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Archived At Home with Ailsa

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October 12th - 6th, 2003.

Sunday, October 12th. Hey there, Sweet Thang!! How you doin', 'aday?? As usual, I was sidetracked on my way to write my Daily Update -- now, if I didn't get so much hilarious mail from my wonderful site reades, I wouldn't be soooo easily sidetracked, but I do, and I can't resist it, and I love there.

I got a great letter from Angel, this morning, and she's hoping I can 'Hook a Sistah' Up'!! Sure! Let's set up a great Network for everything we all need -- Dates, Work, Careers...why not, eh?? We're all in some sort of position where we know someone ... so have a wee read at Angel's letter and see if you have someone in mind for her!! We'll all be little 'Matchmakers' together!! (I am a notorious Matchmaker -- I just can't help myself!!) So, of course, I had to create a New Page for all this proposed 'Matchmaking', so click here to check that out!! You might want to check out my Marry Rich Page, too -- it's plenty of 'tongue-in-cheek' fun!!

So we went down to the Hardware Store, yesterday (Totem, one of my favorite stores!!). Dwight wanted to show me the White Aluminun and Glass Panelled Railing System. I had an idea in my head of what it was going to look like (I thought it would be cheap and crappy...), and I couldn't have been further from the truth... the Railing System was gorgeous, so we measured it all out, bought it and brought it home. Dwight and I installed the Main Posts in under 2 hours -- I have never seen such an easy system to install!! And it looks incredible.

Our Hot Tub is a Teal and White Marbled Color, and the White Posts bring out the white in the Tub, which looks fabulous. The white also Frames the Deck better than the Black Railing would have, which is also something I would not have guessed. That's why it's always good to keep your mind open to your partner's ideas (unless they're truly an idiot, in which case you might want to check out my 'Hook Me Up' page one more time...ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!). The other thing that is really cool is when I'm sitting in the Sunroom (my favorite place to read and drink Tea!), the new railing appears to be a continuation of the windows in the Sunroom. Amazing!

The other day I was standing in our Master Bathroom with the door open, looking in the Mirror to see the Plants in the Sunroom (yes, I have all kinds of time for gazing...!), and it struck me that our Master Bedroom 'Area' is the size of an entire apartment or upper floor of a house! WooHoo! It's 800 square feet in the actual living area, then it goes up to 1240 square feet when you include the new Sunroom Deck, since the Sunroom is the 'Private Retreat' from the Master Bedroom, and the Deck is off the Sunroom... not bad, not bad!! It'll be weird to sell this house, since we love it sooo much. But we have always been lucky enough to sell our homes to people who love them as much as we do, so it's more like a 'House Adoption', so we know the house will be well loved and cared for!! I still think we'll put this house on the Market around Christmas time... I'll let you know!

Hey, have you seen the new Trading Spaces 100 Grand Episode, yet? Man, it was painful to watch them waste that kind of money... I really hate wasting money!! If you haven't seen this show, yet, the two main carpenters are a dream to watch -- Amy and Tye. Must check to see how to spell their names... they are amazingly talented! My favorite Designer is Vern, because I like clean, sophisticated lines (I'm not a big 'fru-fru' kind of girl!!). Lori (one of the Designers) spent $6,000. on some Drapes for ONE room -- and they were a little on the hideous sie, too!! Man, they could have gone to Linens 'N Things -- I bought all my Window Treatments for this whole house for weeeelll under 6 grand, and we have 38 huge windows!! But, all the designers are fun to watch, and you can pick up some great tips! We got 'hooked' on the Show when we were stuck in a Hotel in Hope, B.C. a couple of summers ago!! (Long story, some of it good!!)

Oh, you know what I'd like to do with our big Christmas/Holiday Party, this year?? I'd like to set it up where all our guests can bring a Toy for a Needy Child. Wouldn't that be nice?? I'll have to find out where I could drop them off ... When I was at Walmart the other day, I noticed that they have a whole area just for toys in the $10 - $25. range, and they were great toys! Think I'll start there, and see what I can accumulate in time for the Holidays. Be nice if we all tried that -- Holiday Parties with a Mission all over the world -- that would be great!! Oh, I just thought -- I wonder if Walmart has a section on their website where you can purchase a Toy that can go directly to Charity?? Must find out, then I'll get back to you and let you know!!

