "Say, Bob, about that cold sore..." And now that's probably accurate! yuff, yuff!

Let me go get you some pics!!

Here's your Daily 'Pics Fix'!

I'm having the worst time getting pictures onto the site with this crazy Error 424... must figure out how to fix that! But here's a shot of my Kitchen (part of it...) where you can really see the Wall Color, and how nicely it matches the Maple Cabinetry.

Thanks for coming by! See you, tomorrow!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!!


I've been looking for a while for a way for you to Download Music while you're on the Net -- hopefully on MY Site!! ha,ha! Anyway, this is a cool Company -- you can get Free Music and Games of all sorts -- and they have a thing where you can pay a small amount to Burn any song you like -- it's a good happy medium to help solve the Problem of Copyright on Music, right??


<Listen to Music Online with 400,000+ Songs at your fingertips. 14 day free trial, then only $9.95 month>


Wednesday, November 19th. Hey, Sweet Thing!! How you doin'?? Well, tonight's Bachelor Bob's Big Night! Are you following The Bachelor? Cara and I are addicted to it -- and I'm really gonna miss that house -- I looove the Blue Up-Lighting! It started snowing, again, last night, and it's supposed to snow until Friday (yep, that's a lot of snow!!), so we are soooooo thankful for great TV!! I love Ed & Bob 'Date Night'!! It's all very entertaining!

Man, my computer is screwing up left, right and center, this morning... I've lost my work three times, already! Annoyink! Well, in the stuff I lost, I was just telling you that it's a good thing I cleaned out the Hot Tub, yesterday, because it started snowing last night, and is still snowing, now. Apparently, it's going to snow for another 3 days... good thing it's sooo pretty!!

Tip of the Day: Thought I'd better get this in before my computer goes down, again! You know how you're in the bathroom, and the Waste Basket is overflowing, so you step on it to squish the hankies down so you won't have to go all the way back to the kitchen to get a big Garbage Bag? Then eventually, days and days later, you try to make yourself remember to get the stooopid garbage bag, and finally put the garbage out... So the Tip is to put a couple of Big Garbage Bags in each Bathroom, so there's one handy when you actually need it. Only took me 40 years to figure that one out!! Ha,ha!

Let me go get you some pics!

Here's your 'Daily Pics Fix'!

This crazy computer is driving me up the wall, today... but here's some Deer Pictures I took from our Sunroom Windows. It's incredible the way the Deer can camouflage themselves so well -- peer into the Trees to see them!


Thanks for popping in for a wee visit! See you tomorrow!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!!


Tuesday, November 18th. Hey, Good Lookin'!! Hope you're having a great day, so far! I have a very exciting day planned -- yep, I'll be cleanin' out the Hot Tub! I know, I know. You're jealous... you'd like to clean stuff all day long, too... You know, that crazy Dwight -- if he could get me to clean 24/7, then he'd be happy! Site, Schmite ...ain't there some cleanin' to do?? (Okay, that's not really what Dwight sounds like, but I happen to enjoy giving his voice into a Hillbilly tone, just for my own amusement...! ha,ha!)Ugh. But I am happy enough to clean out the Hot Tub, because the New Hot Tub Cover arrived in, yesterday, and it's gorgeous! We had it Custom made in Teal to match the Tub. Remember the little fight Dwight and I had over how to draw the Arc for the Corners, so the Tub Cover would fit perfectly? Well, we finally came to an agreement over how it was to be done (I let Dwight do it!! ha,ha!), and I have never seen a better fit on a Hot Tub Cover. It's really fabulous!

Ty Pennington, the incredibly talented Carpenter from Trading Spaces, is on Wayne Brady, today. He has a new book out, so I'll have to get you the link for that -- looks like he has a section on How to Build a Waterfall, so that would be good to know. Plus, he's really good-looking, so you could just look at the pictures -- you don't even have to read it! ha,ha,ha!

I really have to get the Invites out for our Big Holiday Party. I was sure we had three weeks until the big day, but it's only two weeks awasy, so better get on that! Then I'll start cleaning!!

