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Archived Ailsa At Home!

September 13th - 8th, 2003.

Well, well, well ... I finally figured out how I could Archive my At Home With Ailsa Daily Updates! I started these in September of 2003, right before Aidan's Birthday (September 11th -- a hard day to have a Birthday...). So here you go -- it'll be waaaay easier to find these Updates, now! You can really see the evolution of the Daily Update, too -- these used to be tiny! ha,ha,ha!

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Sunday, September 13th. Hey there, you gorgeous thing, you! (Hey, if everyone got a compliment like that every day, wouldn't the whole world be a lot nicer?! For one thing, everyone would be goin' around thinkin' to themselves, "Man, I am sooooo good looking, today! I know I'm doin' somethin' right!" And then there's be a lot more smiling, too! 'More Smilin', Less Frownin' ... that can be their new motto! ha,ha,ha!)

So, in case you were up all last night wondering (!), yes, I did get some trees, but only 3, and they're kinda little... there was a BIG 'discussion' at the Tree Stores (note the 's'...) about which trees to get, and I clearly said I thought we needed two 6' Evergreens, one for either side of the Front Entry Garden.

Well, wouldn't you know it...Dwight completely disagreed with that and we ended up coming home with two 4' Cedars (I think!) and one other cool looking flowering tree. When we went to 'dig them in', I said, "Well, they're sure little...", and Dwight says, "They sure are ... I don't know WHY you wanted those little trees -- I wanted two Big trees for that space..."

And so that why they say that marriage is soooo much fun. Yep, nuthin' but sheer fun and games. Well, mostly games, and hardly any of them involving 'hoops', except for the ones you have to constantly jump through! Whatevah! That crazy guy -- now we have to go back to another Garden Center to get more BIG trees, today... at least he finally saw the light... and you have to stay quiet about it, too, lest he change his mind again and we get nothing...

I have to go out and lay the Landscaping Fabric down (I weeded both of the Front Gardens, yesterday, in preparation for that...), then Dwight is going over to the 'community pile of Bark Mulch' (it's all part of the Condo Fees in an Acreage Estate Area) to load the truck up, then we'll spread it all around the garden. Should look neat and clean, just the way we like it.

See ya tomorrow! Later, Baby! Ailsa

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Saturday, September 13th. Hi, you, Clair, if I can call you that! Jeeest kiddink! I'm pretty sure you're name ain't 'Clair'... I'm up early this morning to make my Onion Juice -- Cara (my 15 year old!) came down with a Cold, yesterday, and I can feel one coming on, too, so I had to wait until it stopped raining to go out and make it! Dwight hates the smell of it...Dwight's motto is 'Health Schmealth', or I'm pretty sure it is...

Anyhoooo, I had to set up the Electric Wok (which is one of my favorite kitchen devices, and I would highly recommend for each and every kitchen!) on the BBQ on the Deck. It just smell like you're making a giant batch of Onion Soup, but if this shuts him up (that's a marital term for 'Oh, Honey ... you're soooo sweet...' or something like that...), good.

I just fill the Wok with Cold Water, peel and cut up 3 Onions, then carefully throw them in the water. It's Rocket Science -- it really is... Then I turn it up to the highest setting and do some work on the computer. See how easy???

I'll leave it to boil away for about 3 hours, or whenever I remember to go out and get it, strain it in a colander and pour the 'juice' into a container. I always cover it with plastic wrap, cause guess who hates the smell???

When Cara gets up, I'll make her a cup with Honey, Lemon and Vitamin C tablets -- they just melt all together. I like mine with just the Lemon and Honey.

This is an amazing 'cure' and definitely worth trying. I wouldn't advise taking a big whiff of it before you drink it, though. And I always have it with a 'Water Chaser', but I can't stop you from using a 'Whiskey Chaser', because I'm not sure where you live, plus, I don't want to disturb your morning routine! ha,ha,ha!

Well, gotta get back to bed! Why not?? It's a Saturday morning, and I didn't get anywhere with the whole 'tree' thing! I'll try again, today!

Later, Baby! Ailsa

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Friday, September 12th. I'm posting my little 'letter' early because Dwight's home, today, and he hates it when I'm on the computer....nothing like a lovely, supportive spouse, hmmmmm?? Anyhooo, since he's taking today off, I think I'll make this Tree-gettin' Day, since we desperately need more Trees in the Front of the House. I've wanted to get the Front Landscaping done for a long, long time, but someone I know doesn't think it's very important, so I'm gonna have to force this issue, then phone our Landscaping Guy (Ron!) to come and move some dirt for me! Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Wish me luck! I'll post some pictures of whatever I get done out there! Later, Baby! Ailsa

Thursday, September 11th. Here we are again at September 11th -- it's always going to be a day of sadness, I think, but also a day to remember all the good that is in the world. This is Aidan's Birthday, too, so we really have to temper what we say around him. Poor little man! He's having a great time playing with his new 'Fire Blaster' (it's part of the Matchbox Hero-City Series...). Very cool little toy -- it shoots the Fire Engine out of one bit into another, then goes down the slide thingee -- endless hours of fun! He's having a great 4th Birthday!

So take the opportunity to tell the people you love how much you care about them -- it's a good day for that, no?? And I want to thank you for coming in for a visit whenever you can, and supporting my little site! Talk to you Soon! Ailsa

Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Thought I'd add the day, in case you're a little hermit, and can't see your calendar from your computer! ha,ha! (80% of all Hermits have Computers -- I just made that up, but you'd be surprised how many folks make up statistics to support their cause... I think their motto is "Statistics, Schmatistics", then they print anything they like! But if you're now obsessed with knowing how many hermits really have computers, you'll have to conduct your very own survey, in the back woods -- so, good luck with that! And send me the results -- I really don't mind so much if you make them up, too!) Oh, yes. Big and exciting changes every day!