Tip of the Day: This one is for Decking, especially if you use this new Aluminum Railing System, which I highly recommend...! Put your Corner Posts in First, then measure from the inside of each post to determine equal spacing between the posts in the middle. And Dwight says to secure the Posts from underneath the Deck by bolting a Metal Piece, slightly larger than the Post Bottom to the base of the Post. He's off to his Dad's Workshop to cut the metal pieces, right now!!

And whenever possible, have Glass and any other highly breakable product shipped to your house. The cost of replacement will be much higher than any delivery charge... good to know!! .

And now I have to go and Paint the Exterior Trim around the Garage Doors! Rick the Paint Guy at Totem tells me you have until the temperature turns 10 degrees Celcius or about 55 degrees Farenheit to do any Exterior Painting, so I have to get out there this week before the winter sets in!!

Thanks for popping in!! See you tomorrow (and remember to bring a few of your friends!!).... Later, Baby! Ailsa!


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Saturday, October 11th. Hi, Honey! You're Home again, and not a moment too soon!! Are you excited about the weekend?? Is this your time to 'go commando' and give yourself a wee break from the 'undie-world', not to be confused with 'the underworld'! har, har! That, of course, reminds me of The Sopranos, and we can hardly wait for the beginning of the Final Season... Maybe we'll all get lucky and they'll start making Soprano Movies, so we're not cut off 'Cold Turkey' -- there's a little 'Thanksgiving Reference for my Canadian Readers, since this is Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada.

One year we were unable to get a Turkey (we left it too late and the stores had run out of them...), so Dwight went out and got 'Turkey Parts' -- can't tell you how extra-special that was!! Ah, well, it was clearly memorable, since I can't remember the other Thanksgiving meals!! (Probably due to the also traditional 'Thanksgiving Wine', but that's a whole other sordid story...!)

This year we will most likely be on our own for the Holiday, so it's lookin' like a good day for a Weenie Roast... we didn't make it out to the Mountains, last weekend -- all those Trees arrived, and they had to be dealt with right away. Trees aren't known for their patience... They're all in, now, though, and they look fantastic! Dwight says it isn't possible to put Lights on ALL the Trees, but I want to investigate this before I have to agree...! The trees line the Circular Driveway (I'll post a picture as soon as I can get that program re-installed into my computer...), and that would be soooo pretty at Christmastime, right?? Maybe you could mention that to Dwightie for me!!

Today we are going to decide what type of Railing will go on the Sunroom Deck, and with any luck, we'll get that built this weekend... Dwight is leaning toward an Aluminum and Plexiglass Railing, and I'm okay with that if the Metal is Black and the Glass is Grey... We have gone back and forth on this thing, but now I just want it done, so I'm sure we can settle on something nice. The whole key is to maintain the view while we're sitting in the Hot Tub... that's sooo important to have something nice to look at while you're steaming away!! We used to skip Church, sometimes, and say we were going to 'The Church of the Steamin' Hot Tub', which was, quite frankly, better for our relationship, since me running around desperately trying to get everyone to the Church on time was too stressful for our family... and now we can't get Aidan to keep his clothes on in Church, so we're in a 'holding position' for that right now!!

Tip of the Day: If you are looking for a relatively inexpensive way to update your home, or you're choosing the Trim for your new home, try some nice high moulding -- anything over 3 1/2 " should work. If you're doing a Reno, go ahead and remove the old moulding (this is a good time to paint, too, if you're thinking of a new wall color...might even be a good time to replace the carpet, too, if it's time for that, but that's pretty pricey...) by prying it gently off the walls.