Hey, did you see The O.C. last night, or do you catch it on Wednesday? Man, Cara and I love that show -- it's hilarious, and I happen to love their house -- surprise, surprise! And they have the same Wall Colors as us in their Hallway (this is the sort of information I get out of many a TV Show!! When I watch Survivor, I desperately want to jump in and show them how to build a decent structure!! ha,ha!). Anyway, everytime I watch it, I'm more and more anxious to return to my old life in California -- it's a great place to live. I was constantly amazed by the sheer amount of stuff that you can do, and how incredibly cheap it was to jump on a plane and head somewhere's the perfect 'pivot place'. Plus, I love the Ocean -- it's endlessly beautiful.

Well, I guess I better get on with the Hot Tub Cleaning! It's full of ice, from the crappy weather we've been having, and it looks like we're in for another Snow Storm, tomorrow, so must get to that, today. And if there's any time left, I'm thinking of getting a start on Putting Up the Christmas Tree. It's time to put the Tree up when it's still pitch black an hour after I get up in the morning...!

Tip of the Day: Put your Chritmas Tree up in Stages -- it won't seem nearly as daunting. You can take your time and add a layer whenever you have a minute, then it'll be done some time before Christmas! I always start with putting the giant lights that Dwight insists on having on the Tree, in the middle, close to the 'core' ... oh, it's an Artificial Tree -- not only am I horribly allergic to real trees, I'd rather look at a real tree in a forest than in someone's living room...but each to his own, right?? I know the Season just isn't the same for lots of folks who love to have the Fresh Scent of Pine in their home. Anyway, it means I have no time-frame whatsoever for how long I leave the Tree up, and that totally works for me!! If you didn't see the pictures from Last Years Trees, just scroll down this page and you'll see why love the Tree so very much!!

Oh, yeah. Back to the Tip... I put the Little Twinkly Fairy Lights on next, then the Lights that have Flowers and things attached to them. I take my time putting up the Ornaments, and everyone likes to have a go at that. I love the new Deep Purple and Blue Ornaments -- have you seen them, yet? They're gorgeous! Have a very low resistance to beautiflu, shiny things (if you like Woody Allen, you'll remember his old girlfriend,"W.", the Roller Derby Girl, who also could be amused by shiny objects... little reference to that!!)

Let me go get some Fresh Pics for you! Be right back!!

And now for 'Your Daily Pics Fix'!!

So here's the reason why I have to clean out the Hot Tub, again... That's before the New Hot Tub Cover arrived!! Now I don't mind cleaning the Tub, again, because the Cover will keep it nice and clean!


Here's a nice 'Snow Shot' from our jaunt out to Elbow River Falls, about 45 minutes from here, in Calgary, Alberta. I just thought you might like to see a nice Snowy Picture!!

Thanks for swingin' by for a wee visit! Always lovely to see you! Until tomorrow...

Later, Baby! Ailsa!


Really, who doesn't looooove a Comfy Bathrobe?? I love mine!!

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<A Bathrobe, The Perfect Gift Idea>


Monday, November 17th. Hello. Gorgeous!! How you doin'?? I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was very stressful, when I realized my Site was Down -- funny how something you wouldn't have even known what it meant a few years ago can become a major part in your life, now... I've mentioned before that I'm still pretty new to Computers, so a lot of stuff still eludes me -- luckily, I'm a fast learner -- I just need someone to direct me through it, and I'm all set!

We had a weird thing happen - not 'weird' as in 'aliens arrived unexpectedly', more like 'weird as in annoying'!! ha,ha! No, what happened was just after I was telling our friends who stopped by for a wee visit that we never ever run out of hot water because of the Double Hot Water Tanks, we ran out of Hot Water...and just so you know, the 'Hot Water Tank' conversation didn't come out of no-where -- you can't just break into a normal conversation with some tidbits about Hot Water Tanks (well, Dwight can, but that's a whole other Contractor Story!! ha,ha!). We were downstairs looking at the Furnace Room and all the Cool Tubes that are there for the Radiant Heat System. We pointed out that we have two Water Heaters to provide for enough Hot Water for the In-Floor Radiant Heat, AND any amount of Showers, 'n stuff.

Well, yesterday morning I got up to a Cold Shower -- so I was not happy about that... I came out and told Dwight, who went down to check the Water Heaters, and it turned out that the "Therma-couple" had burnt out. Lucky that Dwight does this sort of thing for a Living! So he took it out, went into town to pick up a new one, then replaced it. Took about 5 minutes to replace and re-light it. Problem solved, and yes, I had a great shower, this morning!! YaaHoo!!

