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Well, I spent many years dealing with Diabetes, first with my pregnancy with Aidan (8), when I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Frankly, I don't think I had it the way they seemed to think I did... my sugar levels were abnormally low, and no one mentioned to me the unbelievably scary fact that I would be in harm's way during the birth, because of this. Right after I had Aidan, my regular doctor had left, thinking everything was fine, and then the next thing I remember was a whole team of doctors and nurses running in to try to raise my blood pressure, which had just plummeted after the birth. Horrifying. Oddly enough, I wasn't scared, but I did feel far too close to death, but at the time I wasn't scared at all. I just felt like I was 'slipping away', if you know what I mean. Ridiculously scary in retrospect, because I had two children, then, and needed to stay on the Earth to care for them... Thank God for those doctors and nurses... they saved my life. But that just goes to show you the importance of doing all these diabetic tests. I just wish someone had warned me about the Low Sugar Numbers as being as big a threat as the High Sugar Numbers, and then maybe I would have had some greater 'heads up'.
Then, when Aidan was about 4, I think, my husband at the time (you know Dwight form this site!), was diagnosed with insanely high Blood Sugar levels, and we started dealing with diabetes, again. You always hear about Diabetes, Type II, developing when an adult is overweight, but Dwight had dropped 35 pounds... and 35 extra pounds that he couldn't afford to lose. Neither of us had ever heard of weight loss associated with diabetes, so there was another wake up call.
Aaand, (yep, there's still more! haha!) my doctor told me, after I had Aidan and really thought I was looking good, that I better lose weight because I was at a higher risk for developing Diabetes, Type II, since I had been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Ugh. But that put me on a fast trac to get rid of the 'baby fat', which also included the "I'm all depressed about living in the freezing cold snow and so I feel I deserve many chocolates to compensate for the crappy weather" fat... MmmHmmm. So I developed my Apple Crumble Diet, because I really did have to wean myself off my daily habit of 5 chocolate bars per day. Yeah, that's right. No need to go back and see if you read that correctly! 5 chocolate bars a day... because they were such a great deal to buy them by the case at Costco, which I had to stop doing. No, no. Or 'Nay, Nay', as some would say! haha! I started going to the gym, again, and lost 35 pounds. I lost another 15 over the past 18 months, and now I'm a Size 7, which feels great! I'll tell you, fear of Diabetes is a great motivator to take those extra pounds off!
This highlighted GREEN section was from the time when Dwight was first diagnosed with Diabetes. I'm leaving this on my site, in hopes that it might help someone else, or your loved one, indealing with this very difficult diagnosis. Your feelings are real, and there is a lot to cope with, for the person with Diabetes, their Spouse or significant other, and the rest of the family. It's a far-reaching disease, and one that that has very serious ramifications. Good Luck, and keep a positive attitude! You'll all be fine, you just have to watch your step and take good care of yourselves!
Since Dwight was diagnosed with Diabetes a few months ago, I've been busy researching it and trying to come up with some tasty new recipes so he won't feel deprived or upset that he can't have all the things he liked before. Last night, I made up a new recipe for Cranberry Raspberry Muffins, which were absolutely deeeelicious. Now, unfortunately, they were sooo yummy that Dwight and I accidentally ate more than a dozen of them (I made 3 dozen little Muffins...). So much for our careful eating plan. In our defence, there were really small and very, very tasty... and at one point while we were all watching Joan of Arcadia (great multi-level show, if you haven't seen it yet -- they deal with some pretty tricky stuff, and it's really good for Family Viewing -- in other words, we all enjoy it!), I went upstairs to get some more Tea, and who was scarfing down some more muffins?? That's right, Dwightie! Ah, well. He'll be more careful, today, since he's at the Boat Show, and I'm pretty sure they only serve healthy food! ha,ha,ha!
The reason I was trying to figure out what to make with Cranberries and Raspberries (and Cherries, Red Grapes, Blueberries and Black Currants...) was that during my research on Diabetes, I came across a thing about Anthocyanins, which are found in Red, Condensed Fruit, and that aspect of the fruit might help in managing Blood Sugar Levels. Apparently, it's good for Arthritis and acts generally as an anti-inflammatory. It might also help ward off or be used in helping the healing process of certain types of cancer, so this must be good. I bought a ton of Frozen Berries, a tin of Cranberries that you might buy to have with a Turkey Dinner, but I want to see if I can use that to make a Cranberry Loaf or Muffins... and later today I'm going to see if I can make a Baked Apple in Phyllo Pastry, but with less sugar and fat. I'll let you know if it's delicious, then I'll put the recipe on the Site. It's fun to poke about in the kitchen to make food that works for you and tastes great, too.
April 8th, 2005. Well, we've had a difficult three months with the Diabetes. Dwight is in a tremendous amount of pain because of it, and neither of us knew that pain was an aspect of diabetes. Let me know if you have ever heard of this, and if you have any ideas on how to alleviate the pain for poor old Dwight.
One thing that Dwight has just started taking, in addition to his prescribed medication, is Chromium Tablets, and they seem to be making a positive difference. Worth a try, if you are also dealing with Diabetes. The Pharmacist at Costco told Dwight about it. Never underestimate how knowledgeable your Pharmacist can be when you are dealing with any health issue. They know all about the zillions of drugs and natural therapies that are out there -- often more than what your Doctor may be familiar with, since they have the time to focus primarily on the Drugs.
Also, I've been playing around in the kitchen to see what I can come up with to make this a healthy and hapy jouney for Dwight. I've come up with some really tasty recipes that are very low in sugar and fat, so I'll post them as soon as I can!
Medical Insurance is a huuuge issue in the United States, and since I've moved back down to Los Angeles, California, it has become more and more apparent to me the significance of really good health care coverage. I'm covered fully (I hope, anyway... I've heard some rumours to the contrary, so I'll have to investigate this a little further...) under my Health Care Benefits with my School District (I'm teaching Special Education down here..). My son, Aidan (8) is covered, too, but my daughter, Cara, who turned 19 last May, lost coverage on her 19th Birthday, so I had to search the 'Net for decent health care coverage for her. You may find yourself or a family member in the same boat, so, without a doubt, you should do your research, and choose the right Health Care Plan for you or your Loved One, whether it is your child (any age! haha!), or other relative. Oh, and I'd forgotten that you might have a 'significant other', although, aren't they covered under your regular Health Care through your job, now, or what's the deal with that? It's hard for me to follow along with the American Health Care System, since it's sooo different from the Canadian Model I'm usd to. For the record, I'm very happy with my current coverage through Kaiser Permanente, but I will have to check and see if I require additional coverage for anything that is not covered under my regular Health Care Plan.
In Good Health! Ailsa
Recipes *Easy Recipes - Tips - The Scottish Diet - Apple Crumble Diet Recipe - -Fruit Puffs , Cheesecake , Salsa Chicken , Macaroni Salad , Taco Spaghetti , Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust , Creamy Peach Pie , Great BBQ Marinade , 'Pass da' Pasta , Rosemary Steak, Onion Barley (an Aphrodisiac!), Apple Crumble for One , Barbequed Veggies, Stuffed Peppers, BBQ Veggies, Chicken Noodle Soup, Soft Tacos, Blueberry Tart
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