Paint your new moulding -- I always use a 4" sponge roller -- you can use the tip of the roller for any tricky indentations in the Trim, then roll the whole piece of Trim with the flat part of the Roller. It leaves a nice finish. I use a Semi-Gloss White Paint, too, since I happen to like the crispness of the color contrast with our Suede Walls (color of suede -- not real suede... eeeew!!). Oh, and it's waaaay easier to paint the Trim before it goes on the wall, if that is at all possible. I set my Trim up in rows of 8 pieces on 3 saw-horses, since each piece is 14' long.

You will be surprised at how fresh and updated your place will be. Next, you might want to replace your Interior Doors (I'm fond of the White Colonial Doors -- they always look good...), or Paint the older doors to match your new Trim.

One thing to keep in mind when you're buying Baseboard Trim -- you will probably need a Radial Arm Saw for any Trim over 3 1/2", so keep that in mind if you plan to cut the pieces yourself. You can get a little Mitre Box, too, and that should work if you are willing to go a little slower and don't care for Power Tools. (And 'mitre' just means 'angle', for those new to 'saw-talk'!!)

Have a Great Weekend!! Thanks for swingin' in! See you tomorrow, Baby! Ailsa!


Hey, who doesn't love a Great Holiday for a Good Deal??

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Friday, October 10th. Hello there, Dream-cake! (I guess for me that would make you a lot like a Chocolate Cream Cake!! ha,ha,ha!) Well, I got sidetracked on my way to the Site...very surprising, I know! Any shiny bauble or new website'll do it!! Gems on the floor, something funny on TV (and there's a lot of great stuff on, these days -- Ellen and Wayne are really fun to watch in the morning! And, you can check out their Site's -- Ellen's Site is hilarious and Wayne's Site has a great Message Board!)... Anyhooo, on with the Show!!

So here's what I found out, this morning -- I'm at the Top of the Major Search Engines in a whole pile of Categories! WooHoo! Did I tell you my Advertising Budget (yes, imposed by Dwight, who thought it was a big waste of money...!) is $35.00 a year?! Yep! And then it's just Meee working my bee-hind off to make this Site work! Not bad for a 'computer-challenged' girl all by herself, huh?? ha,ha! Who knew??

Hey, you know what happened, yesterday? When I went outside to see how the Landscaping Guys (Ron and Al!) were doing, I was very pleasantly surprised to find them planting the Trees for me! Wow! What a nice treat! That saved me a huuuuge amount of time and work! Just goes to show you that it IS a good thing to wear Shorts on the Work-site! ha,ha, ha! NO, I'm jeest kiddink! It was a mini-skirt... yuff, yuff!

Aidan has been 'extra-sweet' since 'The Incident'! Funny little man. Every time he asks me for a new toy (Aidan is an Advertisers dream kid!!), I say to him, "I don't know. How do I know you're going to be good??" And Aidan, who has just turned 4, says, "Don't worry, Mummy. I will proooove it to you!" Then we laugh and move on... Humor works with children and adults, except with people you can't stand ... they're generally humorless nits! Try not to think about them!! Stick with the funny folk -- they're always soooo much more fun!

Tip of the Day: Here's an easy way to clean you Sink Stopper. Sounds little, but they're tricky to clean, and who has that kind of time?? Pop it in the Dishwasher, on the Top Shelf. It'll come out all shiny and clean... put your Sponges in there, too, and everything will look good!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian Readers! Who knows why we celebrate Thanksgiving so much earlier than our U.S. Neighbors! Maybe we weren't invited to the First Celebration, so we came up with our own, perhaps out of spite! "Fine, then. We'll just have our own, then!", the Canadians said snidely! ha,ha,ha! (Remember 'Snidely' on Rocky and Bullwinkle?? That's not an easy word to fit into regular conversation, but squeeze it in somewhere for fun, this weekend!)


Be kind -- Call a Canadian!! ha,ha!

<1¢/min. Long Distance > <Phonecards for Travelers>


Thursday, October 9th. Yo, yo, yo! What up, Ba-aaby?? Our Landscaping Guys are here, right now, and I just came back in for a minute to write this before I head back out to plant the 16 Spruce Trees that are going to line the Front Part of the Circular Driveway. We just placed them, now, and Ron is going to auger (dig!!) me the holes for the trees, so that'll save me a LOT of digging! YaaHooo! (You don't have to own a Cowboy Hat to say 'YaaHoo', although I DO own a Cowboy Hat..., you can just yelp it out whenever you're all excited or if someone says they're going to dig some holes for you!! Any time like that...! ha,ha!)