Tip of the Day: Check the "Therma -couple" first if you run out of Hot Water or if your Furnace or Fireplaces go out. It looks like a twisty Copper Wire, and should have a flame. If there is no flame, Dwight says you can just re-light it, but I know that would be outside of my own realm (I don't deal well with the possibility of fire anywhere near me...!). If you don't want to try to re-light it yourself, you can call a Plumber, Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor, and sometimes your Local Gas Company will come out and try to light it for you -- in case there's a gas leak. You don't want to play around with that!

Now, if the "Therma-couple" won't re-light, it needs to be replaced. It's a very inexpensive part -- Dwight picked it up for $7.00, I think. Sometimes he drones on and on about Plumbing Parts, so really I was just listening to get as much information as I needed for YOU, my lovely Reader!! ha,ha,ha,ha! Okay, that last line is mostly for my own amusement, because I'm laughing out loud, now!! ha,ha,ha! Hey, if you can't dis your own spouse, who can you dis?? ha,ha,ha! Is that how you spell 'dis'?? Is is 'diss"?? Whatever!! (Hey, I just checked my Oxford Dictionary, which sits beside me at all times... and apparently it can go either way, like some folks I know, but that's a completely, somewhat more interesting (!) story! ha,ha!)

Anyway, Dwightie says that if you need to call someone in to fix the 'Therma-couple', it would probably cost around $100. including the Service Visit, possible less... It's always good to know what these things cost in advance, right? And you can sound extra knowledgeable when you say on the phone, "I think it's probably the 'Therma-couple..." And just so you know, I had no idea what a "Therma-couple" was before this past weekend -- you never know what you're going to learn, eh?

Okay, let me go get you some nice fresh pictures! Noooooo, not of me in the shower -- although that would be funny (and might sreiously increase my Site Traffic!! And then more people would click onto my advertisers, which would be good for me... Hmmm, sounds like I'm trying to talk myself into it!! ha,ha!) -- but then someone would have to take it -- eeeewww!

And now for your 'Daily Pics Fix'!

There are a couple of reasons I've chosen these pictures -- one is to show you the Hot Tub without the Cover, because Dwight just picked up the new Teal Cover (Nicer than the old Brown one...), and is on his way home with it. I think he's bringing his new employee, Cane, whom he thinks looks like Dean Cane (of Superman Fame...), so Dwight always wants to call him 'Dean'... I'll take a picture of him, of course, then we can all decide for ourselves!!

You can see the Hot Tub without the Cover through the Sunroom, which off our Master Bedroom. See all the snow in it? Poor thing!

The other thing I wanted to show you in the 'Cluster of Plants' that I have in the Sunroom, right beside the Interior Bedroom Window. One, I love an Interior Window (a window that only leads to another room, not the outdoors...), and Two, when you put your Plants in a little 'cluster', it looks like a tiny Jungle, and who doesn't looove that?? ha,ha!

Oh, I see that Aidan must have snuck into that 2nd picture! That's funny -- he wants to be a big star and move to Hollywood. He says he's already been there, and all you need is a ticket to get in!! ha,ha! He also was trying to bargain with Dwight the other day -- Aidan says to Dwight,"Dad, you take me to Smugglers and Disneyland, and I'll massage your back..." Nothing like a fair deal!! Smugglers is Aidan's favorite Restaurant in Calgary -- it's an Adult Steak House!! Funny, eh?? What a kid!

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I put the Settee (sofa...) in the Corner, angled so I could get lots of plants behind it. Oh, there's my Steinbeck book on the little Table beside my Reading Spot!

Thanks for coming in for a wee visit! See you tomorrow!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!!


Check out for Anything You Could Possibly Hope to Find!

Cheesecake ,Cinnamon Buns, Salsa Chicken , Macaroni Salad ,Chicken Noodle Soup, Taco Spaghetti , Easy Pie Crust , Creamy Peach Pie , Great BBQ Marinade , 'Pass da' Pasta, Rosemary Steak, Onion Barley (an Aphrodisiac!), Stuffed Green Peppers, Fruit Puffs , BBQ Veggies, Apple Crumble for One , Barbequed Meatballs, Everything Else!!

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