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Hair Treatments
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My Best Hair Tip: One of the best Hair Conditioners that I've tried over the years is straight Olive Oil. I have really long, and some might say, crazy hair, so this works well for taming crazy hair -- or just making regular hair nice and smooth!
Pour some Olive Oil into a water bottle with a flip-up top. It's just easier to deal with, that way... and you can leave whatever you don't use right in the bathroom. Anyway, put a towel around your shoulders and pour the Olive Oil right on the ends of your hair and work it in until it's saturated. I never do the top of my hair, since it seems fine on it's own.
If you are lucky enough to live in a Hot Climate, pop out into the sun to let the oil work itself into your hair, otherwise, just go spend some time on the computer or reading while your hair has a nice wee 'Oil Soak' I usually leave it on for about an hour.
Wash it out with a fair bit of shampoo, then follow with your usual Conditioner. Watch you step, though, since the oil can be slippy when you're washing your hair. This is when you might want to rethink your earlier plan to drink your way through the hour wait... ya'ha,ha!
This makes my hair extremely curly, for some reason or another... makes it look like I've got no life whatsoever and have been sitting curling my hair into ringlets all day... which I swear, although I hardly do have any sort of Life, I can't be bothered with that amount of work on my hair. I am willing to comb it,though, which I do right after the treatment, then whenever else I happen to remember. That's the level of special care I allot to 'Fancy Grooming'!
Anyway, this really works, and it's very inexpensive. And you can use the rest of the Olive Oil with a wee bit of vinegar and some spices for a lovely Marinade for the met you might have for dinner! See how practical?
Here's a cool thing to try for your hair...
The easist way to add a wee curl to your hair:
Make like you're putting your hair in a Ponytail, but only pull it 3/4 of the way through the ponytail holder. It'll create a 'loop' of sorts, but when you leave your hair like that while you're getting ready to go out, or for a while during the day, it'll smooth out your hair and create a nice wave or gentle curl to your hair.
Comb your hair out gently (I still use those giant 'pic' combs, partly because I might be stuck in the 90's, and partly because I can get it through my hair without ripping half of it out...), and you'll look lovely!
If you have really short hair, I'm thinking some sort of perm... but not too tight, or too much blue in the color... that's just gonna make you look closer to Eighty than you might have been going for!
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