I can't get the CD thing on my computer tower to open so I can reinstall my VideowaveIII -- the thing that lets me get my new pictures onto my site. Very frustrating! Must get Steve over here before he heads out to really pursue his big Comedy Career! Steve was my webmaster who got the Site up and running, then he taught me how to run the site all by myself! I think he's going to start in Toronto, then head down to New York, so we wish him all the luck in the world, because he's hilarious!

I took Aidan to Canadian Tire, yesterday, and he was all excited because they have very cool little cars attached to their shopping carts. We got some cool stuff for the House (including those new 'fold up' garbage bag holders that are perfect for Recyclables, so I got two, and put them on the Back Landing of the Garage...), and everything went well until we got to the counter. Well, wouldn't you know it -- the boy could release himself from the 'car thing', so he did, ran back to grab a Lion King Video at the display beside the Checkout, jumped back into the car, and started screaming when I took it away from him... Every mother's favorite moment. Of course, this stuff happens when you can't just leave your cart, so you just have to work your way through it.I paid for the stuff and got that boy out of the store. Man. He's never done that before, and he will never do that again!

Now, Aidan spent the rest of the day very quietly contemplating how bad he had been, with many promises to never do that again... he was in shock when he went into the Pantry, carefully chose a couple of sweeties, handed them to me to open them for him, and I took them, walked calmly back to the pantry and put them back. Neither of us said anything -- he just made his way back to his games with a better understanding of what his Mum will not go for!

You know what has bothered me for a long time, now -- oh, about the last 20 years, or so, when I first started teaching... it's that relatively 'new' thinking that you have to always separate the child from their actions. Please. The child and their actions are synonymous. Teaching them that they are separate from their actions removes them from the responsibility of those actions, and this can have very serious consequences. Don't get me wrong -- I absolutely believe in instilling a very positive sense of self, but that has to be tempered with the child taking absolute responsibility for their actions. You are what you do, think, say and act -- no bones about it. Now, how did that notion get away from us as a society??

The key things to do when your child has gone mad (or 'gone bad', as the case may have it...!), are to Stay Calm, Be Serious, Wait for the Crazy Moment to Stop, then go over the incident with your child so they understand fully what they did, and why they can never, ever do that again. Have a reasonable consequence for the infraction, then discuss the problem again, followed by a Big Hug and some 'I Love You's', which is not the same as 'I love youse guys', although you can readily hear that in more than a few classy restaurants...! ha,ha,ha,ha!

Tip of the Day: Hire Local. That's the phrase for it, even with the questionable grammar! It's soooo important to hire people who will be working on your home (at whatever you're doing...) who can get to your place quite quickly. If they have to travel from waaaaay across town (unless your town has approximately 3,000 people, in which case, that would be about 2 minutes away...), you will be paying for the time it takes for them to get there, and often for them to get home, again...that's a lot of extra money. So if you can find someone in your own area, do that first. You'll get good recommendations from people in your own little area, too.

Of course, you don't have to compromise on the work you need done just to hire locally -- sometimes it worth bringing in someone special who is highly skilled at their job. It depends on the project at hand, your budget and your time-frame. Sometimes you just have to take whoever you can get, especially if you're at the end of a job, and need to get it done!

Well, that's it for today, folks! Thanks for dropping by! I'll see you, tomorrow!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!


Hey, it's Thursday, and you know what that means!! It's Survivor Night! WooHoo! We love the Beaches and the Bee-otches, if you know what I mean!! ha,ha,ha! You can use this link to make a Bet on who you think will win. It's like a Sport!!


Speaking of 'Who Will Win', did you see Bob, The Bachelor, last night?? That Show is hilarious (Plus, we really love the houses!!). Bob is like the Poster Boy for Polygamy! ha,ha,ha,ha! And aren't we all fascinated by that?? Hmmmm...