Here's my Tip for the Day! Do you have annoying marks on your Painted Walls -- scuff Marks from shoes tossed off at the door, finger prints from people who can't seem to keep their paws off the walls (!), God knows what on your bedroom wall (okay, that's me -- and I really don't know what's on the wall, but I do know I better go scrub it off!)...anyway, you can make your walls look like new if you scrub them very lightly with a Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Sponge. It's the Green and Yellow one, and I buy them in Bulk (of course!) at Costco.

Get the Scotch-Brite Sponge (do not confuse this with a large bottle of Scotch, but if you've already made that mistake, I think I might know what's on your walls... plus, a few more drinks and you probably won't be so terribly worried about anything, let alone the walls...!) and dip it into some hot, soapy water. Wring it out well.

VERY GENTLY rub the Scrapy Green side over the mark on the wall. I always use a circular motion, but that's probably because I really liked that part of The Karate Kid...

Be extra careful not to rub too hard, lest you'll take the paint right off, which will probably not be an improvement...

Turn the Sponge over and give the whole area one last wipe. You'll be amazed at what a nice job this does.

I use this technique for Trimwork before I paint it, too.

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September 9th. I'm just watching The Ellen Degeneres Show through my Office Windows -- this show is sheer joy! I love the way there's true interaction between Ellen and her Guests (well, so far just two Guests, but I'm sure there'll be lots more! ha,ha!). Set your VCR or TVO (I think that's what you call that device!) -- you'll laugh and smile your way through the hour!

I spent the first part osf the morning rearranging the Furniture in the Lower Living Room. I never seemed to get into my Exercise Room -- aaaalllll the way down the hallway... to use my Total Gym, which I love. So I dragged the Total Gym through the hall into the Living Room and finally found a good resting spot that I think Dwight will be okay with.

I took some pictures of the new room, so you can see where to arrange YOUR exercise equipment, so you won't have to struggle to figure it out -- all I have to do is figure out how to get my photo-thing to work! That crazy worm that got into my computer last month went in and screwed up a lot of things.

So now I've got my Stepper and weights on one side and the Air Glider and Total Gym on the other, and every piece facing the TV -- WeeHee! Hey, it's better to put your equipment where you'll actually use it than in a corner or special room where you occasionally glance at it... Now I'm putting a good hour in on my equipment every morning (during The View!), and whenever I feel like it during a Show at night. Any way you look at it, that's more exercise than before, and my kids are using the equipment, too!

September 8th. Hey let's start with something really controversial, just for fun! I've never been one to evade an issue, which is why I can't say I care for very many politicians... What's up with the whole Gay Marriage thing? What's the big deal? Why can't Gay people get married and be just as disgruntled and mislead as the rest of us, huh?? It ain't fair! All the dishes, and bills, and annoying habits of a spouse (like they're still there...)... these things should be open to everyone.

In case you're wondering, I AM a religious person, but I really don't see an enormously angry God up there looking out for gay people who happen to love one another who also want to get married. I'm thinking he's after the truly hardened criminals...

And what happened to the 'separation of Church and State'?? Hmmmm? Didn't civilization, and I use that word lightly, use The Bible and God to justify all sorts of nasty things that we wouldn't dream of condoning now that we're waaaay smarter, and perhaps quite a bit more compassionate towards others? Think back a couple of Centuries ... or decades.

I am very concerned that the politicians will use this as a campaigning technique, which would be a real shame. Better to run on what they might actually do to make our countries better, safer, happier places to live. Perhaps they could stick to Tax Reform... or Education.

Okay, now for something light and fluffy -- Aidan's 4th Birthday is on September 11th (I know -- it's a difficult day to have a big celebration, but we make it great for Aidan ...). I'll be spending most of the week cleaning the house (my motto, for those wondering, is "I'll clean it if you build it", with Dwight, and so far, so good! ha,ha,ha!) and generally getting things ready for Aidan's Party.

The other thing that is really great is the new Ellen Degeneres Show started today. It's hilarious! And the other show that we caught last week that is just hysterical, particularly if you like all the Reality TV Shows (we do!), is Joe Schmoe on the Men's Channel (Spike TV on our Satellite System...). They're both laugh out loud shows, and we could all use a good laugh, right??

So, drop me a line and let me know what you think ... about anything!

Here's an e-mail address I can actually get into on a regular basis, AND it has a Reply Button!

Now, about the whole 'rich thing'...mostly, I just want to make this site self-sufficient, then make myself self-sufficient, then the rest of my get the drift! Send this info to your friends, colleagues, people you've met 'on-line' (hey, I don't know what you do after you've been to my site...)...

Hey, I found this cool new site that's supposed to be All About Building, but really has All Sorts of Interesting and Topical Stuff that You'll Really Like (and might make you Rich!)...Click on when you have a minute! (Please!)

There, now you can just Copy and Paste this off to the rest of the world! WooHoo! We'll have all sorts of new friends before we know it!

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Recipes -- Cheesecake ,Cinnamon Buns, Salsa Chicken , Macaroni Salad ,Chicken Noodle Soup, Taco Spaghetti , Easy Pie Crust , Creamy Peach Pie , Great BBQ Marinade , 'Pass da' Pasta, Rosemary Steak, Onion Barley (an Aphrodisiac!), Stuffed Green Peppers, Fruit Puffs , BBQ Veggies, Apple Crumble for One , Barbequed Meatballs, Everything Else!!

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