Wednesday, October 8th. Good Morning, Sunshine! (Come that your real name?? Just one you made up for fun??) You know what that reminds me of? This new thing where kids say, "Funner", or "Funnest", as in, "That party was waaay more Funner than Josie's -- probably because the Pussycats weren't the Most Funnest things there..."

Now, when did this happen?? I know I just used 'of' at the end of a sentence, for the grammar purists out there in Readerland (close to the Netherlands...), but that's because folks actually talk like that, and the correct way is just annoyink! But who started the 'more funner' and 'most funnest' thing?? Didn't anyone hear their English Teacher screaming in pain at the back of the room?? You can't ignore your Inner English Teacher forever, either -- it's that little voice (sometimes a quiet little teensie voice, from what I can tell...) that says,"It's More Fun", or "the Most Fun" -- no extra 'er' or 'est'... Course, she might be drinkin', so don't listen to everything she might come up with, and if it sounds like there's a yard-stick with your name on it, make a mad dash for the door...

Well, if I save one person from making themselves sound like an idiot in a job interview, or on a date, let alone at a Grammar Party (plenty of them around -- mostly a lot of reading and tea drinking!! ha,ha!), then I've done my good deed for the day! Whew, glad that's over, and I didn't even have to get changed out of my comfy velourish Bath Robe!! (It's the most softest robe...ooouch! That yard stick ain't the most softest thing , lady!! That Inner English Teacher's got the slightest little anger management problem... Okay, okay, I'll skip the 'most' ... This is the softest Robe to wear while I'm working. There, is that more better?? What?? Is that better? Good. Thank God that lesson's over!! Now I can get back to bed!! har, har! That's enough learnin' fer one day!

It's Wednesday, so that means it's Ed Night!! (No, not a guy I'm dating... Dwight hates it when I even mention dating outside of marriage ... he's funny that way!! ha,ha,ha!) It's one of my favorite night-time Shows -- a David Letterman Production, so you know the writing and everything else will be fantastic. Well, the guy who plays Ed, the main Character (I'll need to go find out his name, since it's very early and the smart side of my brain ain't up yet!! ha, ha!), was wearing his old Queen's Golden Gaels Shirt when he was playing Hoops with his buddy Mike on the Show. (Now I'm just dealing with Character Names...) Wouldn't you know it -- that's MY Alma Mater!! And I'm pretty sure that 'Ed' was at Queen's University at the same time I was there (I graduated from Queen's University in 1983 with a B.A., then again in 1984 with a B.Ed. -- I just turned 21 when I graduated... and I felt I was faaaar too old to still be in School! Man, what was I thinking???)

Anyway, on with The Most Bestest Tip of The Day: Speak good. It be workin' fer you. It really does make a can have soooo much fun playing with the language (I don't gots no problem, but maybe you gots a frien' who do...!), but always speak properly when it counts -- here's the easy way to tell if you can't get away with some 'colorful use of the language' ... If you can't swear in front of them, you can't use other fun language, either. Bottom line -- they'll be offendd by both, so speak properly until you get the job, or get married, then you're free to be yourself, so long as 'they' don't hear you!! ha,ha,ha!

Thanks for coming over for a wee visit! See you tomorrow! Oh, yeah, the Bobcat guy didn't show, yesterday, so it looks like we'll have to dig those trees in by hand!! Ugh! Ah, well. I'm the one who wanted 24 Trees!! It be worth it!! ha,ha!

Later, Baby! Ailsa!


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Tuesday, October 7th. Hey, you gorgeous thing, you! How's your day going?? I'm waiting for Dwight to leave so I can get to work, but he's still hanging around... and now I've just had to boot him out of my Office while I'm writing... ah, well. That's the life of the Self-Employed, particularly when you own the Company! ha,ha!

I've been watering down the new Trees until our Bobcat Guy gets here to shave away a neat row along the inside of the Circular Driveway. I'm going to line the Semi-circular part with some of the new Trees. I think I'll extend the left side of the Front Entry Garden in a winding 'path', if you will, back toward the Hot Tub Deck. That would hide the Air Conditioning Unit (we have 4 tonnes of Air Conditioning in this house...remember the Dwight is a Heating & Air Conditioning Man, so our heating and cooling systems are pretty fancy schmancy!).

Tip of the Day: This is for parents of children up until they leave the house! When you first make the bed for your kidlet (no matter how old!!), pull the sheets and blanket way over to the side they don't get into, and tuck them right under the bed. That way, when your kid gets up in the morning, they can just pull the Bedding on the side they slept on straight back up, and their bed is made in no time. Any little thing that saves time works for me!

Thanks for swingin' by for a wee visit! Later, Baby! Ailsa!


<Smart strategies for a neat & clean home!>


Monday, October 6th. Hey, Baby! How you doin'?? I've got to call our Bobcat guy, Ron, because we bought 18 more Spruce Trees, yesterday (The Tree Guy swung by, and we were going to get them over the next year, but it just turned out better this way...). So now we have 4 big Spruce Trees on either side of the Front Entry Door, along with a variety of smaller Shrubs, Bushes, and Smaller Trees... looks gorgeous, and now I can hardly wait 'til Christmas, because I plan to put Back Lighting behind all the Trees, then Christmas Fairy Lights on all the Trees at the Front! YaaHooo! It'll be fantastic!!

You know what's really funny that I just remembered, yesterday? Before we built our house, we had a calendar with a stunning Lodge all lit up at Christmas time -- it was the December picture, of course... last Christmas, when the house was covered with snow and all lit up with the Fairy Lights, I said to Dwight, "Oh My God! We're living in the Lodge!!" ha,ha,ha,ha! I gotta tell ya, it's great living in a Lodge! I'm not sure how we'll manage with Down-sizing, if we move back into Town, which we are seriously considering, right now. Tough choice! May after Christmas!!

I used to wait for Dwight to make the Final Decision on almost everything, and just plead with him until he agreed the job needed to be done, but I'm a changed woman, now, and I'm going to go ahead and make the decisions myself. Thanks, Dr. Phil!! We had a real issue about when I can order the new Hot Tub Cover (it's always about a Hot Tub Cover, ain't it?? ha,ha!). I'm the one who has to clean it all the time, so I think we should get the Cover immediately, and I think Dwight would just put it off indefinitely... that just doesn't work for me! So I'm going to go measure the Tub and order it tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes!!

I'm just watching The Wayne Brady Show (I can watch TV through my Office Windows while I'm working on my Site -- lucky, eh??), and he did a 'Run around Epcot' at Disneyland in Florida (one of my favorite places, because it's endlessly fun and pretty!) -- the Canadian Bit was hysterical -- Wayne had on a Kilt (I love a man in a Kilt, of course, being Scottish, 'n all!). He did a wee dance number and it was soooo funny! That man is unbelievably talented! I'm hoping Wayne Brady will put out a Christmas Album, because I'm sure it would be great!

Tip of the Day: You know the easiest way to really clean your Stainless Steel Sink? In general, and especially when you're cleaning your house when you're selling it... Heat the water up first, then put the Stopper in. Pour in some Bleach (about half to one cup -- don't worry about measuring it...) and a wee bit of 'Squeezy' (Liquid Dish Soap, for the Non-Scottish! ha,ha,ha!). Fill the Sink about 3/4 of the way Full with really Hot Water.

Just leave it in the Sink for a few hours... I always throw in any sponges and other 'whites' that ain't as white as they used to be...Dish Clothes, Face Clothes I've used to clean the dog's feet... that sort of stuff. Go do something else and you'll come back to a magically clean Sink. I'm a Tea Jenny (I drink Tea all the time!), so I have to do this quite often.

The other thing you can do with this Water/Mixture is Clean the Floors. (Not Hardwood Floors -- they're a whole other story!!) I always use a Scotch Brite Sponge (wet and wrung out), and use my foot to go around and clean all the tiles. Just put the sponge under your foot and away you go -- it's good exercise, too! ha,ha!

Thanks for coming in for a wee visit! See you tomorrow! Later, Baby! Ailsa!

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